

Lith_7997 · Others
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879 Chs



Feeling Lin Wu's gaze on him, Yang Kai turned his head to look in his direction and smiled lightly, showing neither hatred nor anger.

After being inked, he would regard the Black Ink Clan's existence as god. Everything he had done during this time was not his nature. Over the years, he had encountered countless Black Ink Disciple. If he encounter them in the battlefield, if he could save them, he would save them. If theyy could not be saved, they would be killed. Yang Kai would not blame him for this.

However, this time, he was probably forced to use his last resort, but he was still somewhat unwilling.

No one had ever cultivated the Three Parts Normalizing Art created by Shi, so whether it could help someone break through the shackles of the Open Heaven Method was uncertain. Success was naturally a good thing, but if it failed, it was highly likely there would be some hidden dangers.

However, from the information he had gathered so far, this technique was still somewhat famous. At the very least, whether it was the Human Race Body or the Monster Race Body, they had both perfectly grown, and the cultivation of these two clones was somehow related to his true self.

Ignoring the Thunder Shadow for now, Fang Tianci had actually been qualified to directly advance to the Seventh Order, but when he broke through to the Open Heaven Stage, he had somehow become a Sixth Order Open Heaven Stage cultivator.

This was the limitation of the true body. Because Yang Kai's limit was the Eighth Order, no matter how good Fang Tianci's aptitude was or how solid his foundation was, it would be difficult for him to reach the Seventh Order directly.

The same was true for the Thunder Shadow. With its current cultivation, it was difficult for it to improve any further.

However, in fact, if it wasn't Yang Kai's clone, cultivating the Ancient Technique and polishing its Core, it could have continued to cultivate in seclusion in the Myriad Monster World to improve its cultivation. The Monster Race who cultivated the Ancient Technique had no such shackles.

Yang Kai's original plan was to wait for the Human Race Body and Monster Race Body to cultivate to their peak before he made all the necessary preparations. Then, he would find a quiet and safe place and use his Three Parts Normalizing Art to try to break through.

If possible, he could also ask some of his trusted friends and family to protect him, just in case.

He didn't know what kind of problems would arise after the the Three Parts Normalizing Art was activated, so it was always good to make more preparations.

However, life was not as good as he thought it would be. Now that Xiang Shan's promotion had failed, Ouyang Lie and Yang Xue each had their own opponents, the Human Race's defensive line would inevitably be broken. The Black Ink Clan had nearly ten Pseudo-Royal Lord and many Territory Lord masters. Even if he, a peak Eighth Order, were to charge in, what could he do?

He could only take the risk.

What a terrible environment!

However, on second thought, if he could successfully break through this time, he would be able to use the lives of many of the Black Ink Clan's masters to celebrate his break through to the Ninth Order.

For a time, Yang Kai was in high spirits.

He was also a decisive person. Since he had made his decision, he naturally wouldn't hesitate. The only problem now was that whether it was his Human Race Body or Monster Race Body, they were both not in perfect condition.

Yang Kai had relied on the power of the Space-Time River to restore about eighty percent of his strength, but Fang Tianci and Thunder Shadow didn't have such powerful recovery abilities. The many battles they had just fought had left these two severely injured.

"Are you two ready?"

Fang Tianci smiled lightly, "I've been preparing."

Thunder Shadow also said, "The three of us brothers will work together to cut off all opposition!"

Fang Tianci couldn't help saying, "We're just clones…"

Thunder Shadow interrupted him, "What's wrong with clones? Are clones not brothers? We're not even orthodox clones, right, Boss?"

Yang Kai nodded, "That's right, this time we three brothers will make a big move!"

Thunder Shadow proudly winked at Fang Tianci, causing him to laugh.

"Enter my Small Universe!" Yang Kai shouted as the door to his Small Universe opened.

Fang Tianci didn't hesitate and stepped inside, followed by Thunder Shadow. He rushed in front of his Small Universe and said to Yang Kai, "I'm indebted to Qinghong Pavilion's Qin Xue couple, if you have time, please take care of them!"

"Don't worry!" Yang Kai quickly replied.

As soon as the Human Race Body and Monster Race Body entered his Small Universe's territory, Yang Kai's entire body shook violently. Even the World Tree Subtree was unable to suppress this powerful shockwave.

His expression suddenly became serious as he focused most of his attention on his Small Universe, suppressing the turbulence in the world…

When Fang Tianci and Thunder Shadow rushed into Yang Kai's Small Universe, Yang Xiao couldn't help being stunned.

Before this, he had been consoling the two Eighth Order masters who had ambushed Xiang Shan, telling them not to give up hope, because his foster father was still alive and his foster father was skilled in creating miracles. With him around, there was hope. As he spoke, he naturally glanced towards Yang Kai.

As soon as he saw this, he saw an incomprehensible scene!

Old Fang and that Monster Race Great Emperor had actually rushed into foster father's Small Universe?

What the hell? Yang Xiao's head was a bit dizzy and he couldn't help wondering if he was hallucinating because of his injuries.

His foster father was an Eighth Order Open Heaven while Old Fang was an Eighth Order Open Heaven. How did Old Fang enter his foster father's Small Universe?

The Small Universe of the Higher Rank Open Heaven was able to accommodate a Lower Rank Open Heaven cultivator, but no one had ever heard of a High Rank Open Heaven accepting a same level existences inside!

Because in the Open Heaven Stage of the same grade, the Small Universe's territory size was almost the same, so it was impossible for them to contain it. If one tried to force it, it would only cause the Small Universe to explode.

