

However, there were still 14,000 Spirit Stone left. It would be a waste if he kept it. He might as well convert it into strength.

After buying four Primary Level Martial

Skill cultivation cards, he would use one to cultivate the Wind and Thunder Seal to perfection. After that, he would use the remaining three to cultivate the Profound and Nether Blade Technique to perfection.

There were still ten thousand Spirit Stone left, and Yang Fan bought three more

Innate Pill.

Using ten Innate Pill to obtain the Spiritual Body Class Nine, Yang Fan had never forgotten such a good thing.Now, he had used another three. Adding on the reward from the novice gift bag, he only needed six more to get the Spiritual Body Class Nine.

Yang Fan felt that it was not far away!

This time's cultivation took four days, but Yang Fan's strength had also undergone a tremendous change. Any martial artist below the Qi Refining Stage would only be crushed by him.

He even had the confidence to fight a Qi

Refining Stage Layer One martial artist!

Yang Fan wandered around Black Rock Town, talking to different people from time to time.

"Thousand-faced Young Master hasn't left yet. When I was cultivating, I killed another girl." This was the most useful piece of information Yang Fan had obtained in the five days he stayed in Black Rock Town.

When he first heard this news, Yang Fan still felt some regret.

If he hadn't been cultivating for the past few days, he might have been able to catch Thousand-faced Young Master, and that girl wouldn't have been killed.

Apart from that, Yang Fan also received an important piece of news, which was that he had found a very beautiful girl.

Her facial features were delicate, and her skin was as fair as snow. Under her light green dress, there were perfect curves. She held a long and slender saber in her hand, which gave her the feeling of a hero in the martial arts world.

Wherever the woman went, countless men would cast passionate gazes at her.

Of course, Yang Fan wasn't looking at beautiful women, but rather, he felt that he might be able to find Thousand-faced Young Master.

As long as he followed by this girl's side.

According to the information he received, every time Thousand-faced Young Master attacked, his target would be a beauty.

Even the two female disciples of the Qianyuan Sect's Outer Sect who were killed were the same. Both of them were pretty.If Thousand-faced Young Master was still in Black Rock Town, perhaps this girl would become his target.

"Little brother, don't look anymore. This is a disciple of the Plain Moon Sect, a good friend of the daughter of the patriarch of the Wang family. The reason why I came to Black Rock Town this time is to avenge my good friend!"

A man standing next to Yang Fan said to Yang Fan. His eyes were following the young girl closely.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "A fair lady, a gentleman is easy to catch. It's not a big deal to take a look."

The man was quite surprised and said,

"You look young, your literary talent is quite good."

Yang Fan shrugged his shoulders, but in his heart, he was very surprised by the background of this young lady. She was actually a disciple of the Plain Moon Sect

The Plain Moon Sect was not an ordinary sect. It was several times stronger than the Qianyuan Sect, and it was one of the top sects in the entire Scarlet Flame Prefecture. This girl was only sixteen or seventeen years old, but she had the strength of a Body Refining Stage Layer Nine.

For her to possess such strength at such a young age, she must be quite famous in the Plain Moon Sect.

Yang Fan watched the young girl walk out of the town, then followed her.

As soon as he walked out of the town, he saw the girl in the distance. However, there was an extraordinarily handsome young man standing in front of the young girl.

"Miss, are you going to seek revenge on that Thousand-faced Young Master?" The young man gritted his teeth and asked.

His tone was filled with hatred.

The young girl nodded. "That's right. You are?"

The young man smiled bitterly and said,

"My younger sister was also killed by Thousand-faced Young Master. I hope that young lady can allow me to follow you to seek revenge on that Thousand-facedYoung Master!"

At the end of his words, the young man clenched his fists tightly, as if his anger was about to explode.

The young girl wanted to refuse, but when she saw the regret and sadness in the young man's eyes, she nodded and agreed.

Of course, this was on the premise that the young man was also a Body Refining Stage Layer Nine martial artist.

Otherwise, she would definitely refuse.

With such strength, when Thousand-faced Young Master appeared, he could at least keep his life.

