
Martha Jordan

‘‘What in God’s name is happening’’ Martha asked as she properly wore Marcus’ jacket and rolled the sleeve till it was her arm’s length. ‘The thing I have been shielding everyone from’ I answered running a hand through my hair. ‘’And what is that?’’ she asked pulling off her shoes. ‘Nothing you need to know about Milky way’ I said to her. ‘’You did not just mean that! I almost just got hit right now Sir and you are still telling me I need not know?’’ she asked in a slightly elevated hushed tone. ‘I’ll explain it all to you but do you see that car over there’ I asked pointing towards my car and she nodded. ‘I am going to cover you and I want you to run as hard as you can. Do you hear me?’ I asked looking at her directly. ‘’You might not know this but I am a level four combatant now but my dad put a pause to my trainings because of my studies so the least I can do is run’’ she said with a shrug of her shoulders. ‘I know everything about you L4 combatant. On my count of three, you run’ I said as I pulled out an Akdal Ghost TR01 pistol from the back of my pants. ‘One Two…’ I started but she cut me off, ‘’don’t get hit Milky Way’’ she said and I chortled lightly, surprised that she was still worrying about me even though I put her in harm’s way only a couple of seconds ago and at the nickname she just reciprocated in calling me. ‘I’ll try. Three!’ I said and she started running while I side ran with her shooting at the direction the bullet came from the other time. Because I was running, the bullets fired back did not touch me at first but before I got to my car, I was shot in my arm. I opened the door of the car to get in and was expecting Martha to do same but that was when I turned back and saw it. Martha did not make it to the car, she was sprawled on the floor, in her red dress, with her blood flowing from her side.

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
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64 Chs




I woke up to a sore feeling all over my body and to the beeping of a heart monitor by my side. I felt pressed and needed to use the rest room. I sat up on my side and was met with a slightly snoring James Jordan.

My dad had his head on my bed in the hospital, with an arm underneath his head and his mouth opened. I smiled when I saw him but I really needed to use the rest room before my bladder opens up on its own. The tape like things on my hand were not helping issues so I pulled it off my hand and the heart monitor began to beep like crazy – waking my dad up and alerting the doctors.

Half a minute, they were by my bed side asking what I needed and my dad had a very displeased look on. I told them and my dad was asked to excuse me for a while. He did but I could still see his head faced backward like he was guarding the door. I knew I had made him worry and I was in a lot of trouble. After finishing my business, a nurse helped me out and re-taped my hand with a dripping liquid. My dad entered as she left and he opened the window to let fresh air come in and for ventilation before he sat down on the chair he was seated.

''I'm quite hungry dad'' I said to cut through the silence that seemed like a canopy above us. ''What do you want to eat?'' he asked in a very calm voice that turned my blood cold. I could not really say what I wanted to eat after he asked me in that manner so I replied him saying, ''whatever the doctor deems fit''. He came back thirty minutes later with a tray of roasted asparagus, avocado toast, sliced radishes and some tomatoes.

I thanked him after he placed it before me. He sat down back and watched me try to pick the spoon with my injured arm and I could not. I tried using my other hand but I am not accustomed with using it so I could only get little quantity into the spoon.

He collected the spoon from me and began to feed me in silence. The silent treatment was eating me up badly and I just needed him to say something or yell at me but he was doing none and was leaving me befuddled.

''Hi dad'' I greeted him when I was done eating. ''Hi Martha'' he replied with an expressionless face.

''Can you please say something to me because I neither know how you are feeling or what you have in mind or wha…'' I said before he interrupted me. '

'Do you think life is some sort of joke Martha? You could have died and I do not think you know how many lives you could put in danger with your death. What do you think would happen to me? Do you even consider me your fath…''. I could not listen to him say that especially the last part. I have always known him as a strong man and I have never seen him this emotional before.

''I'm so sorry for putting myself in danger dad. I really am so sorry and don't you ever doubt that you are my dad. I know I was reckless but do not for one second, equate that with this. You are... you are my dad'' I said amidst sobs and my dad came to sit by my side on the bed and gently hugged me, patting my back.

''Don't cry Martha, you have not fully recovered. You need to retain every energy you have my angel'' he said in a soft voice that was laced with deep emotion. I felt like he was crying also.

''Alright dad'' I said as I rubbed my face on his chest, using it to dry my eyes. ''You really are something else'' he said with mirth in his voice at my actions as he placed me to rest my back before he went back to the chair.

''What of the boys?'' I asked suddenly wondering why they aren't also here. ''They have an important test this morning and would come around by noon''. ''Oh!'' I said with a sigh.