As for the Monster Race Great Emperor, if he remembered correctly, he was equivalent to an Eighth Order Open Heaven master. How could he be taken into his Small Universe?

Yang Xiao couldn't help feeling a sense of surrealism and couldn't help glancing around, seeing Blood Crow's shocked expression…

"You saw it?" Yang Xiao asked.

Blood Crow glanced at him and nodded slightly.

Yang Xiao was stunned, "That's not an illusion?" Was what he saw real?

Blood Crow coldly snorted, "Didn't you say he was proficient in creating miracles and turning the situation around? Why are you so surprised?"

Yang Xiao was stunned for a moment, thinking that if it was someone else who did such a thing, it would indeed be shocking, but it was his foster father!

That was understandable. Although he didn't understand how Old Fang had been accommodated by his foster father's Small Universe, since it was his foster father who had done such a thing, there was no problem!

However, his instincts told him that something was definitely not right. What was the relationship between Old Fang and his foster father? Why was it that even though they were both Eighth Order, Old Fang could enter his foster father's Small Universe?

Old Fang was born from his foster father's Small Universe, he was well aware of this fact. Moreover, Old Fang was extremely proficient in the Dao of Space, which was also a result of his foster father's inheritance and the name Little Yang Kai comes from the battles he had fought on the battlefield.

Also, he had heard from Zhao Yebai and the others that his foster father had visited his Small Universe World and had accepted Zhao Yebai and Zhao Ya as his two disciples.


With this thought in mind, Yang Xiao was shocked and a bold idea came to his mind!

Could this Old Fang be… foster father's illegitimate son?

His Foster father's avatar wandered about his Small Universe for a while, so it wasn't necessarily impossible for him to meet some beautiful women. Perhaps some wonderful story would even happen, so Old Fang was born…

His foster father didn't dare to bring Old Fang out, so he simply left him in his Small Universe to teach and cultivate, allowing Old Fang to obtain his foster father's inheritance in the Dao of Space.

The more Yang Xiao thought about it, the more he felt that this was the truth. Yang Xiao secretly nodded. 'Old Fang, oh, Old Fang, you have such a relationship with him, but you've never mentioned it to me before. You've really kept it from me for a long time. The next time we meet, I must teach him a good lesson.'

"Don't be distracted, what are you thinking?" Blood Crow suddenly shouted.

On the other hand, Yang Xiao was letting his imagination run wild as the Five Directions Array became somewhat obscure.

Yang Xiao quickly composed himself and laughed, "We won!"

Blood Crow looked at him as if he was looking at an idiot. In the current situation, the Human Race was in such a difficult situation, how could he say that they had won? Just because Yang Kai's Small Universe had taken in an Eighth Order and a Monster Race Great Emperor, what could he do? Could he even break through to the Ninth Order?

While they were secretly discussing amongst themselves, there were also two people who saw the abnormality of Yang Kai Small Universe in shock.

Lin Wu had been staring at Yang Kai in fear, so he naturally saw the actions of Fang Tianci and Thunder Shadow clearly. For a moment, he couldn't understand what Yang Kai had done to be able to take in a Open Heaven Stage cultivator of the same grade.

On the other side, Mo Na Ye's reaction was much more intense. Although he was entangled by Yang Xue and was unable to escape, he had always been paying attention to Yang Kai's movements.

He had suffered too many losses under Yang Kai's hands, and it almost left a psychological shadow on him. Before personally witnessing Yang Kai's death, he would never let down his guard.

When he saw Fang Tianci and Thunder Shadow rush into Yang Kai's Small Universe and dissappear one after another, Mo Na Ye's heart jumped and he immediately felt something was wrong.

Although he didn't know what Yang Kai was doing, as long as it was something Yang Kai was doing, he had to be on his guard, especially when Yang Kai did something strange. It was a sign that he was about to do something big!

Mo Na Ye decisively sent a few voice transmissions.

In the next moment, the Pseudo-Royal Lords who were standing guard outside the Human Race's defensive line and cooperating with the Territory Lords to attack the Human Race's masters suddenly rushed towards Yang Kai.

At this critical juncture, Mo Na Ye had sent out three Pseudo-Royal Lords.

Without the pressure from these three Pseudo-Royal Lord, the pressure on the Human Race's defensive line was greatly reduced, especially Xiang Shan, who had now been freed and was leading a Seven Directions Array to slaughter his way through the enemy forces. Without these three Pseudo-Royal Lord, the advantage the Black Ink Clan had accumulated before was likely to be wiped out by the Human Race.

However, if this wasn't the case, it wouldn't be enough to kill Yang Kai in a short period of time. Moreover, even if they sent out three Pseudo-Royal Lords, they might not be able to kill Yang Kai. If this guy was so easy to kill, he wouldn't have been active until now.

However, if they could kill Yang Kai, it wouldn't matter if some of the Human Race masters managed to escape.

Yang Kai's expression became cold as he coldly snorted, "You really think highly of me!"

If he made any unusual moves, the Black Ink Clan would definitely try to stop him. Yang Kai was well aware of this and had long since taken precautions.

Seeing the three Pseudo-Royal Lord masters arrive, Yang Kai naturally wouldn't just sit back and wait for death. As his Space Principle fluctuated, his figure gradually became blurry.

By the time the three Pseudo-Royal Lords arrived, Yang Kai had already disappeared, his aura slowly appearing in another direction.