

The temple was built in a land of water, surrounded by flowing water. It was a beautiful scenery.

"What's wrong with you all?" Not long after they entered the divine palace, someone brought a middle-aged man and stopped Yang Fan and the others. The middle-aged man looked at the man and woman and asked with a


When they saw the middle-aged man, the man and the woman hurriedly said, "Commander, help us take revenge!"

The middle-aged man's eyes swept across the severed arms and five fingers of the two men, then he looked at Yang Fan.

"His name is Yang Fan, a madman who injured both of us. Not only did he injure both of us, he even threatened to wipe out the entire Divine Hall!" Noticing the middle-aged man's gaze, the two of them immediately added fuel to the fire.

Before returning to the divine palace, the woman had paid a little more attention to him, but now she couldn't care less.

Now that the commander had appeared, what kind of storm could Yang Fan create?

Ren Xia and Ren Xia were very anxious. Why were the two Lords of the temple speaking so exaggeratedly? When did Brother Yang say that he was going to wipe out the temple?

Yang Fan sneered. He didn't care what the two of them said and just looked at the middle-aged man. The latter also had the strength of a Qi Refining Stage Layer Three, but Yang Fan didn't even bother to attack.

He had already stepped into the Qi Refining

Stage Layer Four, so he didn't have any combat points to fight this kind of guy. However, as the man and woman finished their words, many disciples of the divine palace surrounded them. These people were only Body Refining Stage warriors, Yang Fan didn't even spare them a glance.

The middle-aged man kept looking at Yang Fan, and his eyes were flickering. The latter's aura was hidden from his eyes, making it difficult for him to see it clearly.

However, for some reason, he felt a sense of danger in his heart. The source of it was Yang


"Bring them up!" The middle-aged man suppressed the faint sense of danger and waved his hand to signal everyone to follow

Yang Fan and Ren Xia, Ren Zang and Ren Zang to meet the two palace masters.

Even if Yang Fan was stronger than him, with the two palace masters present, there was nothing to be afraid of!

Yang Fan did not resist and allowed the few divine hall disciples to drag him inside. As for Ren Xia and her brother, with their meager strength, they were even more unable to resist.

The middle-aged man brought Yang Fan and the other two to an evil and evil great hall.

At the end of the hall, there were two seats, a man and a woman.

The man's age couldn't be determined, but he was young and handsome. There was an evil smile at the corner of his mouth. Some simpleminded women's hearts would probably beat faster at first sight.

Ren Xia looked at the handsome man and her face turned slightly red.

As for the woman, she was enchanting. She wore a large robe and the cleavage in front of her chest was faintly visible. Her exposed skin was smooth and snow-white, full of temptation.

Ren Zang, who had never seen such a beautiful woman, couldn't help but glance at the woman.

In the main hall, other than these two people, there were only Yang Fan and the other two, as well as the middle-aged man and the two guards who were the captain of the guards. The rest of them left the hall.

When the two men and women who were insufferably arrogant in Qingshui Village saw the two people sitting on the seats, their expressions were respectful and filled with fear.

At the same time, their gazes couldn't help but secretly look over.

The men looked at the women, while the women looked at the men. However, their expressions were filled with resistance, and they tried their best not to get lost in it.

They knew that the two Hall Masters practiced a unique technique. When they were in the room, they could absorb the young girl's vital yin energy and the young man's vital yang energy respectively.

Those who were absorbed would die immediately!

They originally looked at Ren Xia. She was not bad looking and judging from her cultivation talent, she also had some points. Thus, they brought her back and gave her to Head Hall Lord.

"What's going on?" The man on the seat, who was also Head Hall Lord, asked.

His voice was low and magnetic.

The middle-aged man said, "Head Hall Lord, someone is dissatisfied with the temple." He did not say the exaggerated words of his subordinate and only said a simple sentence.

Head Hall Lord nodded and looked at Yang Fan.

"Is it this person?"

"That's right." The middle-aged man replied.

"En, the strength of a Qi Refining Stage Layer Four, no wonder you can't defeat him." Head Hall Lord looked at Yang Fan and said with a smile.

