
Martial God Asura - Fan Fiction.

Chu Feng soul was devoured by another one, originating from Earth. A World Traver, Armed by his cheats, He would rule the world.

Dangeroustoxin · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 15 - Revival.

Shockwaves was an understatement if it was used as a description to what Chu Feng's maximum speed generated. He didn't dare to use his Immortal Physique in the tower before, afraid of making the space more unstable, and ending up screwing himself.

The travel that should have been at least some hours, only took a some minutes. The people on the ground only felt gravitational force disappear for a moment. Some even hover above the ground for a moment, before falling back with stupid looking expressions on their faces.

Flying above the azure dragon mountain range, Chu Feng easily perceived the entrance to the tomb, and in a blink, he was already inside of it. He didn't need any help from the map on his body, as he already get rid of it. With his current insights of Spirit Formation, even if thousands Azure Dragon founder tried to hide the tomb entrance, he would still find it with a whim.

The place was an extremely vast and huge palace with thick pillars that were casted with strange materials that seems to help conduct spirit power more efficiently.

Boundless bones also appeared under Chu Feng's feet. Countless remains. Innumerable. And from rough estimations, there were several tens of thousands of remains. They stacked up under his feet like an ocean, and that scene was exactly the same as the Thousand Bone Graveyard he saw some months ago.

Only this time, he wasn't a shaken as before. The Emperor Of Massacre made his horizons broaden.

"Little demon, I was indeed not mistaken. In just few months, your speed of growth was even monstrous than I imagined!"

Suddenly an aged voice rang out behind Chu Feng. He turned his head around to look, and he only saw an old man standing behind him.

While the azure founder sounded happy, Chu Feng could feel a slight tremble in his tone, and a massive trepidation in those eyes.

Well, it's no wonder, after all, he can't see his cultivation level, and he was able to see how easily Chu Feng passed through all his defense mechanisms like nothing.

Him showing himself, was already the only thing he could think of.

'Shit, shit, He is at least a Heaven Realm. He can easily kill me with his unfathomable spirit formation level.', thought the founder with an ugly smile on his face.

Chu Feng smirked in joy seeing his scared state. He still remember this fucker strolling casually in front of him, as if he was some godly level powerhouse. If he didn't have any spirit power, he would have really done by him. Still, he helped broke the seal, so it's better repay the debts, and not accumulating any bad karmas.

"Don't worry old man, while I was quite traumatized by your creepy smile for days, I still owe you. and that's why I came back. Show me your body remains hidden place, and I'll help you undergo a revival.", said Chu Feng.

The Azure founder was clearly taken back by this comment, as he smiled helplessly. He could tell that the young man could crush him like an ant, and he wouldn't need to cheat him, so he guide him towards his remains.

The process was quite smooth, shocking the azure founder that saw something he have never seen before.

'Gold Cloak', Shivered upon his thought. He even thought he was dreaming. He had a shallow understanding, so he can't even dream of something above Gold Cloak.

Seeing his expression, Chu Feng flashed him a smile of disdain, as if he was looking towards a bumpkin.

With a slight wave of Chu Feng, the old man ghostly body was brought inside his physical body, and with another thought, he was already awake. Even his cultivation seems to breakthrough to Martial Lord, but Chu Feng wasn't fazed at all.

"The Azure Dragon Secret Skill, old man, I want it.", said Chu Feng.

The old man clearly tensed up, and showed his martial lord cultivation base, but Chu Feng only look at him like he was looking to an idiot.

So what if you are martial lord?

The Azure clearly know his place after seeing his calm expression, as he wasn't idiot enough to try something funny.

He finally took the azure dragon secret technique from his body, which by the way didn't gave him any face, and immediately lunged inside Chu Feng body.

"So what did you decide old man. Are you showing yourself to the world?", asked Chu Feng with a slight curiosity in his tone.

The old man also show a pondering expression.

"I really want to, but I need to have enough informations before.", said the founder with a wise expression on his face.