We heard a knock at the door and we both turned towards the door as the knob of the door twisted and a head peeked in. It was Marcus, dressed in a grey hoodie and grey joggers with a pair of white sneakers.

''Just wanted to be sure this was your room'' he said as he fully entered the room.

''Good day Sir'' he greeted my dad.

''Good day and you are?'' my dad asked with a slight frown on his face and wrinkles appearing on his forehead questioningly. '

'I ar am…'' Marcus started but I quickly cut him off as I noticed his uneasiness due to my dad's intimidation.

''He is Marcus! Dad, meet my friend Marcus Ranks, Marcus, meet my dad'' I said as I gave my dad the 'be-nice' look. He understood and gave us some privacy but not before looking at Marcus suggestively and judgementally. Once the door was closed behind my dad, I quickly faced Marcus and apologized.

''It's no biggie, how are you doing?'' he asked as he walked to the foot of the bed. ''Getting better I guess'' I said with a smile.

''What in God's name happened? I want the details and when I mean details, I mean, every single thing that happened in that library. Can you? Like are you up to the task?'' he asked concerned for my health. ''Definitely, I can'' I replied.

''Lily and I slept off in the library and…'' I recounted the experience to him and watched as his face grew from confusion to shock to pain and then to anger.

''So you do have some fighting skills huh?'' he asked when I was done.

''Not really, I just know the basics'' I said and I could feel my inner self laughing at me.

''I really want to find out who this guy is. The CCTV in the library seemed to have stopped functioning at that time of the event and it seemed the guy hacked it. Whatever that was, it was not an accident or coincidence, it was surely premeditated by someone'' he said and I could only nod at him not wanting to reveal the main information I knew.

''Have you seen Lily?'' I asked Marcus and as if on cue, the door knob turned and Lily came in, looking sleep and rest deprived.

''I think you are the one that needs to be on this hospital bed. You look like shit Lil!'' I commented but she neither said a thing nor moved from the position she was standing, in the middle of the room.

''What's wrong Lily?'' I asked ceasing the tease and being serious when I noticed tears rolling down her cheeks.

''Why did you do that?'' she asked in tears.

I was stupefied due to her actions and just stared at her like a moron as she continued. ''What if something had happened to you? What if you had died and I had to bear the guilt of knowing you died. How foolish of you. You did that for me!'' she exclaimed.

''I would do it again Lil'' I said understanding her and opening my arms to her. She walked towards me and hugged my side that was not bandaged with tears in her eyes and visible sorrow in her gait.

We stayed like that for a while till Marcus cleared his throat loudly to gain our attention. ''Hi'' she said to Marcus as she unwrapped her left arm from my waist.

''Never knew you could cry Lil'' Marcus teased. ''Never knew you could be found in a hospital Geographer'' she defended and folded her arms in front of her. ''Preferably Cartographer'' Marcus said trying to correct Lily. ''Nobody really cares you know'' Lily countered.

''I think Martha does'' Marcus said looking at me and Lily also turned to face me with her left brow arched upward in a questioning attitude – whether I was going to support her or him. ''I feel pains everywhere'' I said using my hand to touch my head and belly with the hope of distracting their bicker. They saw right through my act and burst out laughing.

''I got some fruits for you but the guards outside would not let me bring it in'' Lily said with a pout. ''Same here, I had gotten some fruits and a bouquet of flowers for you but they collected it from me right outside the door'' Marcus added. ''There are guards outside?'' I asked with widely opened eyes.

''You did not know!'' they exclaimed in unison. ''They said it was orders from Mr James Jordan and I am guessing that's your dad'' Marcus added.

''That is definitely my dad, so sorry for that guys'' I said looking from Marcus to Lily apologetically. ''No qualm'' Lily said. ''I am sorry for asking at this time but Lily, do you have an idea on who that guy is?'' Marcus asked but I answered for her, ''she definitely does not know him. He is just a bloody stalker because he also called me my full name. How is your arm?'' I asked turning to Lily. ''Stitched up already'' she said rolling her left sleeve up to show the small bandage for the wound.

There was another knock at the door and six eyes faced the door in anticipation for who was on the other side. The door was opened ajar revealing a masked man. My breath caught in my nostrils at the sight of the tall masked man but was released when I saw my dad and brothers trail after him.

The masked man opened his nose mask to reveal Gabriel Martin, Nathan's dad clothed in ordinary clothes and shoes. He was not dressed like the man whose mansion housed me from the horrors that awaited me outside. He was dressed purely like a commoner and a giggle left my lips.

''You are definitely the only injured person that can see me in such clothes and still giggle Martha'' he said as he walked towards me. Marcus and Lily stood up and bowed at the man recognizing who he was and paying their respects.