

Ding Pang rolled his eyes when he saw

Yang Fan's serious expression. Then, his eyes lit up.

"Senior Brother Yang, why don't you go to the back of the mountain and try?" Ding Pang asked.

There were many Demonic Beasts in the back mountain of Qianyuan Sect, and the Demonic Beast had a Demonic Core in its


There were many uses for demon cores, and one of them was very important to warriors. Refining the demon core could increase a warrior's strength, although it would waste most of the energy in the demon core.But this was the most direct and effortless. Every warrior could do it.

If one wanted to use a Fey core to refine a pill, they would need to find an alchemist.

And if they found an alchemist to help, not only would the success rate be uncertain, they would also need to spend a large sum of Spirit Stone.

Although this would allow the Fey core's effects to be maximized, most martial artists would still directly absorb and refine it.

This also made the value of a Fey core extremely high!

Yang Fan's eyes flickered. In three days, he had obtained the demon core through hunting Demonic Beast. After selling the Demonic Pill, he would definitely be able to obtain quite a number of Spirit Stones.

Compared to challenging others in the Outer Sect, perhaps it would be easier to wait for Renlai to challenge him.

"Thank you for your reminder. This is a good idea. I will go now." Yang Fan expressed his gratitude.

Ding Pang scratched his head in embarrassment. "I was just saying it casually. The back mountain is very dangerous. There are a lot of Qi Refining Stage Demonic Beast in there."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will be careful."

The Qianyuan Sect was located on top of the Qian Yuan Mountain.

The Qian Yuan Mountain was incomparably huge, and the Qianyuan Sect only occupied the first half of the mountain. The back mountain was also the second half of the mountain, and the environment inside was comparatively worse.

Most importantly, there were many

Demonic Beasts in the back mountain.

Originally, with the Qianyuan Sect's strength, they could eliminate all of these Demonic Beasts, but they didn't do so.

As long as they controlled it well, this place would become a training ground for the disciples of the Qianyuan Sect. Yang Fan went to the back of the mountain alone. The dense forest was like a primitive forest, and there was a faint fog lingering around.

It was so quiet that it was deathly silent!

This was the first feeling Yang Fan had when he stepped into the back of the mountain.

Because the strength of the Demonic

Beast was at least at the fifth level of Body Refining, before this, Yang Fan had never come to the back mountain. This was also the reason why Ding Pang did not come with him.

However, Yang Fan knew that there were still many disciples of the Qianyuan Sect in this quiet back mountain.Not only the Outer Sect, but also the inner circle disciples.


Yang Fan broke a piece of tree branch. It was obvious in this quiet environment.

Almost at the same time, a black shadow rushed over from the right side. Yang Fan moved his body and unleashed the perfect level of Gale Movement Technique. In an instant, he dodged the attack of the black shadow.

After pulling away the distance, Yang Fan saw the black shadow clearly. It was a black poisonous snake as thick as a thumb.

Shadow Snake.The most common type of Demonic Beast in the back mountain was the strength of body refining fifth level. However, because the Demonic Beast's body was innately stronger than a martial artist's. Hence, ordinary martial artists of the same level were simply unable to do anything to the Dark Shadow Snake.

On the contrary, the Dark Shadow Snake's speed was extremely fast, and it liked to sneak attack. It was incomparably poisonous, and every year, many disciples of the Outer Sect would lose their lives because of it.

"You are unlucky to have met me!" Yang

Fan naturally did not fear it.

With a swoosh, the Dark Shadow Snake rushed towards Yang Fan. The sharp fangs in its mouth shone with a gloomy luster.

Yang Fan's palm was like a white jade sculpture. The power of the Monument Opening Palm had yet to erupt when the palm wind brought by it blew the Dark Shadow Snake away.

With a faster speed, Yang Fan caught up with the flying Dark Shadow Snake and slammed his palm on the triangular head.


The Shadow Snake's head exploded, and a black Demon Pill the size of a cherry flew out. Yang Fan caught it.

A demon core of this quality could not be sold for much Spirit Stone. Yang Fan kept it and continued searching for other

Demonic Beasts. His main target was the seventh or eighth level of Body Refining Demonic Beast.