Although Yang Fan had concealed his Qi, he didn't hide it specifically. Under Head Hall Lord's observation, it was normal for him to be able to tell the level of Yang Fan's strength.

The middle-aged man's heart skipped a beat.

He thought to himself that it was fortunate that he didn't make a move just now.

As for the two men and women who had lost their arms, their eyes widened. They knew that Yang Fan was very powerful, but they didn't expect him to be a Qi Refining Stage Layer Four warrior.

However, the two of them secretly sneered.

What happened to a Qi Refining Stage Layer


Both Palace Masters were Qi Refinng Stage Layer Five warriors. Since Yang Fan dared to come to the Divine Palace, he wouldn't be able to leave this place alive!

Head Hall Lord looked at Yang Fan and said faintly, "You are not from those barbarian villages, are you?"

Yang Fan nodded and asked, "Why did your divine palace do this?"

"Are you talking about the people who raised those villages?" Head Hall Lord asked with a smile. Yang Fan shrugged. Obviously, that was what he meant.

Ren Xia and her brother were stunned. They had already reacted. The two people sitting on the seats were rumored to be the two palace masters of the Divine Hall. They had extraordinary abilities.

In his eyes, the Demonic Beast was like an ant that could be easily destroyed!

But just now, they had heard the word 'reared'

At this time, Head Hall Lord continued, "A few years ago, I accidentally ventured deep into the mountains and discovered three villages. There were many people, but there were no martial arts inheritances. Because of the Demonic Beast, they lived here for generations. "

"Coincidentally, the cultivation technique that my wife and I cultivated required some young men and women, so we built the temple." "All these years, l've only used a few tricks to make the people of the three villages treat the temple as their savior. This feeling of standing at a high place and controlling the life and death of others like a god is truly intoxicating! "

Head Hall Lord closed his eyes, as if he was immersed in that feeling.

Yang Fan raised his eyebrows. "Could it be that no one else discovered this place?"

Head Hall Lord could not help but laugh. "This is the west side of Scarlet Flame Prefecture.

Further ahead is the Desolate Mountain Range.

This area is hundreds of miles wide. Besides our divine palace, who else would be willing to come?"

Yang Fan smiled bitterly when he heard this. It turned out that this place was close to the Desolate Mountain Range. No wonder the spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth was so thin. The Desolate Mountain Range was located at the west side of Scarlet Flame Prefecture.

There was nothing in this mountain range. The spiritual Qi of Heaven and Earth in the deepest part of.

_ had almost disappeared. It could be

said that this was a barren land.

If they crossed this Desolate Mountain Range, they would reach the Golden Horizon Region.

But even Qi Refining Stage warriors would need a month to pass through the Desolate

Mountain Range.

However, warriors did not like places with sparse spiritual energy, so they went around the Desolate Mountain Range to the Golden Horizon Region. Although this way, it would take longer, but at least the journey would not be boring.

This place was also half a month's journey away from the Qianyuan Sect. Yang Fan wasn't in a hurry. It just so happened that he could use this period of time to increase his strength. Once he returned to the sect, he could find Jin Zhengyang and settle the old scores with him!

Ren Xia and Ren Zang's eyes were first filled with shock, but now it had turned into anger!

They only had little knowledge, but it did not mean that they were stupid. Head Hall Lord did not explain everything clearly. However, they also understood that the Divine Palace had been keeping them as slaves.

Those Demonic Beast must be the doing of the Divine Palace. Otherwise, why would the Divine Palace appear as soon as the Demonic Beast appeared?

The Temple had deliberately used the Demonic Beast to scare the villagers. Then, they had deliberately killed the Demonic Beast and forced it to retreat. The village was grateful for their victory. Then, from time to time, they would display their powerful strength, and let the villagers take care of the people of the Temple of God. He would look up to them like a


Head Hall Lord noticed the anger in the eyes of Ren Xia and her brother, and said with a smile,

"Let me tell you one more thing, those people who used to have the qualifications to practice the Sacred Technique are now all dead."

"Now, do you hate me even more?"