Chu Feng nodded in understanding. He sent his spirit power to cover the whole mountain range, and soon he found his target.

An extremely little white, fluffy hair. He was mostly bald and the wrinkles on his face were also very dense. With his camel-like back, the feeling that he gave people was like a dead person and it was even a bit scary.

The old man was lying under the shade of a tree. He had a carefree expression on his face. Suddenly his body started hovering shocking him the core, as he was engulfed in a gold-insect like membrane.

Other people in the surroundings doesn't seem to notice his existence. He was taken towards the mountain range, and specifically the azure dragon tomb entrance.

Li Zhangqing was sweating in apprehension and horror. But he was clearly a wise old man. He stopped resisting as he knew that if the culprit wanted to kill him, he won't bother bringing him here, and would just kill him with a thought.

Soon, Li Zhangqing was sitting on the ground, and in front of him was a handsome young man, and beside him a very familiar yet unfamiliar person.

The reason behind this trail of thought was because he saw a portrait of the azure founder before. It didn't take long before he was able to link the dots, and a melodrama of kowtowing to the ancients and those stuffs that Chu Feng clearly can't understand.

"Azure Founder! please punish me, the school only kept declining in my hands!", shouted the ugly looking old man, as he hugged the azure founder legs.

The founder was clearly embarrassed seeing Chu Feng strange gaze. He hurriedly helped him to stand, as he inquired about the school state, and if there are any thing worth mentioning.

And sure enough, Hundred School Gathering came as part of the discussion. While there are still about 9 months or so, it was clearly the most notable event, and also the most perfect chance for the founder to show his prowess.

"Founder with you returning back, even if our school students can't win, you can easily destroy the deans/Headmasters of other schools!", said Elder Li with shining eyes full of fervor and eagerness. It seems as if he was looking towards some godly existence, and not a mortal.

The Azure founder cough in shyness, and as if to relieve the mood, he said.

"What are you saying? don't you see this young man standing beside me? he is Chu Feng, a student from our school. He can easily took care of any student.", said the azure while buttering Chu Feng.

He was clearly eager to carry favor with him. After all, he was a peerless genius, and could be said as his own student.

Elder Li suddenly nodded his head in understanding, as if he knew about him.

"Of course I knew him. He is the only black-level (legendary) talent that our school accepted! it's just isn't he still young? If I'm not wrong, he is still 16 years old. I saw that he didn't want to be disturbed, so I refrain from making any contacts with him.", said the old man, clearly aware of Chu Feng Talent.

Chu Feng wasn't surprised. He actually deliberately made him discover him, as he would clearly help in contacting the Jade Maiden School.

The Azure founder also didn't find anything weird. If he wasn't black talent, at that time, he will find it weird.

"You don't have to worry. He is already a Heaven Realm Expert.", said the azure founder with a big smile on his face.

Chu Feng was also very glad joining this Hundred whatever school. He need to at least leave a legend about himself, and it should be his only one, as the azure province already lost any value to him. Other than the tomb, it doesn't have anything that still need his attention.

Elder Li shouted in shock, as his eyes grew wide as saucers.

"Our School is about to rule the province again.", said the old man with a happy face. He was clearly excited.

"Old man I heard that you have some good relations with the Jade Maiden School. You know what I mean.", said Chu Feng, as he gave the old man a cosmos sack.

Elder Li was taken back. But after seeing what's inside the cosmos, he straightened his back, as he swore to the heavens, that he will act as his faithful servant from now on.

The azure founder seeing the headmaster of his school was such a cheap person, only sigh in despair.

'No wonder my legacy got wrecked in his ancestor hands.'

Still, he kept his smile. He needed to work hard on licking Chu Feng ass for the beautiful future.

After talking about the hundred school gathering and his engagement stuffs, he made them leave the tomb, as headed towards the Ice and Fire Lake.

That Immortal Yue jumping bitch needed to be deal with soon.