

Yang Fan stopped in his tracks and took a deep breath. He knew that he couldn't leave easily



At this moment, the place where Xu Wufan was standing was also covered by the energy of teleportation. His figure instantly disappeared.

When he left, he looked at Yang Fan with an urgent gaze.

It was as if he was saying, Hurry up and leave!

He didn't notice that the monstrous man was staring at Yang Fan, so he didn't know that Yang Fan wouldn't be able to leave like them.

In just a few short breaths, except for Yang Fan and Fong Shang, everyone else had been transported out.

"Leave this monster to me. You go out first." Yang Fan stared at the monster man and said to Fong Shang.

Fong Shang nodded but stood where she was without moving.

"Hand... hand it over!" At this moment, the monster man suddenly spoke. His hoarse and difficult voice was extremely unpleasant to hear.

Yang Fan raised his eyebrows. Hand over what?

Purple Blood Lotus?

As soon as he thought about it, he suddenly felt the strange fluctuation coming from the spatial ring once again.

And this time, it did not pass in an instant. Yang Fan immediately found the source.

It was actually the incomplete jade pendant that he had obtained from Yeh Chaosheng. This jade pendant, which only had a quarter of its original size, was currently emitting a weak fluorescent light. And that strange fluctuation was coming from this jade pendant.

Yang Fan was instantly certain that this jade pendant was what the monster man wanted.

This broken jade had two strange fluctuations.

Every time it appeared, the monster man would appear as well.

Obviously, this broken jade wasn't what Yang Fan thought it was. It was just an ordinary item.

In order to save his life, Yang Fan gritted his teeth. He felt that it was better to just hand over the broken jade. No matter how good the treasure was, it wasn't as important as his life.


The monster man suddenly let out a low roar.

His eyes were filled with madness and killing intent as he rushed towards Yang Fan. Without any time to think, Yang Fan stomped his foot on the ground and quickly retreated.

However, the monster man's speed was even faster, and he was caught in an instant.

Heavenly Crane Force!

Yang Fan gritted his teeth and threw out a punch. The Feathered Crane materialized, and all of its power was gathered on his fist.


The punch landed on the monster man's withered claw. Yang Fan's face immediately turned pale and he was sent flying. He was unable to withstand the terrifying force.

The monster man's body was only slightly blocked, then he continued to lunge at Yang Fan.

More than half of his true qi had been restored, and it was instantly burned by the invisible flames.

Fire Blade!

The full-strength strike struck the monster man's body, but the strength of the monster man's roar was far greater than that of an ordinary Qi Refinng Stage Layer Five warrior.

When the fierce and fierce Fire Blade landed on his body, it actually shattered the Fire Blade.

However, the monster man only retreated a small distance, and he wasn't injured at all.


At this moment, the monster man once again let out a low roar of pain. He held his head with both hands, and continued to struggle. It was as if there was some kind of power pressing down on his body.

"The opportunity has come!" The true qi in Yang

Fan's body was almost depleted, and he was weak and powerless.

Fortunately, his recovery speed was amazing.

Traces of true qi were gradually condensing, and it was not to the extent that even his movements became sluggish.

For some reason, the energy of teleportation did not enter the small corner where the Purple Blood Lotus grew. Yang Fan took this opportunity and shouted to Fong Shang who had not yet left, "Go, leave this place!"

After saying that, he immediately planned to leave the place and teleport out.


However, just as Yang Fan was about to leave, he suddenly heard a piercing sound from behind him. He subconsciously dodged to the side. The true qi in his body was almost dried up. In this flash, he was in a sorry state. He crashed into the mountain wall beside him. Fortunately, he managed to avoid it.

Yang Fan raised his head and looked at it. His face suddenly changed.

What he saw was Fong Shang.

At this moment, Fong Shang was holding a dagger. Her face was filled with killing intent, and her eyes were filled with the madness of a monstrous man. The attack just now was launched by him.

"What are you doing?" Yang Fan asked in disbelief.

He had treated Fong Shang as a friend. Now, Fong Shang was going to kill him when he was at his weakest.

Yang Fan's heart was filled with anger.

Fong Shang did not say a word. She took a few steps forward and arrived in front of Yang Fan.

The dagger flashed with a cold light. "Die! Die!" At this moment, the monster man raised his head to the sky and roared. It was as if he had forcefully suppressed the pain. After that, he threw himself at Yang Fan.

Fong Shang was standing slightly to the left.

The monster man came from the right. Yang Fan had only recovered less than ten percent of his true ai. There was no chance for him to


Even without Fong Shang blocking his way, he still could not escape.

Between life and death, the corner of Yang Fan's mouth curled into a bitter smile. He never thought that he would be finished just like that.

Initially, he wanted to walk to the peak of martial arts and become a peerless expert throughout the ages. But now, it seemed like this wish had also become the flower in the mirror, the moon in water. Puchi!

Fresh blood splattered, dyeing his vision red.

Yang Fan widened his eyes and looked at Fong

Shang, who was blocking in front of him. A withered claw like palm pierced through the latter's heart from behind and appeared in Yang Fan's line of sight.

The blood that splashed onto Yang Fan's face flew to his face, and his eyes were covered with a layer of blood.

'I'm sorry..."

Fong Shang smiled helplessly, but her smile seemed to affect her wound, causing her smile to become distorted and ugly.

"For the sake of the younger brother who just entered the Outer Sect, I originally wanted to take your life, but Junior Brother Yang treated me as a friend. How could I do something unjust?" Fong Shang seemed to have returned to life, and her eyes revealed a shocking look.

He held his heart with both hands and stretched his hands to his chest. He did not want the monster man to leave.

"Be careful of Elder Jin...

Finally, after saying this sentence, the spirit in Fong Shang's eyes instantly disappeared. But his hands still did not loosen.

The monster man kept roaring, but he could not pull out his hands for a while.

At this moment, Yang Fan was the best chance to escape.

However, Yang Fan's expression suddenly calmed down.

Almost at the same time, his left eye became deep and obscure, as if the world was reflected in it. Eye of All Techniques (Left)!

This was the first time Yang Fan had used this half of his innate ability. Against an enemy!

In an instant, what Yang Fan saw with his left eye turned into a world of light. Within the light, the monster man's body was filled with chaotic energy that was circulating wildly.

Perhaps it was this energy that caused the monster man to become crazy and bloodthirsty.


Yang Fan pointed his finger out and pressed it towards the monster man's right eye.

This place was the weakest part of the monster man's defense.

Perhaps the monster man had sensed the danger of death, he roared and shattered Fong Shang's entire chest. He immediately pulled out his palm, then grabbed Yang Fan's wrist with one hand, and thrust his other hand towards Yang Fan's throat.

At this moment, Yang Fan's left eye saw a flaw in the monster's attack. He also stretched out his other hand, clenched it into a fist, and punched out.

This punch went from an unbelievable angle, causing the monster man's hand to deviate from its original direction.

The monster man's palm was next to Yang Fan's ear, and it stabbed into the stone wall behind him.

However, Yang Fan's fist did not change at all. It landed on the monster man's right eye.


All of Yang Fan's remaining strength was unleashed through this punch. The monster man's right eye exploded, and his head was sent flying backwards.

Then, he fell backwards.

In the next moment, Yang Fan's left eye became normal. His vision blurred, and then he fainted.