

Five days gradually passed, during which time the Void Spirit Bead appeared quite a bit.

Three of them hit Yim Han's body, but he only defeated his opponent twice and obtained spirit energy to fill his body.

Another time, he naturally failed.

As for Yang Fan, his luck was pretty good.

He was hit by five Void Spirit Beads.

However, his strength was still lacking, and he had only defeated his opponent twice.

After defeating these two opponents, he had obtained battle points. Adding the points from before, his total battle points had broken through another 300.

However, Yang Fan had gained the most from these two rounds of infusion of

spiritual energy, making him closer and closer to the Qi Refining Stage Layer Two.

If Yang Fan used these 300 battle points to buy a Genuine Qi Pill...

Yang Fan would be able to break through right away, but Yang Fan felt that he should wait for a while. If the next opponent he met was at the Qi Refining Stage Layer Four or above, then he would have to wait for a while.

After he came out, he would directly use the Genuine Qi Pill to break through to the Qi Refining Stage Layer Two. This way, he would have a greater chance of absorbing spiritual energy into his body.

Yang Fan also discovered that although they were both at the Qi Refining Stage Layer Three, there were some strong and some weak opponents in the strange spatial zone.

However, the weakest one was similar to Chen Jingsoong.

A soft sound was heard.

Yang Fan and Yim Han stared at the Void River. From the river, another Void Spirit Bead flew out.

This time, there were a total of nine.

"Both of us should have a share in this amount!" Yim Han said with anticipation. Yang Fan licked his lips and similarly stared straight at the Void Spirit Bead.

After a short pause in the air, the Void Spirit Bead flew in different directions.

During this process, if a martial artist were to deliberately bump into it, it would only be like touching the waters of the Void River.

They could only stay where they were and allow the Void Spirit Bead to

automatically crash into them.

Thus, from the start, Yang Fan and Yim Han hadn't moved even half a step. Even if there were some Void Spirit Beads that brushed past their ears, they still brushed past them.

"Our luck is pretty good." Yang Fan's eyes lit up and he said with a smile.

Two Void Spirit Beads hit him and Yim

Han respectively.

As soon as he finished speaking, both of them fell into a state of silence. They appeared in different fields.

The ground was still paved with stone slabs. Yang Fan looked directly at his opponent. This time, his opponent was a tall and slender woman with a thin sword

in her hand.

"Qi Refining Stage Layer Three!" Yang Fan couldn't help but clench his fist when he saw the strength of the woman.

"Hi, beautiful girl, how are you?" Yang Fan greeted her with a smile on his face. What answered him was the same unchanging words.

Challenger, please make your move!"

Yang Fan's figure flashed and directly attacked. With a simple leap, he arrived above the woman's head. His right leg hacked down like a battle-ax. With extreme speed, it left behind a series of afterimages.

The woman swung her sword, and sword energy filled the air. The air was instantly sliced apart.


Yang Fan's leg shattered the sword energy that was like a thin thread. He used the momentum to flip back and land on the ground. Then, he struck out with his palm.

Heavenly Crane Force!

The female Long Sword thrust out in a straight line, as if it was going to pierce through Yang Fan's palm.

However, Yang Fan's True Qi circulated on his palm, easily blocking the sharp edge of the Long Sword. The force that erupted from the Long Sword shattered Yang Fan's Heavenly Crane Force.

In just a short moment, Yang Fan had determined that the combat strength of this woman was no less than that of the

man he had met for the first time.

Yang Fan immediately stopped attacking crazily. Instead, he fought while retreating, using the smallest price to defend against the girl's attack. In this way, his

consumption of energy would definitely be relatively lower.

Perhaps because she had sensed Yang

Fan's intention, the Long Sword in the woman's hand had a grey light circulating it.


In the next moment, the woman took a step forward. As her figure flashed, the Long Sword seemed to have turned into a gray scorpion. It waved its pincers in an attempt to tear the target apart.

Fire Blade!

