
Who is number one in the world?

The next day early in the morning.

The energetic Chu Tianqi walked out of his house and came to Monk Kongquan's courtyard.

Monk Kongquan got up earlier than him and waited in front of the monastery gate.

Seeing him appear, Master Kongquan didn't say a word and walked straight down the mountain path.

Chu Tianqi thought he had offended Master Kongquan, so he dared not speak and followed him honestly.

His internal strength had improved greatly from yesterday.

The full level of internal force was really dominating.

Chu Tianqi felt that if he gave himself a few months of time, he could surpass Monk Kong Quan.

He didn't know how strong Monk Kong Quan was yet.

Along the way, he watched the scenery of Shaolin Temple.

It had to be said that this was indeed a martial arts holy place, and the Shaolin Temple had an extremely strong martial arts style, with monks practicing martial arts on the mountains and plains.

After more than half an hour, they reached the foot of the mountain.

There was a post station here, behind a large fence with dozens of strong horses waiting.

In ancient times, a horse was a kind of carriage.

Monk Kongquan asked, "Do you know how to ride a horse?"

In the past, he wanted to try to see what could be achieved at the first level besides martial arts.

Both horseback riding and martial arts are related to the body. Although he couldn't reach that level directly, he learned very quickly.

Horseback riding is about controlling your body balance, but not about communicating with the horse.

Monk Kongquan did not say much.

Soon, they took a horse and rode forward.

This inn was owned by Shaolin Temple, they did not need to pay.

Riding forward, Chu Tianqi's heart pounded.

The arena.

Here I come!

Meanwhile, the roadblockers stirred up again.

"He can ride a horse? Is he that well-rounded?"

"A man destined to wreak havoc."

"Haha, the old man next door has been trying to ride a horse and almost got trampled to death by it."

"Everyone, in terms of martial arts alone, is Chu Tianqi the strongest in the first test?"

"It should be. This highly regarded world champion boxer has not yet developed his internal power. He has joined the Hulong Villa. He wanted to be number one in the china, not right and wrong, and learned to attract stars." ** , and still ended up sweeping the world at the No. 1 World Villa."


At the beginning of the horseback riding, Chu Tianqi was still very excited.

But the ancient road far away, this excitement soon cooled down.

No words along the way.

At noon.

They stopped at an inn in the mountains, ready to rest and eat.

This inn has two floors. There are six tables on the first floor and three tables at present.

As soon as the two men entered, they attracted the attention of the diners.

Chu Tianqi narrowed his eyes.

He felt a murderous aura.

It was hard not to feel this in real life.

Monk Kongquan did not change his face and led him to a table by the window.

"What do you want, two monks?"

Junior ran over and asked with a nod and a bow.

Monk Kongquan replied." Two bowls of vegetarian noodles and a pot of tea."

"Right away! Wai a minute."

After the junior left, Monk Kongquan looked at Chu Tianqi and said, "That's how it is in the Jianghu. Don't worry, but you can't lose your vigilance."

The other diners turned their eyes back and talked about their own affairs.

It was estimated that these people were afraid that the enemy would come to their door.

Chu Tianqi asked." Master, can you tell me the current martial arts pattern?"

Monk Kongquan said with a smile." Today's martial arts are very exciting, with many dynasties and countless sects, like rivers."

"It's hard to say the pattern because it's so big. There are many sects that are no worse than our Shaolin, and there are many heroes."

"Although you are a genius, but in martial arts is useless. Qiao Feng of the Northern Beggar's Gang is in his early thirties and has amazing internal strength. Compared with our abbot, Ghost Valley, Gai Nie, Wei Zhuang two heroes are famous all over the world, and are young. , there is also Mount Hua's Ling Hu Chong, Hulong Villa's Duan Tianya, Guihai a knife and so on."

"There are countless geniuses in the younger generation."

Chu Tianqi was very excited.

He had heard of these names in his previous life.

In this life, martial arts were not so widely circulated. Because of the different times, numerous special effects movies dominated the entertainment. Many people deliberately went to know those martial arts stories for the sake of the game "Martial Arts", but for Chu Tianqi In his previous life, he grew up watching these stories.

"Who is the world number one?" Chu Tianqi asked in a low voice.

Monk Kongquan shook his head and said." There are too many world firsts, such as the world's best sword, the world's best flying dagger, and the world's best person, there are too many people who are qualified to be the world's best."

Chu Tianqi opened his eyes wide and asked in amazement." Master Bodhidharma is still alive?"

Monk Kongquan glared at him and said with a gasp of anger, "What are you talking about! The Grandmaster is extraordinary. How could he die!"

Chu Tianqi was silent.

It seemed that he had underestimated the background of the world of martial arts.

At this time.

A figure walked into the inn, instantly freezing the atmosphere in the inn.

Chu Tianqi glanced at it and his pupils suddenly shrank.

This person was wearing a white robe with dark blue lines printed on the hem. He was tall, holding a sword in his hand, and his black hair was tied behind his head. There were two strands of long hair hanging down on the sides of his face. He had a handsome face and cold eyes.

As soon as he entered, the eyes of the other diners in the inn changed and they all touched their weapons.