
Martial Online.

A single question has been on every fighter’s mind since the dawn of the world—which weapon is the mightiest? The answer to that question came in an unexpected form. Martial Online—a game that was going to revolutionize the world and its future generations was created. It was said to be so realistic that it was near impossible to tell the difference between it and reality. Jesse Kraham, a youth from Nocklund, had been suffering from an incurable disease since he was a child. Because of the disease, he couldn't live a normal life, and he'd been living a lonely life. However, the universe was on his side, and he received one stroke of luck that changed the course of his life and the world entirely.

Alekzi · Fantasy
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528 Chs

Third Skill

"Whoo, whoo, I became too excited and ran all the way here..." Jesse stepped inside the elevator and rubbed his aching legs. 

However, the idea of his skill was rent-free in his head, and he couldn't get rid of it.


'It is a very bizarre skill if I can do it. I wonder if I can, since it isn't really a realistic move. 

However, neither is Karma's ability to summon crows from black feathers.


'Many players are so far keeping their feet on the ground without trying to create any non-realistic skills. However, I think this game was developed to be realistic but also non-realistic. 

This might, after all, be very much a fantasy world where players might even be able to fly in the future.'


Jesse pressed the fourth floor button and rubbed his neck. He couldn't wait to reach his room and enter Martial Online to see whether it would be possible.