

Since he had comprehended the Soul

Locking Finger, Yang Fan naturally wouldn't let it go. In any case, he still had 17,000 Spirit Stone left.

Three Primary Level Martial Skill cultivation cards, cultivating the Soul Locking Finger to perfection.

There were still 14,000 Spirit Stone left.

Yang Fan wanted to buy four Innate Pill, but after the competition, he would break through to the Qi Refining Stage.

Now that he had used up all his Spirit Stones, and he didn't have any battle points, what should he do if he needed it urgently? After all, the battle points and Spirit Stone required for the Genuine Qi Pill, Intermediate Level Martial Skill Cultivation Card, and other things were multiplied.

Finally, Yang Fan bought two Innate Pill and spent six thousand Spirit Stone, leaving eight thousand for backup.

With this, Yang Fan used six Innate Pill.

He only needed four more, and was getting closer and closer to using ten

Innate Pill.

When he was at the Qi Refining Stage, he would obtain the Spiritual Body Class Nine!

Yang Fan thought with confidence, and quietly waited for the competition to arrive. The inner sect competition.

Although it was only a competition among the new inner sect disciples, the competition was definitely held in the inner sect.

The area where the disciples of the Outer Sect of the Qianyuan Sect were located was actually a remote area of the mountain.

The inner sect was the true core of the Qianyuan Sect.

Apart from the back mountain, there were a lot of Demonic Beast, and the inner sect of the Qianyuan Sect was filled with beautiful scenery. Early in the morning, there were still clouds filling the air.

Buildings of various sizes were built along the mountain. In the clouds, it was like a paradise on earth.

This kind of place was naturally not only beautiful, but also filled with the natural spiritual energy in the air, making it more abundant.

Inner Sanctum.

Thousands of people were gathered in the spacious square.

Among them were disciples of Outer Sect and inner sect disciples.

However, most of them were still disciples of the Outer Sect.

Usually, the disciples of the Outer Sect were not allowed to enter the inner circle area, but today was the inner circle competition, which was why they were allowed to come and watch.

Because the inner circle disciples who participated in the inner circle competition had just advanced from the Outer Sect, their strength was considered very low in the inner circle.

Most of the inner circle disciples were not interested in this. Those who came here were basically ordinary people.

In the middle of the square, there was a huge arena.

At that instant, the person in charge of the inner disciples competition was an inner elder wearing a plain robe. He looked like a middle-aged man, but his eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life.

"I never thought that the inner disciples competition would be hosted by Elder

Xiao Lei, it seems like he's taking it very seriously!"

Among the crowd, the inner disciples recognized the elder in a plain robe, and at the same time, they were surprised.

A young man in blue said with a smile, "Of course, we have to pay attention to him.

This time, in the Outer Sect, a genius that even the Supreme Elder personally took in as his disciple has appeared."

"Are you talking about Lin Qingtong?"

Everyone finally reacted. "Of course it's her." The youth in blue nodded and looked at Lin Qingtong who was approaching the arena. A trace of envy flashed across his eyes.

To be accepted as a disciple by the Supreme Elder, their future achievements would definitely not be something they could compare with. Not to mention external resources, even their talent in martial arts had far surpassed theirs.

"Senior brother, can you tell us what is so great about Sister Linshi?" Some disciples of the Outer Sect couldn't help but ask when they heard what the young man in blue said.

They were indeed curious. Logically speaking, out of the three geniuses of the Outer Sect, Lin Qingtong was the oldest, but he was already seventeen years old.

As for Yue Xiao, or perhaps Huze, who had already become the old Huze, they were only sixteen years old.

Don't underestimate the difference of one year. Renlai, who was at Lin Qingtong's level, said that the things that could be changed in one year were very big.

Everyone believed that if Yue Xiao and Huze reached the age of seventeen, they would definitely be Qi Refining Stage warriors.

Even if breaking through to the Qi Refining

Stage was several times harder than breaking through to the Body Refining

Stage, it would still be at least at the second level of Qi Refining!

