

The grand-master of ancient martial arts in Huaxia transmigrates to the Nine Provinces Continent where martial arts are most respected. Where the strong make and rules and weak obey. As a martial arts enthusiast, he swears to re-reach the pinnacle of cultivation, to slay whoever despises him and to rule the worlds in his own way. He will be the strong who make the rules others have to obey. He will make his name known to all. He will create a legend that will never fall.

DaoistiWcaVj · Fantasy
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42 Chs

Chapter 39

Chapter 39

As Liu Meng rolled out of sight, only Chen Fan and Xiao Liu were left on the road of life and death.

"Brother Chen, shall we continue?" Standing side by side, Xiao Liu said to Chen Fan.

If it were at the beginning, he wouldn't ask anything like this. After all, at that time Chen Fan climbed the road of life and death, and in the eyes of Xiao Liu, he would be no different.

But it was different at this moment. Faced with Chen Fan today, Xiao Liu found that he could no longer see through.

Obviously, the cultivation base is only the fifth heaven, and every step along the way is extremely difficult, but Chen Fan can still reach the point of this moment, which is absolutely impossible in the eyes of ordinary people.

Therefore, he is also a little curious, wanting to see where Chen Fan can go and whether he can really create miracles!

"Since you are here, don't you want to climb to the top and step on the entire Xuan Jing under your feet?"

Chen Fan smiled proudly, carrying his hands on his back, and moving forward again!

Xiao Liu followed behind, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

Below, the shock that Chen Fan brought to everyone is far from stopping. All those who wait and see look at Chen Fan step by step, breaking through themselves again and again.

In a blink of an eye, he came to the second heaven of the road of life and death, and he was still marching towards the third heaven, and Chen Fan's advancement still did not stop.

Since coming here, he has only one purpose!

Climb to the top!

And all the pressure and all the dangers along the way are all clouds!

A warrior who originally had the same idea as Chen Fan and wanted to move away from the road of life and death to sharpen him saw this situation, thinking that the road of life and death was nothing more than that, and he had to follow the brown stone steps.

But after a few steps, he returned with a flushed face.

He knew in his heart that if he went forward rashly, he would die here!

At the same time, everyone also had a clear impression in their hearts, which was a danger to life and death, and a power to Chen Fan.

Ordinary people may take a few steps and choose to quit because they cannot bear the pressure and fear in their hearts. Chen Fan has already walked hundreds of steps, and even as the pressure is getting stronger and stronger, his speed is getting faster and faster. This is not something ordinary people can achieve.

And from beginning to end, Chen Fan's waist did not bend once, even in the face of tremendous pressure, he still maintained his pride!

In a blink of an eye, Chen Fan and Xiao Liu have reached the fifth heaven of life and death.

It can be seen that both of them are extremely embarrassed at this moment. Even the small six who has been fluttering in white clothes is short of breath due to excess pressure, hair is scattered, and it is tied to the cheek in a lock.

Chen Fan was even worse. His body was trembling all the time, which was a sign that he would not be able to bear the pressure and would soon fall.

Stopping on the fifth heaven, Xiao Liu said with a wry smile: "Brother Chen, I can't move forward anymore. I must retreat. You leave with me."

Chen Fan didn't speak, but just glanced at Xiao Liu plainly.

The meaning in his eyes is already obvious.

All this is not over yet, Chen Fan will not leave without climbing to the top!

Xiao Liu stopped talking, but in his eyes, there was endless shock.

His cultivation base is the Eighth Heaven of Martial Artist, and Chen Fan is only the fifth Heaven. With such a difference, Chen Fan still has extra energy at this moment. Is this still a human?

With such emotions, Xiao Liu took a deep breath and bowed to Chen Fan, "Brother Chen, I forgive me for not being able to walk with you again, but I hope you can create miracles because you…have this ability!"

On the road of life and death, there was only a lonely figure left, that was Chen Fan, walking forward with his own unwillingness to be stubborn and arrogant.

Xiao Liu came down and stood side by side with his sister. The two looked at the back and were silent.

Originally they thought that the martial art realm of this world could explain everything.

But Chen Fan taught them a lesson, that is, in the face of willpower and persistence, the martial art realm looks so unbearable.

"He has reached his limit a long time ago, but he still persists until now. What do you think he relies on?"

Xiao Liu was silent like Xiao Qi asking, but these words seemed to be asking himself.

Xiao Qi's gaze never left Chen Fan's back. She put away her usual stubbornness, and said quietly: "He is indeed much lower than us, but he has something that we didn't have. "

"The heart of the strong!" Turning his head slowly, Xiao Qi stared at her brother, with a vague voice in her voice: "He has the heart of a strong man who is fearless and goes forward courageously! But what about people with this heart? Can fall easily, how can it be restricted by the mere martial arts realm?"

"Brother!" Taking a deep breath, Xiao Qi made the final attribution: "We are afraid that we have met a fierce man today, a peerless fierce man who will eventually stand on top!"

Xiao Liu nodded solemnly, at this moment he had no doubt about his sister's thoughts.

"Look, Chen Fan continues!"

Just after the conversation between the brothers and sisters was over, a scream suddenly sounded, looking towards the road to life and death, Chen Fan, after a slight recovery, has begun to climb again.

Six heavens of life and death!

With the creaking of his teeth, Chen Fan finally stepped into the place where the Sixth Heaven was. At the same time, the pressure he was under had reached a critical point.

The critical point of life and death!


A large mouthful of blood spurted out, and it was with this eruption that the bones of Chen Fan's whole body made a burst of crisp sound, and some bones even had cracks.

The huge pressure swept across, like a mountain, pressing on Chen Fan's back.

Every pore in his body has a drop of blood sticking out. The whole person looks like he has become a blood man, and under such pressure, Chen Fan kneels down for the first time!

He is already unable to resist.

Xiao Qi just grabbed her brother's arm, and her jade hands were already white because of the force. She bit her lips tightly, not wanting to leave Chen Fan's back, but at the same time, she was afraid that she would see a terrible sight.

The same is true for Xiaoliu, even with sweat in his palms, and he is extremely nervous.

At this moment, the people who had originally held their breath and watched Chen Fan started to discuss.

"I have to say that this Chen Fan is really an extremely powerful generation. It is absolutely unimaginable that he can reach such a point, but even so, all this will be over."

"That's right, the higher the road of life and death, the stronger the pressure, and once you are overwhelmed by that pressure, you will no longer have the power to turn over, you can only watch yourself being crushed into a mass of ground meat."

"Oh, it's a pity, I thought I could see the second person in history who passed the test of life and death today."

Accompanied by the sound of regret or gloating from the people around her, Xiao Qi's eyes changed. She looked at the half-kneeling back, who was still unyielding, and bit her lip and said, "I'm going to save him!"

Xiao Liu also had the same idea. He flipped his hand, and a jade pendant appeared in the storage bag, which was about to be crushed.

But at this moment, the mutation happened suddenly!