
reincarnated,3 whishes?

Ram's life flashed before his eyes as he lay dying on the cold, hard ground, he was a high school student at his 18 , he felt that his life is too boring he wanted powers and want to be strong like in novels and comics ,suddenly a light hit him and he died he recall as he was laying on the cold ,hard ground , but in the end, it is the end of this shity life he thought. As his vision began to fade, a strange, omnipotent being appeared before him.

"I am sorry , Ram,you died because of my mistake i was playing with my power because i was bored" the being said in a voice that echoed in Ram's mind. "I shall grant you three wishes as an apology for my mistake."

Ram's mind raced as he thought of all the possibilities. "I to reincarnate in the world of martial peak in an richest young man of tongxuan realm and want to join martial peak six year ahead of time when yangkai was 9 and about to join high heaven pavilionand make me teleport near high heaven pavilion .

The being nodded, and Ram felt a surge of energy flow through him. "Your wish is granted."

Ram thought for a moment before speaking again. "I wish for a cultivation technique that can cultivate primordial chaos qi and slowly transform my body into an eternal chaos body, with max dao affinity."

The being nodded once more, and Ram felt his consciousness being pulled apart and put back together again. "Your wish is granted."

Ram thought for a long time before making his final wish. "I wish for a system that will aid me in my cultivation journey, with a beautiful system spirit girl, multiverse travel function, teleportation, universal world map, lottery function, store function, leveling with XP (XP as currency), infinite space inventory, and a soul bond function to protect my soul in the multiverse."

The being nodded,but i will add some restrictions to it when you become stronger it will lift automatically, ram agreed ,the being nodded, and Ram felt his consciousness being pulled apart once more. When he opened his eyes, he found himself standing in front of the High Heaven Gate in the Martial Peak world. He was no longer Ram, but Su Chan, a young boy with a unknown past.

As Su Chan approached the gate, memories began to flood his mind. He remembered his past life as Ram, and his original body and background. He remembered his family, his friends, and his enemies.

Su Chan's eyes widened as he realized the truth. He had been given a second chance, a chance to redeem himself and become stronger than ever before.

A beautiful system spirit girl appeared before him, with a warm smile. "Hello, Su Chan. I am your system spirit girl. Let's start your cultivation journey together!"

Su Chan's eyes widened as he looked at the system spirit girl. "Wait, what's my background?" he asked, his mind racing with questions.

The system spirit girl nodded, "Let me show you, Su Chan."

Su Chan's vision blurred, and when it cleared, he found himself in a luxurious mansion. He saw a young boy, himself, playing with servants and enjoying a life of luxury.

"Who am I?" Su Chan asked, confused.

"You are Su Chan, the only young master of the wealthy and powerful Su family from the Upperworld Tongxuan Realm," the system spirit girl replied.

Su Chan's eyes widened as he remembered his past. He was the sole heir of the Su family, known for their wealth and influence. He had been pampered and spoiled, but also trained in cultivation and martial arts from a young age.

As he continued to recall his memories, Su Chan realized that he had been sent to the Martial Peak world for training, but something went wrong, and he ended up 600 meters away from the High Heaven Pavilion.

The system spirit girl nodded, "That's right, Su Chan. You have a strong background, but also a challenging path ahead.

Su Chan looked at the system spirit girl, who was gazing at him with a warm and gentle smile. Her long, flowing hair cascaded down her back like a river of gold, and her piercing green eyes sparkled with intelligence and kindness. Her slender figure was accentuated by her elegant white robes, which seemed to shimmer in the light.

"Ah, System Spirit Girl," Su Chan said, feeling a sense of awe and gratitude towards her. "I think it's time I gave you a name. Something beautiful and fitting for a lovely guide like you."

The system spirit girl's smile grew wider, and she leaned forward slightly, her eyes sparkling with excitement.

"I would be honored, Su Chan," she said, her voice like music. "What name have you chosen for me?"

Su Chan thought for a moment, and then a name popped into his mind. "I'll call you yang Yan," , and call you yan , he said, his voice filled with conviction. "It means 'beauty' or 'grace' in the ancient language, and it suits you perfectly."

Yan's face lit up with joy, and she clapped her hands together in delight. "Oh, Su Chan, I love it!" she exclaimed. "Yan is a beautiful name, and I'm so happy you chose it for me!"

As she spoke, Yan's beauty seemed to radiate even more intensely, and Su Chan found himself captivated by her loveliness. He couldn't help but stare at her, his heart pounding with excitement and gratitude.

Yan laughed, her voice like a gentle breeze, and reached out to pat Su Chan's shoulder. "Don't be shy, Su Chan," she said, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "We're going to have a wonderful time together, and I'm so glad you're my cultivator(host)!"

Su Chan(ram) looked at Yan, his eyes gleaming with determination. "I'm ready to join the High Heaven Pavilion. Let's go."

Yan nodded, her ethereal beauty radiating an aura of wisdom. "Remember, Su Chan, the High Heaven Pavilion is a remote sect, hidden deep in the mountains. The journey will be challenging, but with your talent and my guidance, I have no doubt you'll succeed."

Su Chan nodded, his mind focused on the journey ahead. He had heard stories about the High Heaven Pavilion's secluded location, but he was determined to reach it. With Yan by his side, they set off towards the sect, their footsteps echoing through the valleys and canyons.

As they traveled, the landscape transformed from lush forests to rugged terrain, with steep cliffs and treacherous paths. Su Chan's physical strength and endurance were put to the test, but he persevered, driven by his desire to become a powerful cultivator.

Days passed, and the duo encountered various obstacles, including raging rivers, ferocious beasts, and even treacherous bandits. However, with Yan's guidance and Su Chan's quick thinking, they overcame each challenge, growing stronger and more resilient with each triumph.

Finally, after a grueling journey, they arrived at the foot of a majestic mountain, its peak shrouded in mist. A winding path led upwards, disappearing into the clouds.

Yan whispered, her voice barely audible over the wind, "We're here, Su Chan. The High Heaven Pavilion is hidden within the mountain. Prepare yourself for the final ascent."

Su Chan's eyes widened as he began the climb. The path grew steeper and narrower, with jagged rocks and ancient trees looming overhead. The air grew thinner, and the wind howled like a pack of wolves, but Su Chan pressed on, his determination burning brighter with each step.

After an hour of climbing, they reached a clearing, and Su Chan beheld the High Heaven Pavilion. The sect's buildings were crafted from natural stone and wooden buildings, blending seamlessly into the mountain's rugged landscape. The architecture was a testament to the sect's harmony with nature, and Su Chan felt a sense of awe wash over him.

Yan guided him to the entrance, where a lone disciple stood guard. The disciple's eyes were piercing, his gaze scrutinizing Su Chan from head to toe. "Welcome, young one," he said, his voice firm but courteous. "I am Disciple Li. Please state your name and purpose."

Su Chan introduced himself, his voice clear and confident. "I am Su Chan, from the Upperworld Tongxuan Realm. I've come to join the High Heaven Pavilion and cultivate my abilities."

Disciple Li nodded, his expression unreadable.he was dumfounded a person from upperworld? "Ah, Su Chan from the Upperworld ? Tongxuan Realm?. You've come to join us?. Please wait while I inform the sect elders."

note its a fan fiction comment and tell me if you like it

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