

Yang Fan had absorbed all the Demonic Beast Core in his body, and his Netherworld Body had improved significantly.

The most obvious part was that Yang Fan had used sharp stones. If he was like an ordinary person, he would not be able to break open his skin.

Finally, Yang Fan used the strength of the fifth layer of Refinement to leave a small wound on his palm.

As soon as this small wound appeared, it immediately healed. Only a red line could be seen on his palm, proving that it was a bleeding wound. Although this bit of defense was nothing in the face of martial practitioners of the same level. It was even to the extent that many powers with various attributes could prevent the wound from healing.

However, Yang Fan felt that as long as his physical body continued to strengthen, there would absolutely be an effect that exceeded the imagination of martial artists!

There were only five days left until the opening of the Devil Dragon Cave.

In the inner circle square of Qianyuan Sect, all the Qi Refining Stage Layer Three and Qi Refining Stage Layer Four disciples were gathered here. There were nearly a hundred of them.

Although it wasn't a lot, it was still a lot.

In many small families, Qi Refining Stage Layer Four was the strongest force.

Compared to them, the inner circle disciples of Qianyuan Sect were much younger. In the future, there was still a chance for them to break through to the God Refining Stage.

Of course, although that was the case, the chances of breaking through to the Qi Refinng Stage Layer Five before the age of twenty was very low.

This was also the reason why the true disciples of the Qianyuan Sect needed to break through to the Qi Refinng Stage

Layer Five before the age of twenty. It was because of this that Yang Fan seemed special. It was only when he had just become a true disciple that so many people were unconvinced and wanted to embarrass him.

Yang Fan looked around the crowd, but he didn't see Yeh Chaosheng. Given the latter's strength, he should have gone this time. However, he should be injured now, so he couldn't go.

Regarding this, Yang Fan just shrugged his shoulders. This was Yeh Chaosheng asking for it.

He turned his eyes to the Sect Master, Xue Rann, and a few inner circle elders, who were standing at the front of the crowd.

The crowd immediately became silent. "Everyone knows that we are going to the Devil Dragon Cave. I don't need to tell you how dangerous it is inside. Similarly, there are also a lot of good fortune inside. "

Xue Rann didn't waste any time. After saying this, he glanced at everyone and said, "Now, if anyone is unwilling to go, just stand out."

"The trip to Devil Dragon Cave is entirely voluntary!"

No one left.

After a while, Xue Ran nodded and said,

"Alright. This time, Elder Xun and Elder Lu will lead you to Devil Dragon Cave."

Elder Xun and Elder Lu stood out.

Yang Fan raised his head and looked at Elder Lu. Elder Lu had a tall physique and a head full of white hair. However, his face was ruddy, and he looked like a middle-aged man with white hair.

After that, Xue Rann said a few more words, and then Elder Xun and Elder Lu led many inner circle disciples to Devil Dragon Cave.

Seeing everyone leave the sect, Xue Rann withdrew his gaze and sighed in his heart.

He hoped that there wouldn't be too many casualties this time. Someone had entered the Devil Dragon Cave, and his strength had improved tremendously.

However, even more people had lost their lives after entering the

Apart from Yang Fan's five true disciples, three of them were currently in the sect, including Yim Han. At this moment, he had already broken through to the Qi Refining Stage Layer Six.

The other two were a man and a woman.

The man had thick eyebrows and big eyes, but his brows were tightly knitted, as if he was thinking about something.

The woman was extremely beautiful. Her flawless oval face had delicate facial features. Her long hair was as black as ink, hanging down to her waist.

"I hope Little Junior Brother can return safely!" Yim Han sighed.

The beautiful woman smiled and said,

"Didn't you say that he is very powerful? Even if he didn't gain anything this time, he should still be able to return safely."

Yim Han rubbed his chin and said, "That's true. That guy can't be compared with ordinary people."

Yang Fan and the others, under the lead of Elder Xun and Elder Lu, rushed to the nearest Demon Dragon City to the Devil Dragon Cave.

The disciples who came this time were at least Qi Refining Stage Layer Three, while Yang Fan was only a Qi Refining Stage Layer Two. Just like when he became a true disciple, it was extremely special.

However, the difference now was that no one felt that Yang Fan shouldn't have come.

They now had a clear understanding of Yang Fan's strength, whether it was defeating Chen Jingsoong or The Cold-looking Young Man who had suddenly appeared.

This caused everyone to be shocked time and time again.

Chen Jingsoong and The Cold-looking

Young Man were also among the crowd.

When they saw Yang Fan, their eyes were filled with uneasiness.

Before Yang Fan defeated them, they didn't put Yang Fan in their eyes. They wanted to teach him a lesson, but in the end, they were defeated miserably. Qi Refining Stage Layer Three disciples respected Yang Fan's strength, but Qi Refining Stage Layer Four disciples didn't take him seriously.

In their eyes, Chen Jingsoong and The Cold-looking Young Man were just like that. The gap between a Qi Refining Stage Layer Three and a Fourth Level warrior was clear to all martial artists.

It was nothing if Yang Fan could defeat these two. He was still within the range of an Early Qi Refining Stage.

It took them nearly three days to arrive at the Demon Dragon City.

After passing through the Demon Dragon

City, they continued on their way to the Devil Dragon Cave. But at this moment, the place where the Devil Dragon Cave was located was just a plain. At a glance, there was nothing but weeds on the ground.

After entering the Demon Dragon City, Elder Xun and Elder Lu arranged accommodation for everyone. This was an inn that the sect had booked beforehand.

Plain Moon Sect, Holy Fire Religious Sect, and the others had also arranged accommodation in advance.

Jade Qiong Inn.

This was the place where Yang Fan and the others stayed. When they arrived,

Elder Xun said, "For the next two days, you can make any arrangements you want. We will meet at the inn in two days."

Everyone responded. Some of them left the inn and strolled around the city. Some returned to their rooms and continued to cultivate, making the best use of their time to improve their strength.

Some even ordered dishes and wine in the inn, and started to eat and drink.

A group of disciples who were at least Qi

Refining Stage Layer Three still had some

Spirit Stone that they could use to eat, drink, and have fun with.

"Junior Brother Yang, why don't we go out and take a look as well?" A round-faced youth with a bright smile walked to Yang Fan's side and asked. Yang Fan also had an impression of this person. His name was Fong Shang, and he was a famous good person in the inner sect.

He would smile whenever he saw

someone, and not only did he not offend anyone, he also never offended anyone.

Under normal circumstances, if there was any conflict, she would always take the initiative to take a step back.

Yang Fan did not reject an invitation.

Anyway, he had nothing to do right now, so he agreed, "Sure. This is my first time coming to this Demon Dragon City. It's good to look around."

The two of them walked out of the inn and strolled casually on the streets. Fong Shang's knowledge was much more outstanding than Yang Fan's. Fong Shang was also very talkative and told Yang Fan many interesting things that he did not know before.

Yang Fan listened to these things with great interest.

When he came to this world, he basically walked around the Qianyuan Sect. This was the first time he had come to Demon Dragon City. Therefore, Yang Fan actually didn't know much about this vast Martial Tao World.

At this moment, listening to Fong Shang's various explanations, Yang Fan became more and more expectant of this world.

When he had enough strength, he had to go to more places to take a look.

Yang Fan secretly decided in his heart!

"Yang Fan!"

Suddenly, a pleasant voice with pleasant surprise entered Yang Fan and Fong Shang's ears.

Turning around, they saw a woman with skin as fair as snow, wearing a light green long dress, with a curvy figure. She held a slender willow blade in her hand, and was walking quickly towards them.