
Martial Peak (MOMO) - Translation

Hello, this is Hoogsway!! This novel is translated by me from chapter 1501, if you want to read chapter 1-1501, you can read them from other websites or read the manga instead, maybe I will also input chapter 1-1501 later. Thank you and enjoy! The journey to the martial peak is a lonely, solitary and long one. In the face of adversity, you must survive and remain unyielding. Only then can you break through and continue on your journey to become the strongest. High Heaven Pavilion tests its disciples in the harshest ways to prepare them for this journey. One day the lowly sweeper Yang Kai managed to obtain a black book, setting him on the road to the peak of the martials world.

Hoogsway · Action
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30 Chs

Martial Peak 1511

Among the dozen people, the leader was a man with red face, red nose, cross-eyed eyes, and messy hair. It looked quite funny, but the powerful aura he exuded should not be taken lightly.

3rd-order Void Return Stage powerhouse!

"It's Lu Feng, the second elder of the Battle Sky Union!"

"Even he was alarmed. The people around him are all elites of the Battle Sky Union. This is a good show."

"What is the origin of this High Heaven Sect, the tone is so big."

"No matter where it's coming from, Lu Feng is mad and short-tempered. He will definitely not make it better, hehe, just watch it."

There were babbles of discussion all around, and all of them looked up and stared at the sky, waiting for the good show to appear.

In the Battle Sky Union, there are an endless stream of strong people, and there are no less than ten people in the 3rd-order Void Return Stage, but among these people, who can become the second elder, Lu Feng is also famous.

Great elder Mo Xiaosheng, third elder Liang Yong, Yang Kai have seen all of them. The strength of the two of them is naturally good, but compared with this Lu Feng, they lack a ruthless one, so Lu Feng in the Battle Sky Union, Is the Law Enfocement Elder! Specialized in punishing disciples who make mistakes in the Union.

The people who fell into his hands were basically not in good condition.

This person is the most feared by the disciples of the Battle Sky Union.

Just now Lu Feng was leading people to deal with some trivial matters in the outer city, but didn't epect to encounter this scene, so naturally he rushed over immediately.

At first glance, the opponent used a crystal cannon to clear a passage several hundred feet long in the Battle Sky City. Near the passage, the house collapsed and everything turned into nothingness, and Lu Feng immediately became angry.

The Battle Sky Union has been prestigious for so many years. He have never encountered such a thing.

Staring coldly at the dark warship that was ten feet long, Lu Feng screamed: "Where is the rat, how dare you come to fight the Battle Sky City, get out and die!"

The sound was loud and deafening, echoing throughout Battle Sky City, anyone could feel Lu Feng's anger at this moment.

There was no sound inside the battleship, no answer, no rebuttal. There was not even the slightest movement. Just suspended in mid-air quietly, as if there were no living people inside.

But the inexplicable pressure is like a boulder of ten thousand gold, pressing on the hearts of everyone.

"Good, good. Dare not to put this elder in your eyes. Thinking that i can't do anything about you hiding inside?, This elder can't take you on? A warship, Look at this elder smashing it!"

With that said, the Saint Yuan in Lu Feng's body surged crazily and his wrist shook. Suddenly, a giant axe appeared in his hand. The giant axe sank vigorously, one person tall, the whole body was white, and the blade was unparalleled.

Saint Yuan poured in, and this giant axe Artifact suddenly burst into dazzling light. Immediately, Lu Feng raised the giant axe, and a huge shadow of axe composed of pure energy immediately formed.

The shadow of the axe is more than ten feet long, as if the giant axe has been magnified hundreds of times, and the shocking energy fluctuates from the shadow of the axe.

The onlookers all change countenance.

Under the reputation, there are no vacancies, Lu Feng, as the third elder of the Battle Sky Union, is naturally not an ordinary 3rd-order Void Return Stage.

As soon as the elders started their hands, the others who followed naturally wouldn't sit idly by and sacrificed their Artifact and secret arts one after another. For a while, colorful light burst out.

Under Lu Feng's control, the huge shadow of the axe, like a guillotine that fell, slashed towards the battleship fiercely, with an imposing manner aura.

Other attacks followed suit.

Boom boom boom...

A series of violent noises spread out, and fearful energy fluctuations collided where the battleship was.

However, the battleship remained motionless, only a faint, almost breakable film appeared on the surface.

All attacks were blocked by this layer of film, and nothing was done.

The eyeballs of everyone present collapsed, and even Lu Feng, who has always been arrogant, opened his eyes wide, almost thinking that he was wrong, and said, "Impossible!"

He knew his own attack. The attack just now seemed to be sticky, but it can already be said that it was the strongest attack and he tried his best. Even so, he couldn't shake the battleship at all?

Even if it is really a Void King Grade battleship, it should not be so strong!

That layer of seemingly fragile film protection actually has such a strong protection ability?

And just as he was at lost, there was a slight buzzing sound inside the battleship. Immediately, from a certain place on the battleship, one after another mysterious patterns were suddenly shot out. These patterns were visible to the naked eye and gathered in the void.

In the blink of an eye, these patterns condense into a huge formation.

World's Spiritual Energy, madly and quickly poured into this formation.

From within that formation, something slowly revealed itself, as if summoned by the formation from the endless void.

Soon, that thing appeared in everyone's field of vision.

It was actually a spear composed purely of energy. As thick as the child's arms, seven or eight feet long, and it was extremely hideous.