However, this would depend on luck.

Moreover, if one's luck was bad, they would encounter a Qi Refining Stage Demonic Beast, and their life would be in danger.

Yang Fan was very careful. As he moved forward, he was constantly on guard.

For an entire day, Yang Fan had been wandering around the outer region.

During this period of time, he encountered a few Dark Shadow Snakes and a Sixth

Level Body Refining Barbarian Bull.

However, he still did not encounter a Seventh Level Body Refining Demonic


"Perhaps, I should go a little deeper tomorrow." Yang Fan looked at the darkening sky, and directly chose a large tree that was about four or five people thick. He sat cross-legged on the branch of the tree, meditating and cultivating.

The next day, Yang Fan had just walked a little deeper when he met a needle rabbit.

The needle rabbit was as tall as an adult.

Its body was covered with fine fur, and these fur could be shot out like arrows.

Shoo! Shoo! Shoo!

The moment it saw Yang Fan, the fur on the needle rabbit's body suddenly stood up and became like steel needles. After that, hundreds of hairs flew towards Yang


Yang Fan used the Gale Movement

Technique and easily dodged them. At the same time, he closed in on Yang Fan.

Monument Opening Palm!

His palm, which looked like it was carved out of jade, fiercely slapped toward the needle rabbit.


The needle rabbit felt an extreme danger.

The needle-like fur on its body actually closed up all at once, forming a round shield that wrapped around its body.

Clang! Yang Fan's palm seemed to have hit a steel plate.

However, the defense of the needle rabbit was unable to completely block Yang Fan's attack. The powerful force still injured the needle rabbit.

Yang Fan kept attacking, and the Monument Opening Palm was fully unleashed. Finally, the needle rabbit let out a wail and died.

"Received 7 battle points."

Suddenly, a system notification sounded out, shocking Yang Fan. It turned out that killing a Demonic Beast of the same level could also obtain battle points.

After reacting, Yang Fan just wanted to laugh out loud. In the future, he would have another way to obtain battle points.

He walked to the corpse of the Thousand Needles Rabbit and peeled the demon core from its body.

A seventh- level Body Refining Demonic

Beast Core was worth more than a thousand Spirit Stones. This caused Yang Fan's eyes to reveal a hint of joy, as well as the Demonic Beast Core he had

obtained earlier.

Yang Fan estimated that he had earned nearly three thousand Spirit Stones.


Right at this moment, Yang Fan suddenly heard an angry wolf howl, followed by the faint sounds of battle.

"I can hear it from so far away. This should be a battle between Qi Refining Stage warriors, right?" Yang Fan thought as he quietly approached.

Soon, he arrived at the place where the battle was taking place.

Yang Fan was the first to see a huge green wolf that was more than two meters long.

Its body was surrounded by visible air currents. With a wave of its claws, a green wind blade flew out.

The one fighting the huge green wolf was a giant purple-red bird. Its wings were wide open, and its body was three meters long. Green Wind Wolf, Purple Fire Bird!

Yang Fan recognized these two types of

Demonic Beast.

These were both Demonic Beasts that were at least at the third level of Qi

Refining. At this time, both sides were injured, and they were fighting to the death.

That's not right. In the back mountain of Qianyuan Sect, a Demonic Beast of this level would not usually fight to the death like this.

Yang Fan had a puzzled expression. The desperate fight between the Green Wind Wolf and the Purple Fire Bird was really too abnormal. Suddenly, Yang Fan saw a mini Green Wind Wolf not far away. However, it was already dead, and there were still marks left by the sharp claws of birds and beasts on its body.

Yang Fan understood that the purple firebird had hunted the baby green wind wolf as food and was discovered by the green wind wolf. It had become a fight to the death between the two parties.

The purple firebird let out a miserable cry.

Yang Fan's eyes were instantly attracted to it.

He saw the Green Wind Wolf bite the wing of the Purple Fire Bird and forcefully pull it down from the sky. The claws of the Purple Fire Bird also left blood grooves on the body of the Green Wind Wolf.