Furthermore, Lin Qingtong broke through to the Body Refining Stage Layer Nine two years ago. At that time, Lin Qingtong was only fifteen years old, which caused a huge commotion in the Qianyuan Sect.

However, two years had passed, and he was still a Body Refining Stage Layer


Although he was much stronger than warriors of the same level, if he wanted to walk further on the path of martial arts, he had to constantly break through to a higher level.

However, the supreme elder was optimistic about Lin Qingtong, and they were all very puzzled.The blue-clothed youth smiled and said,

"Because Lin Qingtong has a special constitution and can cultivate the sect's strongest cultivation method. Why is Lin Qingtong still at the Body Refining Stage Layer Nine? Don't you find it strange? "

Before everyone could say anything, the young man in blue continued, "That is..

That's because Lin Qingtong has already started cultivating that skill. Otherwise, why do you think she hasn't broken through to the Qi Refining Stage yet?"

At this moment, everyone understood what was going on.

The fact that someone with a special physique, who had just broken through to the Body Refining Stage Layer Nine, had started cultivating the skill shocked everyone.

The young man in blue didn't try to hide his voice, which was why Yang Fan, who was standing not far away from Lin Qingtong, heard it as well.

He turned his head and looked at Lin

Qingtong. Yang Fan raised his eyebrows in surprise. Was the special physique that the blue-clothed vouth spoke of a spirit body?

Only a spirit body was a special physique!

But if Lin Qingtong was a spirit body, even if it was a Spiritual Body Class Nine, he would have long become famous throughout the entire Scarlet Flame Prefecture. Also, only after breaking through to the Qi Refining Stage would he be able to cultivate a martial art. However, Lin Qingtong had already started cultivating when he was at the Body Refining Stage Layer Nine. Even if he hadn't broken through to the next realm, his combat strength would still be extremely powerful.

Yang Fan suddenly became interested.

The stronger Lin Qingtong was, the better he could unleash his full strength.

After breaking through to the Body

Refining Stage Layer Nine, he hadn't used his full strength yet.

On the other side, Yue Xiao was also looking at Lin Qingtong. He had already known all of this.

However, this couldn't make Yue Xiao give up on fighting Lin Qingtong. Although he was called one of the three great geniuses of Outer Sect, he had never fought Lin Qingtong before.

To be precise, he, Huze, and Lin Qingtong had never fought each other before.

Now that Huze was in the past, he had to defeat Lin Qingtong to prove that he was the strongest amongst the new inner circle disciples!

Thinking of Huze, Yue Xiao couldn't help but glance at Yang Fan, who still had a casual smile on his face.

It was as if he didn't care about the upcoming competition at all.

On the other side of the young man in blue, the topic had also shifted to Yang Fan. After all, Huze's death had a lot to do with Yang Fan.

No matter what method Yang Fan used to make Huze never come back, it indicated that he couldn't be underestimated.

However, the inner circle competition depended entirely on one's own strength.

"In the inner circle competition, Yang Fan is destined to be the stepping stone for Yue Xiao and Lin Qingtong. This should be the competition for Yue Xiao and Lin Qingtong." None of the inner circle disciples thought highly of Yang Fan. Among the disciples of Outer Sect, except for Ding Pang and a few others, none of them thought that Yang Fan would be able to display any outstanding abilities in the inner circle competition.

At this moment, Xiao Lei said in a flat tone, "Let's not talk about the rules anymore, but we still have to remind you that you have to stop when you are done.

Anyone who dares to hurt others on purpose will be expelled from the sect!"

At the end of his words, his tone was very serious, and there was no room for tolerance.

After a pause, Xiao Lei said once again,

"The inner sect competition will begin now." The rules of the inner disciples competition were very simple.

The last person standing on the stage was the winner.

The Inner Sanctum Competitions only had

the winner, the rest were all losers!

After saying that, Xiao Lei retreated to the side. This time, he was still in charge of being the judge.

At the same time, among the inner disciples who had been promoted, a tall young man leapt onto the arena and said in a muffled voice, "Please advise me!"

At that instant, the inner disciples competition had officially begun!