
3.Xia ning chan,marrige?

Just as he thought this suddenly a sound of footsteps approaching sounded ,As Xia Ning Chang entered the Treasure Pavilion, her delicate footsteps echoed through the corridor, announcing her arrival. Her veil fluttered slightly as she pushed open the door, revealing a dimly lit room with only a few candles illuminating the space. The familiar title "young master" caught her attention, and she couldn't help but feel a sense of curiosity.

As her eyes adjusted to the soft light, she see a handsome young man standing before her master, Meng Wu Ya. Su Chan's handsome face and graceful demeanor took her breath away, and for a moment, she forgot to breathe. His piercing eyes seemed to see right through her, and she felt a shiver run down her spine.

Meanwhile, Su Chan's eyes had locked onto Xia Ning Chang, and he was captivated by her ethereal beauty. Her veil shimmered in the candlelight, and her delicate features seemed almost otherworldly. He was taken aback by the contrast between her shy demeanor and her stunning appearance. She was like a delicate flower, hidden behind a veil of modesty.

As they stood there, frozen in a moment of mutual admiration, Meng Wu Ya smiled knowingly. "Ah, Xia Ning Chang, my dear disciple, I see you've met Su Chan, our new young master and my new disciple." The room seemed to come alive again, and Xia Ning Chang's face turned bright red as she quickly looked away, her veil fluttering slightly.

Meng Wu Ya thought for a moment and proposed the arrangement of his beloved diciple Xia ning chan and sure chan,sure chan was dumfounded, Su Chan spoke up, "Master, don't force her. How could she willingly marry someone she just met?" Xia Ning Chang's face turned bright red, and she looked down, her veil fluttering slightly. Meng Wu Ya chuckled, "Ah, Su Chan, you're right. I got a bit carried away. Xia Ning Chang, my dear disciple, it's up to you. Will you accept this arrangement and marry Su Chan?"

Xia Ning Chang's voice was barely audible, "I-I'll do it, Master." Su Chan's eyes widened in surprise, but he couldn't help but feel a spark of excitement. He had never imagined that he would be married to such a beauty, and he couldn't wait to get to know her better.

After Xia Ning Chang agreed to marry Su Chan, Meng Wu Ya approached him with a solemn expression. "Su Chan, there's something you should know about Xia Ning Chang," he said, his voice low and serious.

Su Chan raised an eyebrow, curious. "What is it?"

Meng Wu Ya hesitated, as if unsure how to reveal the information. "Xia Ning Chang possesses the legendary Sacred Spirit Medicine Body," he said finally.

Su Chan's eyes widened in surprise. "The Sacred Spirit Medicine Body? What is this physique, and what does it do? Is it powerful?"

Meng Wu Ya nodded. "Yes, it's a heaven-defying physique that makes her unparalleled in regards to her natural talent for Alchemy. With this body, she can practice Alchemy with virtually no limits and rapidly increase her cultivation simply by Pill Refining. It's said to have a miracle effect, allowing her to create powerful pills with ease."

Su Chan's face showed surprise, but in his mind, he thought, "just as i don't know about it, I ask you because I don't want you to suspect me. How would I not know this? I've read Martial Peak, and I know a thing or two about rare physiques..."

Meng Wu Ya continued, "But with this gift comes great danger. Many will seek to exploit her talent, and she needs protection. Su Chan, I ask you, will you protect her?"

Su Chan's face set in determination. "I will always protect her, Meng Wu Ya. You can count on me."

Xia Ning Chang, who had been quietly observing the conversation, blushed at Su Chan's words. Is he caring for me? she thought, her heart racing.

Meng Wu Ya's face lit up with a happy smile. "Thank you, Su Chan. I'm relieved to know she's in good hands."

Su Chan turned to Xia Ning Chang with a teasing grin. "Wow, I didn't know my wife-to-be had such a special talent! You're a true treasure, Xia Ning Chang!"

Xia Ning Chang's face turned an even deeper shade of red as she looked away, her eyes sparkling with embarrassment. "S-Su Chan, stop teasing me..."

Meng Wu Ya chuckled. "I think Su Chan is just excited to have such a talented partner, Xia Ning Chang. And su chan, I'm excited to see what the future holds for both of you."

As they finalized the arrangement, Yang Yan, the system spirit girl, appeared before Su Chan. "Congratulations, Su Chan! You've received the System Start-Up Gift! Open it and claim your rewards!" Su Chan's eyes lit up but said are you not late ,yang yan smiled ans said it's a gift from me for your marriage,su chan was happy after hearing it and also exited as he opened the gift. "Wow! Supreme All-Bloodline, Divine Dragon Body, Divine Golden Eyes, and a Lottery Ticket ,the Dragon Transformation Technique! And... a Succubus Body?" He blushed, feeling a mix of excitement and embarrassment.

Yang Yan giggled, "Well, it's not every day you get a gift like that! And don't forget, your infinite wealth and power wish is granted too! But you cant handle it so i will help you,as you complete mission you will become stronger, You're all set for your cultivation journey, Su Chan!" Su chan was happy and and head to his mansion given by the sect because nou he is a core diciple ,and also from tongxuan realm a higher world than them ,As Su Chan explored his new mansion, he couldn't help but think about Xia Ning Chang and their arranged marriage. He smiled to himself, wondering what the future held for them. Little did he know, their relationship would be filled with laughter, adventure, and perhaps, something more.

As Su Chan settled into his new life, he began to explore the High Heaven Pavilion and its secrets. He stumbled upon Xia Ning Chang in the Treasure Pavilion, her veil shimmering in the candlelight. "Xia Ning Chang, my arranged wife," he said with a smile, "I see you're as beautiful as ever." Xia Ning Chang blushed, her eyes darting away. "S-Su Chan, please, don't tease me." Su Chan chuckled, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Ah, but it's so much fun! Besides, we're couple now. We should get to know each other better, don't you think?"

Xia Ning Chang's face turned bright red, and she quickly dissipated into thin air, leaving Su Chan laughing and wondering what other adventures awaited them. He couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation, knowing that their relationship was just beginning. Little did he know, their journey would be filled with laughter, tears, and perhaps, a love that would last a lifetime.

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