Yang Fan no longer hesitated. In an instant, he ignited all of his True Qi. He put his palms together, raised his head high, and slashed down.

Like a burning flame blade, he slashed at the grey scorpion's body.


The gray scorpion immediately exploded, turning into strands of sword qi that wreaked havoc. The flaming saber was shattered by the sword qi.

Yang Fan and the girl retreated at the same time. Both of their faces were pale, and their Qi was weak.

However, Yang Fan still had the strength of his physical body. Although his entire body was covered by a weak feeling, the punch that he threw at the girl was not something the girl could withstand.

After defeating the girl, he injected his Qi into the girl's body.

Yang Fan, who was sitting by the bank of the Void River, opened his eyes with exhaustion.

On the other side, Yim Han was still in a state of silence. It was obvious that the outcome of the battle had not been decided yet.

Yang Fan did not care about it anymore.

Instead, he refined the Spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth in his body. His True Qi immediately began to grow at a visible rate.Yang Fan didn't stop cultivating until the second day.

After he finished refining the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth, he rested for a long time because he was too tired. Only then did he start to break through.

Now, Yang Fan was already a Qi Refining Stage Layer Two warrior!

His strength had increased tremendously.

If he were to fight against the sword-wielding woman right now, he would be able to easily win. The breakthrough in cultivation realm brought about a comprehensive growth, or even a kind of sublimation. Yang Fan took a deep breath. It was as if the entire world had become much clearer.


Yim Han immediately sensed the change in Yang Fan's Qi. He smiled and congratulated him.

"It's not worth mentioning. I'm still far from Senior Brother Yan." Yang Fan replied politely.

Yim Han was speechless. "Let's not flatter each other. There are still seven days left.

Try to get lucky and get some good rewards."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Of course I hope so!"

In the next seven days, Yang Fan was hit by more than ten Void Spiritual Beads.

However, more than half of them, Yang Fan had failed his challenge.

There were a total of five Void Spirit

Beads that had been successfully infused with spirit energy, and three of them were Qi Refining Stage Layer Three opponents.

The other two were Qi Refining Stage

Layer Four.

In fact, apart from these two, Qi Refining Stage Layer Four's opponents weren't iust these two Void Spirit Beads.

However, Yang Fan discovered that although he had broken through to Qi Refining Stage Layer Two, he could suppress all Qi Refining Stage Layer Three martial artists. However, the Qi Refining Stage Layer Four opponents in this strange space were extremely terrifying.

In fact, Yang Fan had encountered a total of four Qi Refining Stage Layer Four opponents, and in the end, he had only defeated two of them.

"Qi Refining Stage Layer Three. It seems like there is only a small gap between Qi Refining Stage Layer Four and Qi Refining Stage Layer Three, but it is almost comparable to the gap between Body Refining Stage and Qi Refining Stage." Yang Fan said with a sigh.

Although he had obtained five spiritual energies, he was still unable to break through to the Qi Refining Stage Layer Three. According to Yang Fan's estimation, he needed at least two more Genuine Qi


However, this was normal. In this half a month, Yim Han had received a total of thirteen spirit energy infusion, but he still hadn't broken through to the Qi Refining Stage Layer Six.

This also meant that the further one went, the stronger the true qi needed to break through.

Besides accumulating true qi, there was also the barrier of realms, which made the path of martial arts cultivation extremely difficult.

Yang Fan had the Limit Quest System, so the realm barrier could basically be ignored. This was also the reason why Yang Fan had the confidence to reach the peak of martial arts!

"Let's go. The harvest this time is really good. In at most half a month, we should be able to break through to the Qi Refining Stage Layer Six." Yim Han stood up with a satisfied expression on his face.

Yang Fan also stood up and let out a long breath. In this half a month, not only had he broken through to the Qi Refining Stage Layer Two, he had also accumulated 600 battle points.

After leaving this place, Yang Fan could try to raise the Heavenly Crane Force to the perfect level.

When any martial skill was cultivated to the perfect level, its power would increase by leaps and bounds!