

Looking at this beautiful face, Yang Fan was stunned for a moment, then he said with a smile, "Just now, when that middle-aged man attacked me, I felt a trace of Qi."

A strange look flashed across the girl's eyes. When she saw the middle-aged man attack Yang Fan just now, she did reveal a trace of weak Qi.

Because this trouble was caused by her after all. She couldn't just watch as the young man was innocent and indifferent.

However, what happened next shocked


A Qi Refining Stage Layer One young man had seriously injured a Qi Refining Stage Layer Three warrior with just a single strike.

If she wasn't sure that this was the Scarlet

Flame Prefecture, she would have suspected that she had met one of those guys.

However, even though she had leaked out a trace of her aura, she immediately restrained it. The middle-aged man didn't notice it just now, but the young man in front of her.

His senses were too sharp!

"You're not bad." After saying that, the woman turned around and prepared to leave.

"May I ask, how did you offend the Lee Family?" Yang Fan asked curiously.

"Cripple a person from the Lee Family."

After saying that, she jumped out of the wall and disappeared.

Yang Fan clicked his tongue. Although she looked as beautiful as a flower, she was actually quite ruthless.

However, she didn't think that it would be bad for the woman to do so. The main thing was to see what the crippled man from the Lee Family had done.

The night was quiet. Early the next morning, Yang Fan left the Twin Mountain


Not long after Yang Fan left, the thin young man from yesterday brought a middle-aged man who looked like him to Yang Fan's temporary courtyard.

"Dad, this is the place!" The thin young man said fiercely, "There's a pretty strong kid here who hid the b * tch who harmed big brother."

The middle-aged man flicked his sleeve and let out a cold snort. The Qi belonging to a Qi Refining Stage Layer Four was unleashed from his body.

"I will shred both of them into pieces!"


The door was kicked open and it was empty. Yang Fan, who had left Twin Mountain City, naturally didn't know about this.

After returning to the Qianyuan Sect, before he could rest, a young man found him.

"Senior Brother Yang, you're finally back!"

The young man was also one of the new inner circle disciples. When he saw Yang Fan, a trace of respect flashed across his eyes.

Now, they all knew that Yang Fan, who had just become an inner circle disciple not long ago, had not only become a true disciple, but also defeated two Qi Refining Stage Layer Two senior brothers and sisters in a row.

If these things were to spread out, they, who were also new inner circle disciples, would feel proud of themselves.

"Junior brother Yu, what's the matter?"

Yang Fan knew the name of the young man in front of him, so he asked.

"Someone sent you a letter of challenge, and the entire inner sect knows about it.

However, Senior Brother Yang went out these few days, and I happened to see you coming back, so I quickly came over to inform you." The young man spoke as fast as he could.

A letter of challenge? Who was it?

These were the first two questions that popped up in Yang Fan's mind.

The young man seemed to know what Yang Fan was thinking. He continued, "It was senior disciple Chen Jingsoong who issued the letter of challenge. He said that you should give him an answer when you return.

"Answer or not?" Yang Fan asked with a smile.

He knew Chen Jingsoong was a Qi

Refining Stage Layer Three inner circle disciple, and he was very famous. Ever since Chen Jingsoong broke through to the Qi Refining Stage Layer Three, he had become invincible amongst all inner circle disciples.

"No." The young man shook his head.

Yang Fan was stunned. "Not what?" The young man said helplessly, "Senior Chen said that it doesn't matter if you accept this letter of challenge or not. He will come looking for you."

Speaking up to this point, the young man carefully looked at Yang Fan and said,

"The content of the declaration of war is to let Senior Brother Yang take three strikes from Senior Brother Chen. If he doesn't defeat you in three strikes, it will be considered as Senior Brother Chen's loss."

The young man was afraid that Yang Fan would get angry because of this, so he immediately ran to find senior disciple

Chen Jingsoong.

If he went, he would only bring trouble to himself. Yang Fan's reaction was out of the young man's expectation. Not only was the former not angry, he even revealed a disdainful smile on his face.

"Heh. Please do me a favor. Go and tell that Senior Brother Chen that there is no need for a written challenge. I will now personally send him a written challenge."

"Un... The content of the letter of challenge was: See you at the inner sect square tomorrow morning. If I don't defeat him within three moves, consider it my loss. "

Immediately after, Yang Fan's two sentences stunned the young man.

The same content, but when it came from Yang Fan's mouth, it made people wonder if there was something wrong with the former's brain.

A Qi Refining Stage Layer One warrior challenging a Qi Refining Stage Layer

Three warrior and saying that he could defeat his opponent in three moves, even if it was a joke, he had to have a certain degree of speed!

"If you don't have time, then forget it. I can go by myself." Yang Fan looked at the young man and didn't agree, so he didn't force him.

After all, what he said to Renlai was indeed somewhat arrogant.

If he told Chen Jingsoong these words, perhaps even the person who helped to pass the message would be mocked. At this time, the young man reacted and hurriedly shook his head. 'I'm sorry, Senior Brother Yang, I was distracted just now.

Don't worry, I will definitely bring this challenge letter to Senior Chen as soon as possible!"

After saying that, the youth turned around and ran.

This news was too explosive. He had to quickly inform Senior Brother Chen Jingsoong and then boast to his friends.

Although he had only run a little, he was the first witness in this matter. If he told others, it would be a capital for him to boast!

After returning to his residence, Yang Fan felt that he should make some preparations. Chen Jingsoong was able to dominate the Qi Refining Stage Layer Three, so his combat strength must be beyond doubt.

He looked at his battle points. He had obtained another 60 points because he had severely injured the middle-aged man in Twin Mountain City.

Now, he only had about 600 points, which was almost 700 points.

He only had about 3500 Spirit Stone left, which was just enough to buy an Intermediate Level Martial Skill Cultivation Card.

Yang Fan used this Intermediate Level

Martial Skill Cultivation Card to cultivate the Fire Blade to the small success stage. After thinking for a while, he used his battle points to buy another Intermediate Level Martial Skill Cultivation Card.

The Fire Blade was used to fight with all his might. After one move, he basically lost his combat strength, so he rarely used it.

He would use it to cultivate the Heavenly Crane Force. This was a commonly used martial skill. It was good to cultivate it to the large success stage earlier.

However, in the end, Yang Fan discovered that an Intermediate Level Martial Skill Cultivation Card was actually unable to cultivate the Heavenly Crane Force to the Large Success stage in a short period of

time. "Is it so difficult to reach the Intermediate Level Martial Skill?!" Yang Fan sighed. He gritted his teeth and used the last 300 battle points to buy another

Two Intermediate Level Martial Skill

Cultivation Card, he had finally cultivated the Heavenly Crane Force to the large success stage.


Yang Fan faced the stone bench in the courtyard and slammed his palm down.

He moved his palm away and the stone bench remained intact. However, Yang Fan nodded his head in satisfaction and walked into the room.

A gentle breeze blew past, and the originally intact stone bench suddenly turned into countless pieces of stone with a 'Hua La' sound.

At the same time.

Besides Chen Jingsoong himself, there were also a few good friends of his at Chen Jingsoong's place.

He had already received Yang Fan's challenge letter.

His face, which was not considered handsome, was filled with gloominess.