
Martial Arts Era

At the age of 17 Shen Wu lost his parents as well as his beloved little sister in a fire. Now he’s 34 and working a Stereotype job at a Company. While thinking about his life and regretting his past, he’s being transported to his past self at the age of 16, only to realize that it was not the earth he new. ———————————————————

Shiva_02 · Fantasy
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Martial Arts

<p>Shanghai, China <br/>In a small four room apartment located in Chongming district, sitting next to the table Shen Wu was pouring himself glass after glass of cheap alcohol.<br/>While absorbed into drinking and thinking about his past, regretting his decision and mistakes. He was slowly loosing consciousness till the time he fell to the ground with everything around him getting darker and darker, till there was nothing left besides darkness.<br/>"Am I dead, is this hell" Shen Wu was asking himself with a bored and depressed look on his face. Before he could even think he was slowly starting to see light again. But instead of seeing his lonely and quiet apartment, he almost began bursting out into tears. <br/>"It can't be, no ….. no it can't beee" Shen Wu's expression turned joyful with a few tears falling down his face. <br/>"Everyone!! Look at this ..." a brown haired boy in the middle of the class was screaming.<br/>"It's official Headmaster Lin just broke trough and it's now an 9th grade Martial Artist" all the students were in shock from the news. Only Shen Wu didn't understand what was going on and why they were in such shock, but soon he would understand something that would change his life.<br/>"Is Headmaster Lin, Lin Mu Feng …." Shen Wu was asking one of his friends "Shen it's disrespectful talking about Headmaster Lin with his name" the friend next to him said with a informative tone and a worried face. «so it was really Lin Mu Feng».<br/>While everyone was concentrated on the news Shen Wu tried to understand what actually is going on «so it seems like I was reincarnated».<br/>«But why is everyone talking about martial arts and martial artist …. What if this may not be earth» with a very surprised look on his face he was starting to understand what was going on. <br/>«It may look suspicious if I ask to many questions, better go and look it up online».<br/>"Ey by the way is there any Internet cafe near the school" Shen was asking his friend with a quiet awkward look on his face. "….. Don't you go there almost everyday, is everything ok with you, you seem really off today ….. could it be that you're high" his friend sighted with a disappointment look on his face while also having a funny reaction.<br/>"Heeeeeee ... how do you even come to such a conclusion" Shen said with a surprised expression on his face while feeling the urge to laugh but trying to keep it in "Nahh man, I just wasn't there lately so I forgot" <br/>"Hmmmm …. Yeahh sure" said his friend with the expression like wanting to say «it's okkk I won't tell anybody ha ha ha».<br/>A few hours later after finishing his History class, he was walking down the street on the way to the Internet cafe "Here we are, I totally forgot got about this place".<br/>While in front of the Internet cafe memories began to appear. <br/>"Ey Shen u wanna get premium member card, only 50 bucks hehe" the girl at the reception said with a attractive and seducing smile on her face. "…"<br/>Shen then realized that he needed money for the Internet cafe. After looking for money in his pocket's and founding around 13 bucks, he sighted with a clumsy and disappointing look while thinking «I guess in this life as well I'm poor».<br/>"I'll pass on that Mei, you already know me just top my card with 5 bucks" Shen said to Mei while walking in the direction of the computer.<br/>«Ok let's start the research» he said to himself very excited. <br/>30 minutes later...<br/>"So this world is Earth ….. but also not at the same time, this world also has 7 continents the only thing is that each one of the is twice as big as Asia in my previous world" it's what Shen was murmuring to himself. <br/>"But the difference between my and this World is that this world has spiritual power" while saying that to himself his face begann to light up.<br/>This world had spiritual power, that's what the people of this planet called it. Spiritual power was released on this planet through a phenomenon that people call „Heavens Rage„ and with that phenomenon the cultivation era started.<br/>The phenomenon happened more than 200 years ago at that time the sky began to crack and the earth began trembling. Through the crack the people could see other planets as well as creatures and other human looking Organismen.<br/><br/>——————————————<br/><br/>PS: This is not the whole chapter. It still isn't done I'm trying to get ideas and see how you think about it and if you actually like what I wrote till now.</p>