
Martial Arts System

Kurogami Ichiro was desperate because he couldn't achieve what he wanted when he once started his martial arts path at age of 8! 35 Years he spent training and honing his martial arts, but he always felt like he was born in the wrong era... And fate played its tricks and Ichiro lost his life while saving a young girl's life and no matter how much he trained his martial arts. He couldn't escape from death. But.. his story didn't end there... He reincarnated to a different world where martial arts and people with strength are targets of admiration... Can Ichiro finally reach his dream while having the assistance of the Martial Arts System? Martial Arts System seemed simple at first... But Ichiro will slowly find out... That the Martial Arts System is far from simple. ________________________________ Disclaimer: The cover is my own, made by Dini Marlina __________________ https://www.patreon.com/aesirproductions Me, alongside my friends, decided to create a novel. Please, check it out, and support if you enjoy it. I can promise, it's going to be a wild ride.

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432 Chs


News about Avery's defeat was spreading everywhere.

The geniuses in Royal City was shocked!

They know the talent Avery possesses, and they wouldn't be as shocked if someone who has entered Age of Growth defeated him, but instead, someone with the same age group did!

He gave so much despair for the people from the same generation as him that everyone started treating him as undefeatable existence.

Avery's dominance made many quit Martial Arts for good because his talent made everyone look so inferior that they didn't have the mentality to continue.

This News also came as a surprise for Marq's Martial Arts Association.

They ranked Avery as Top 12 in the Global Talent List, but that was only estimated.

He could be a few spots higher, but Avery never showed what he is capable of, but in the match against Ichiro, he did go all-out, and they were confident that Avery should be in the Top 9.

They were currently having a meeting.