

Lith_7997 · Others
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879 Chs



With Fu Guang's help, the remnant army led by Yang Kai were finally able to escape the biggest crisis they had faced. A human race army in the distance had noticed the situation and was rapidly approaching, obviously here to provide support.

Yang Kai quickly sent a voice transmission to Ouyang Lie and the others, "I'll leave the rest to you."

At the back of the army, Ouyang Lie was startled and quickly asked, "What do you want to do?"

But looking up, Yang Kai's figure was nowhere to be seen on the Expelling Black Ink Battleship. After saying those words, he had disappeared.

Ouyang Lie's brow wrinkled slightly as he vaguely guessed Yang Kai's intentions. He couldn't help feeling a little worried, but it was useless now. Yang Kai had already run away, so he couldn't stop him. Helpless, Ouyang Lie could only rush to the Expelling Black Ink Battleship from behind, take over Yang Kai's position, and continue leading the remnant army towards the Human Race army.

Along the way, Ouyang Lie killed a number of Black Ink Clan masters who were blocking his way, and after a short while, they gathered together and began communicating with the leading Eighth Order Divine Sense. Ouyang Lie explained the origins of the remnant army, causing the Eighth Order to be both surprised and happy.

There were still some remnants of their army on the Ink Battlefield, and everyone knew that it was just a matter of time before they were forced to retreat. They had thought that these remnant army were destined to die under the encirclement of the Black Ink Clan, but they had unexpectedly managed to rush out of the No-Return Pass.

At this moment, the remnant army were finally safe, no longer in danger of being destroyed.

Looking back, although Ouyang Lie couldn't see Yang Kai's figure, he knew he was definitely heading towards the gate.

At the same time, in another battlefield far away from the Spatial Territory, a number of women had formed a battle formation, their graceful figures alternating between each other like a spinning windmill. In the blink of an eye, countless Black Ink Clan members had died to this group of women.

Their strengths weren't too high and were basically all at the Seventh Order Open Heaven, but after countless years of living together, they were able to understand each other's thoughts and even had a master teach them a Formation to fight together. Together, they could even fight a Territory Lord.

One of them, a woman in white, held a cold long sword in her hand, her aura as cold as ice. Suddenly, she covered her chest and looked towards a certain direction.

"Senior Sister, what's wrong?" Another woman wearing a green dress asked in panic, thinking that the white-robed woman was injured.

"Husband!" The woman in white murmured.

In that instant just now, she once again felt a sense of familiarity.

This feeling was something she had not felt for nearly a thousand years, but it was still so unforgettable.

Although these words were spoken lightly, when they fell into the ears of all the women present, they were like thunderclaps. The expressions of all the women present changed greatly as one of them, a woman with an enchanting figure and a demonic qi, asked, "Which direction?"

The white-robed woman pointed.

"Let's go!" As the Enchantress shouted, she led the group of women and rushed over. The group of women had formed a formation, and she was the one in charge of the formation. As soon as she moved, the others immediately followed suit.

Everyone was excited.

The abnormality here immediately attracted the attention of one person.

The figure flickered as she blocked the path of the women and frowned, "What are you doing? It's very dangerous over there."

Every Human Race army had their own area to defend, and if they were to leave without any reinforcements, it was highly likely they would be surrounded by the Black Ink Clan army.

The Enchantress leading the group stared at her for a moment before gritting her teeth, "He's back!"

"Who?" The person blocking the way asked with a frown, but soon she seemed to realize something and asked, "Yang Kai is back?"

"Yes!" The Enchantress replied.

The person blocking their path was both surprised and delighted, "How did you know?"

In this Chaotic Battlefield, even she didn't know what was going on, so how could these women hear the news?

What's more, according to her and the various Old Ancestors' speculations, Yang Kai should not be able to survive. After all, he had been pursued by a powerful Black Ink Clan's Royal Lord for five hundred years, so how could he possibly survive?

However, after returning to the Spatial Territory and learning some information from the people of the Void Land, they concluded that Yang Kai was still alive, but they didn't know where he was.

The Enchantress couldn't be bothered to speak with her, but she knew that she had to explain herself at this moment, so she could only say, "Su Yan and Yang Kai have been together for many years and has form a heart resonance. As long as they aren't too far apart, they can sense each other."

The person blocking the way immediately turned to look at the white-robed woman, "Did you sensed it?"

Su Yan nodded and pointed in a certain direction, but just as she was about to speak, she frowned, "He disappeared again!"

The Enchantress flew into a rage and gritted her teeth, "You lost our man, you must pay!"

Smiles Old Ancestor didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Over the past few hundred years, she had heard these words many times. She was a Ninth Order Old Ancestor, after all, and had been guarding the Ink Battlefield for countless years. Every junior had treated her with great respect, but this Enchantress who came from the Demon Race had treated her coldly. After learning that Yang Kai had served under her for many years, and she had lost him in the battlefield, she had been clamoring for compensation.

How could she compensate? She didn't even know where Yang Kai was.

The battle in the Spatial Territory was fierce, and the Human Race soldiers in the various mountain passes of the Ink Battlefield suffered heavy casualties, so after retreating to defend the Spatial Territory, the Cave Heaven Paradise decided to gather reinforcements from the Second Class forces to defend the Spatial Territory.