The spear trembled slightly and cut through the sky, ignoring the barriers of space, and blasted towards Lu Feng and the dozens of Battle Sky Union disciples.

"Not good!" Lu Feng's expression changed drastically, and he exclaimed.

From his shot to the battleship's counterattack, it all happened in the electric light and flint. He never expected the other party to be so decisive.

As a last resort, he could only sacrifice his own defensive artifact and throw it forward, turning it into a layer of water and blue light to block it.

The blue water barrier had just taken shape and was broken.

A ray of light passed through the place where Lu Feng and more than a dozen people were located, and continued to attack the inner Battle Sky City. After a full breath of time, there was a violent noise from the remote inner city.

When everyone looked around, the place where Lu Feng and others were originally was empty. In mid-air, only the red blood mist filled the air, dripping down.

The cultivators onlookers were dumbfounded, looking at the void in disbelief, as if they had seen a ghost.

The blow just now was not the power of the crystal cannon, but it was more terrifying than the crystal cannon.

Everyone's spine was chilling, and there was fear in their hearts, and the look in the eyes toward the battleship had changed. No one could ignore the lethality of the battleship just now.

The previous tender voice came from the battleship again: "There is not much time left. If you want to leave Battle Sky City, please leave quickly. As soon as the time comes, my High Heaven Sect will immediately attack this place, and the one still remaining here will bear the consequences."

The Battle Sky City was silent for a short while, and soon, countless cultivators rushed out of the city one after another, not daring to stay, and no longer want to wait and see.

They originally thought that a battleship was nothing extraordinary. There were countless strong powerhouse in the Battle Sky Union. No matter how strong a battleship was, it could be destroyed by human.

But Lu Feng's tragic death changed their minds.

Even people like Lu Feng couldn't shake the warship at all, and couldn't survive a single blow from the warship. Today's matter, the Battle Sky Union might be in big trouble.

At this moment, everyone has regarded the warship as an existence that can pose a threat to the Battle Sky Union.

No longer want to watch the show here, they don't want to put their own lives here, naturally they can only run as far as possible.

Inside the battleship, sensing the departure of those cultivators, Yang Kai nodded in satisfaction.

According to the previously inquired news, there are tens of millions of Cultivators living in the Battle Sky City. With so many people here, there are only less than one hundred people who have something to do with Batle Sky Union. Yang Kai is unwilling to hurt too many innocents and commit public anger.

No matter how great the battleship is, it can't stop tens of millions of people from attacking it together. Any protection has limits.

Fortunately, this scene in front of him made him happy to hear.

Qian Tong and Fei Zhitu, who came to help out, were stunned, unable to return to their senses for a long time.

Although the two came to help, they were really frightened by the power of the battleship.

They had never seen how terrifying the Void King Grade battleship was, but judging from the experience of the two, the High Heaven Sect's warship, is the best quality of Void King Grade.

"Sect Master, the power of the Heavenly Holy Spear Law seems to be good." Ye Xiyun reported softly, "Even if this palace master was hit, I'm afraid that i will be hit hard."

"That's natural. The things Yang Yan refines have always been the best." Yang Kai grinned.

In the Battle of Dragon Cave Mountain, the world only knew that High Heaven Sec has a Void King Grade Battleship, and only knew that this battleship crystal gun was extremely powerful, but they did not know that this battleship had been carefully installed by Yang Yan with countless terrifying weapons.

The previous Heavenly Holy Spear Law and protective film were just the tip of the iceberg.

With this battleship alone, Yang Kai was confident that Battle Sky City would be razed to the ground, otherwise he would not come here aggressively to fight the Battle Sky Union.

"It's just that the consumption of Saint Crystal Source is a bit large, more than five times that of Crystal Cannon!" Ye Xiyun frowned.

"It's okay, we don't lack Saint Crystal Souce now." Yang Kai smiled.

The battleship can have such a large amount of damage, and the existence of the Saint Crystal Source is also indispensable. If the Saint Crystal is used as an energy source to activate the protective barrier and Heavenly Holy Spear Law, the power may be reduced by about half.

The Saint Crystal Source is different, the energy contained in the Saint Crystal Source is huge and pure, which is by no means comparable to the Saint Crystal.

This kind of thing can only be produced by the stone puppets. Three or four high-grade saint crystals can be swallowed into the belly to refine a saint crystal source. It is conceivable that this thing is precious.

Before, there was only Xiao Xiao one stone puppet, but now, Yang Kai has two stone puppets, and the speed of making the Saint Crystal Source has naturally increased. As long as the Saint Crystal supply can keep up, the Saint Crystal Source is really not a problem.

"Yang Kai, that Saint Crystal Source..." Qian Tong chuckled aside, he stopped talking, as if embarrassed.

"If the Elder want it. When this matter is over, I will give you and the Fei City Master. It is indeed better to practice with that thing than with the saint crystal." Yang Kai naturally knew what he wanted to say, and was not stingy.

"So, the old man is disrespectful." Qian Tong and Fei Zhitu looked at each other with joy.

Since entering this battleship, what they have seen and heard has made them exclaim again and again. The space inside the battleship is much larger than it looks from the outside. They are naturally amazed. This is definitely made by using the power of space force. All of them also made them yearning, especially those saint crystal sources as motivation.

Qian Tong and Fei Zhitu has never seen anything like this before.