

Ambrose stuffed steaming buns into his mouth. He soon had eaten all his remaining food but was able to restore his health.

RedBand watched as the gorilla smashed its fist at the ground and then picked up a large rock, and hurled it at PamPam.

PamPam quickly rolled out of the way, but she was sweating heavily and couldn't keep this up forever.

Andyy shot forward and drove his spear forward. The gorilla slapped his steel paw at the spear and shattered it in the middle.

Andyy looked at his broken spear with a shocked expression. He then noticed an enormous shadow appear around him. He raised his gaze and saw the steel paw falling at him.

"Oh, shit..." He closed his eyes, resigning himself to death.

"Out of the way!" Felixar kicked off the ground and smashed his shield into Andyy, sending him flying out of the way. He then quickly placed his shield above his head and felt the explosive force of the steel paw crashing down on him.