In the 3000 Worlds, there were countless Second Class forces. Among these forces, there were many Fifth Order and Sixth Order Open Heaven masters who were qualified to fight with the Black Ink Clan.

In the past, these Second Class forces were able to remain uninvolved because of the various Cave Heaven Paradise guarding the Ink Battlefield.

Now that the Ink Battlefield had been conquered, the Spatial Territory was the last line of defense. If this place couldn't be defended, all 3000 Worlds would be gone.

At this critical juncture, the Cave Heaven Paradise no longer stick to the rules.

The Void Land could also be considered a Second Class force, so it was naturally unavoidable that some people would be deployed.

With her relationship with Yang Kai, Smiles Old Ancestor had taken the Open Heaven masters from the Void Land under her wing and was looking after them.

Unexpectedly, Yang Kai's wife was actually so bold.

What made it even more difficult for Smiles Old Ancestor to understand was that this little bastard was actually such a playboy, attracting so many flowers. Smiles Old Ancestor had a whole new level of respect for him.

To be honest, when Smiles Old Ancestor learned that Yang Kai's wife was coming to the Void Land to participate in the battle, she was quite surprised and didn't think too much about it, immediately taking in the reinforcements from the Void Land.

But when these young women came to report, Smiles Old Ancestor was dumbfounded.

One, two, three, four, five… a total of nine!

The Human Race, the Demon Race, the Monster Race, the Holy Spirit Race… he had taken over several races as his wives.

This little brat really didn't have any scruples, could he stand it?

What made Smiles Old Ancestor even more speechless was that in addition to these nine wives who had already decided their status, there seemed to be several other women in the Void Land who had unclear relationships with him.

At first, Smiles Old Ancestor thought she had made a mistake, but after asking carefully, she realized that she had not made a mistake.

She suddenly felt that her understanding of Yang Kai was somewhat lacking.

That little brat had been living in the Ink Battlefield for so many years and had never shown any signs of flirting. Even Feng Ying and Bai Yi, the two women in his team, were only ordinary comrades.

Smiles Old Ancestor couldn't help cursing in her heart. Sure enough, one could know a person's face but not their heart! If that little bastard's sanctimonious skin were to be peeled off, the inside would definitely be filled with colorful intestines.

"You compensate!" The Enchantress continued to clamor, and the other women also wore somewhat resentful expressions.

Feeling helpless, Smiles Old Ancestor turned her head to look in that direction and suddenly asked Su Yan, "Is there no mistake about your connection?"

Su Yan coldly replied, "I've never made a mistake."

"What does it mean when you said he disaapear again?" Smiles Old Ancestor asked.

Su Yan said, "He's either dead or has left this place. If there is a Great Domain between us, or if it is too far away, I won't be able to sense him. However, my cultivation is far higher than before, so as long as he is in this Spatial Territory, I can sense him."

Smiles Old Ancestor nodded, "That direction is where the gate is located. He should have come back from the Ink Battlefield, but now that there's no response, he must have returned. I'll go take a look, don't act rashly."

Saying so, she flashed in that direction.

All of the women were left staring at each other, not knowing what to do.

Xue Yue looked at Yu Rumeng and asked, "Big Sister, what should we do?"

Yu Rumeng's face became gloomy for a moment before gritting her teeth, "We wait!"

Just now, she had been too excited and had wanted to lead the other women to kill their way over. Although their strength was no longer the same as before, it was still unwise for them to run around in such a chaotic battlefield.

Over the years, they hadn't known what had happened to Yang Kai until the Human Race army retreated to the Spatial Territory. It was only then that they learned a lot of information from the people who had fought alongside Yang Kai.

All of them felt extremely sad and wanted nothing more than to accompany their husband and fight alongside him.

Now that her husband had finally returned, if any of her sisters here were to have any mishaps, Yu Rumeng, as the Big Sister, would not be able to explain herself to Yang Kai.

As such, even if she really wanted to kill her way over to see what was happening, she could only grit her teeth and lead her group of women towards a group of Black Ink Clan cultivators, venting her endless anger and beating them up until they couldn't stop complaining. It was unknown where these crazy women had come from, but they were actually quite ferocious.

On the other side, Smiles Old Ancestor transformed into a beam of light and flew across half the battlefield towards the gate.

Her ostentatious display naturally attracted the attention of the Black Ink Clan's Royal Lords.

On this battlefield, the Ninth Order Old Ancestors and Royal Lords would not easily take action, because each of them had a certain degree of restraint on the other.

Any rash action by either side could lead to a great battle.

However, at this moment, Smiles Old Ancestor couldn't care less. To be honest, Yang Kai had been lost under her wings, so she felt quite guilty all these years.

However, with so many Human Race soldiers dying on the battlefield, even if she was a Ninth Order, she couldn't protect everyone.

Not knowing about Yang Kai's situation was one thing, but now that she had a clue, she naturally wanted to get to the bottom of it.

Without waiting for Smiles Old Ancestor to arrive near the gate, a Royal Lord rushed out and blocked her path. The two sides naturally engaged in a great battle, causing the world to tremble.