
Dinner Invitation

A beautiful, red-eyed young woman moved across the floor, trying to use strange, dizzying footwork. 


However, she was rather clumsy and almost collapsed on several occasions.


"Whoo..." Bella breathed heavily, sweat trickling down her fair-looking skin as she was focusing entirely on her feet and how they moved across the floor.


She had been trying to mimic the footwork in the style scroll for nearly an hour already and hadn't even reached 1 percent yet in completion.


At that moment, a firm-looking arm wrapped around her stomach and pulled her into a powerful embrace. She turned around and shyly smiled.


"You back?"


"Mm." Ambrose nodded with a slight smile and used his foot to move Bella's right foot slightly forward. "You were nearly getting the footwork. However, your feet move far too apart from each other."