

Chu Feng was flying in the air and his next destination was decided as near Thousand Grave Boneyard. To meet the Azure School Founder and also collect the Azure Dragon Secret Skill.

He was discussing the plan of how Azure School Founder have made plan for his revival with Eggy and Xue Ji he telling that how he was thinking that he can help him to revive and will have him look after after his foster father, his brother and his sister as they were only one that care for him during last 5 years.

To which Xue Ji replied and this fact reminded me how deeply cunning and poisonous she was and never to anger her

" You can revive him and have him protect them or I can teach you a method where you can control him like a slave and even if you went away for your journeys nothing will have you worry."

And even Eggy agreed with this plan as it was basically best method.

But I thought that I will help him revive and he will eventually help them as there was nothing wrong with it and also he can help them gain there own help and I will sign a contract with him which I searched in system Shop in this case he cannot betray me.

During this time I was also practicing a new spirit technique which I buyed from system in which was named 'Black Lotus spirit devouring and Caging technique' This technique helped me to form my spirit power in form of lotus like a bud spreading out devour the enemy attack power which is enhanced and then can attack enemy with more power or can cage down him in form of closed lotus. As spirit power increases uses of this spirit technique also increases and eventually this technique can be used to devour enemy spirit power and mix it with own to gain more purified spirit power.

This Technique mastery rate can only be increased as power and practice both increases. I reached 7.9/100% in mastery and at my current spirit power I can max it at 11.5%.

After some time I reached near Azure Dragon Tomb or you can say Thousand bone graveyard where I can find source or Azure School Founder seeing him I went towards him.


Reaching in front of him gave him feeling of heartache he slowly steadied himself and asked " Who are you" even though he knew that if I want to kill him I need just a flick of finger.

Chu Feng asked " You are Azure School Ancestor so I can revive you but you have to protect some people for me and the fact we don't cheat each other we will sign a contract. What do you say"

He said " Ok "

Chu Feng takeout contract and laid there conditions and asked him to sign the contract after which he signed it and Chu Feng was taken into the the tomb where lies his body. Chu Feng used spirit technique and during this he here many gasps from Azure School Ancestor.

After Chu Feng did this he moved forward to gain Azure dragon Secret Skill. To which the response of Azure Dragon Secret Skill was nothing like previous two it silently came and moved to my head and gave me information looks like it was write that azure dragon does not talk much.

Secret Skill: Azure Dragon Dashing Technique it tells it owners about moving technique which on peak people cannot even touch them and Chu Feng was satisfied with it.

After which I came to the pearls saved in the lake which I will sell in the shop and buy new resources from the Shop I remember how original Chu Feng in novel was troubled by moon immortal due to the fact of these.

After I moved towards lake I see evil spirits but they were only at heaven realm which gave me no challenge I sealed them and gave source to Eggy and Xue Ji. After which I moved towards the inner side of lake and take out the the 3 pearls which I sealed with my spirit power and sold them to my system which gave me 15000 SP.

Then I also asked Azure Dragon Founder that he should also take Su Rou and Su Mei as his disciples and also help his elder brother and Chu Yue to which he responded with nod and smile on face.

After this I thought of going to gain the Black tortoise secret skill.

So I quickly moved towards as I wish to fastly go to new region and also in Eastern region in blood se if I remember there is a legacy which I have to come back when I will reach Dragon Transformation sensation spiritualist so wish to see it.

Since I reached Martial Lord travelling in small areas requires small time and with Azure Dragon Secret Skill he can travel more faster.

So he reached Black Tortoise City and opened spirit formation to find Emperor Tomb opening. He entered that place. In the vast cave world, light appeared in front of them. It was a huge city.

White-coloured rock walls, exquisite palaces, tall and big city walls, broad big gates. A city like that appeared in the underground world at that moment.

He found out as he was astounded that fog filled the city and he could not even see the path forward.

It was even scarily silent. But since now he was so powerful he can easily find what is write and what is wrong and walking towards main chamber he was also collecting source energy of evil spirits for Eggy and Xue Ji even though it does not help very much but just like a snack.

In front of him appeared a illusion formation but since he does wish to face it he easily and fastly destroyed it as during his training in War Hall he eventually settled downed the feelings and many other things that can become Heart demon for him.

"Not bad. Not bad talent." But suddenly, a deep and aged voice rang out. It suddenly rang out behind Chu Feng.

Even then he was calm as an ocean, he felt an extremely strong oppression feeling behind his back.

When he turned his head to look, Chu Feng discovered that there were two pairs of blood-red eyes behind him. Within the four blood-like eyes, two of them were as big as a lantern, and the other two were even as big as two lanterns. He knew that it was certainly a very strong existence.

"Child, what is your name?" The deep voice rang out again, and it was as loud and clear as a copper bell.

"I am Chu Feng. Senior, I wonder what your name is?" Chu Feng respectfully replied.

"I am the Black Tortoise Armor Technique. Boy, you are extremely talented and also you have dissolved your heart demon already this shows the fact that you are have extreme potential. Also seeing looks like those other old fellows have given their permission and only I have left."

"As long as you can help me one thing which will be extremely easy for you seeing your cultivation, I will pass my ability down to you. But I only wonder if you are willing to help or not?"

Yes senior I will do my best" Said Chu Feng respectfully

" There is box.' Only listening this I moved forward and released Evil spirit and captured it even and used it source energy since I knew this was evil spirit was also just a food for my spirits.

Chu Feng only felt that his body was floating in mid-air, seeming to be quickly shifting. When both of his feet landed on the ground and as the fog dissipated, he astonishedly discovered that he returned to the area where the Illusion Formation was earlier and the Black Tortoise Armor Technique was also currently staring at him. The journey that required four hours for him was finished by the Black Tortoise Armor Technique in an instant.

"Right now I will pass my technique to you and you will become master's half successor if you gained all of our approval" The Black Tortoise Armor Technique's expression suddenly turned serious.

Suddenly, the illusionary Black Tortoise Armor Technique pounced towards Chu Feng and it was entering Chu Feng's body. At the same time, a large amount of information was also starting to gather in Chu Feng's brain.

Along with bursts of pricking pain, the cloud-like gas was rolling and surging around and like waves, it drilled into Chu Feng's body. Large amounts of information also started to appear in Chu Feng's brain. That let Chu Feng understand the impressiveness of the Black Tortoise Armor Technique.

If it was said that the White Tiger Slaughtering Technique was the strongest attacking method, the Black Tortoise Armor Technique would be the strongest defense method. Its defense method was not only indestructible armor.

If Chu Feng could completely grasp it, he could even create mist that would be able to meddle around with one's mind and from that, cause his opponent to die. Even if he could not kill the opponent, he could still disturb them in battle and greatly reduce their battle power. That was the wonderful area of the Black Tortoise Armor Technique.

Chu Feng made a very big and happy smile on his face which suits his face very much and shows how happy he was.

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