"Then follow behind me. Don't run around." After saying that, the girl walked towards a broken temple not far from the town.

When Yang Fan saw this scene, a faint smile appeared on his face, and he followed her to the run-down temple.

Furthermore, he increased his speed, and arrived at the temple from another direction.

When the young girl and the young man entered the temple, they saw Yang Fan sitting on a tattered straw mat.

The young girl's eyes fell on Yang Fan. She frowned and said, "Why are you following us?"

From the small town, she had noticed that this young man had been following behind her. Now, the young man had arrived at this shabby temple first. He must have been outside the town and had heard the conversation between her and the young man.

Yang Fan didn't hide anything from her, so it was normal for the young girl to notice that he was following her.

Facing the young girl's questioning, Yang Fan lazily replied, "This road, or is this temple yours?"

"Of course not." The young girl shook her head.

"Then that's fine." Yang Fan shrugged.

"This temple is not yours. I can leave whenever I want. If I want to rest here, I will rest here. Why did the girl say that I am following you?

" Besides, I came here first. I suspect that you have taken a fancy to me, so you followed me. "

Yang Fan's words made the young lady's breathing quicken. Her chest, which was already tall and straight, was now heaving up and down, making her even more eye-catching.

Yang Fan would not pretend to avoid such a feast with his eyes. He smiled and appreciated it.

He glanced at the young man out of the corner of his eye. The latter was completely the opposite of him. His eyes did not move at all towards the young girl's chest. Instead, he glared at him angrily.

In comparison, Yang Fan's smiling face was totally the same in the young girl's eyes.

The young girl snorted coldly and sat down on the other side of the temple.

The young man followed the young girl to the other side and asked in a low voice,

"Miss, do you have a way to find Thousand-faced Young Master? I have been looking for him for the past few days, but I haven't found any trace of him."

"He will appear on his own accord." As the girl spoke, she placed the saber to the side, hugged her knees, and placed her chin on her knees in a daze. From where Yang Fan was sitting, he could only see the side of the girl's face.

Her long hair, which had been meticulously combed with makeup, was hanging behind her like a waterfall.

Her beautiful side profile, under the sunlight that shone in, had a kind of crystal clear feeling.

When Yang Fan came to this world, among all the girls he had seen, only Lin Qingtong could compare to such a moving beauty.

Yang Fan believed that as long as

Thousand-faced Young Master didn't leave, he wouldn't let her go.

After all, she was the only girl in this world, even though she had the strength of a Body Refining Stage Layer Nine.

However, according to the information Yang Fan had received during the past few days.

It seemed like Thousand-faced Young

Master had broken through to the Body Refining Stage Layer Nine. The last time he killed the daughter of the Wang family's Patriarch, he had also killed a Body Refining Stage Layer Nine warrior from the Wang family.

It seemed like Thousand-faced Young

Master's combat strength was even stronger than an ordinary Body Refining

Stage Layer Nine warrior!

"Using yourself as bait, don't really become the meat in someone else's mouth." Yang Fan muttered to himself, then closed his eyes and started cultivating.

Not long after, the young girl walked in front of Yang Fan again and said coldly,

"Leave now, we will stay in this temple tonight."

Yang Fan acted as if he didn't hear her. His eyes were still closed, and he didn't even move his eyelids.

The young girl was so angry that her teeth itched. How could this guy not know what was good for him!

She wanted to lure Thousand-faced

Young Master out and kill him in one go.

But at that time, when they started fighting, she would definitely not be able to care about that much. The aura of the youth in front of her was ordinary, and he only seemed to be at the eighth level of Body Refining.

Thousand-faced Young Master was ruthless and merciless. If he killed her, she might not be able to save him either.

Yang Fan had deliberately concealed his aura, so it looked like he was only at the eighth level of Body Refining Tier.

Actually, Yang Fan's ability to conceal his aura was only average.

The main reason was that he had used the Body Refining Pill to strengthen his physical body to an even more extreme state. His true qi was also purer than other martial artists.

Therefore, this concealment of his aura was able to hide from a young girl who was also at the Body Refining Stage Layer
