
Martha Jordan

‘‘What in God’s name is happening’’ Martha asked as she properly wore Marcus’ jacket and rolled the sleeve till it was her arm’s length. ‘The thing I have been shielding everyone from’ I answered running a hand through my hair. ‘’And what is that?’’ she asked pulling off her shoes. ‘Nothing you need to know about Milky way’ I said to her. ‘’You did not just mean that! I almost just got hit right now Sir and you are still telling me I need not know?’’ she asked in a slightly elevated hushed tone. ‘I’ll explain it all to you but do you see that car over there’ I asked pointing towards my car and she nodded. ‘I am going to cover you and I want you to run as hard as you can. Do you hear me?’ I asked looking at her directly. ‘’You might not know this but I am a level four combatant now but my dad put a pause to my trainings because of my studies so the least I can do is run’’ she said with a shrug of her shoulders. ‘I know everything about you L4 combatant. On my count of three, you run’ I said as I pulled out an Akdal Ghost TR01 pistol from the back of my pants. ‘One Two…’ I started but she cut me off, ‘’don’t get hit Milky Way’’ she said and I chortled lightly, surprised that she was still worrying about me even though I put her in harm’s way only a couple of seconds ago and at the nickname she just reciprocated in calling me. ‘I’ll try. Three!’ I said and she started running while I side ran with her shooting at the direction the bullet came from the other time. Because I was running, the bullets fired back did not touch me at first but before I got to my car, I was shot in my arm. I opened the door of the car to get in and was expecting Martha to do same but that was when I turned back and saw it. Martha did not make it to the car, she was sprawled on the floor, in her red dress, with her blood flowing from her side.

Sapphire_Peter_2374 · Urban
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64 Chs



Dessert was strawberry and vanilla flavoured ice creams with my dad's special chocolate mud cupcakes. During dessert, Daddy Two asked Lily about her family. I remember what she told me about her mom and I knew it was kind of like a sensitive subject for her. I could say nothing though - I am subject to the rules governing The Heart and my dads had lovingly explained to me. I could only gnash my teeth in self restraint.

"My mum died while I was young and I don't really know much about her, but I stay with my dad!" replied Lily with rehearsed composure. She looked unbothered and a little nonchalant but I have been with her for a while and I know that with the slight almost unnoticeable slouch of her shoulders, it represented her nervousness and discomfort. I knew Daddy Two had things planned on how to get more information after breakfast from her but I did not think I wanted to be there when she would be indirectly interrogated. This day was only going to be a super long one for me because I wonder how long I can hold out to them torturing my friend. I could only hope for a miracle or something that could lead me out of the house - I needed to blow some steam off.

It was like the heavens were reading my heart and had prioritised me at that moment because I suddenly got a message. It was a decrypted message from the organisation. It was in English but I knew that what the message read was not what it meant. It inferred something else and I could not decode that till I was by myself.

Message: "You are likened to the star because you shine so bright wherever you are!"

"I'll be back guys, I just need to check on something real quick!" I said as I stood up to go to my room.

"Seems like Martha has a lover dad!" said Seth. He had heard the ding sound of the message as my phone received it and I bet he was just being the ever present curious cat he was.

"And why would you make such a ridiculous statement?" I asked as I placed one hand on my hip - executing my supposed elder sister stance perfectly.

"Chill out sis, I saw the look of enlightenment on your face when you unlocked your phone and read whatever message was sent to you. That's all! From my broad research, I have been able to uncover and discover that women give that look when they get a message from their lover" Seth defended.

"I guess this broad research is from your K-drama collection?" asked Michael as he shoved a spoonful of vanilla flavoured ice cream into his mouth.

"What do you mean? I…I do not watch those girlish things. Are you trying to insinuate that I watch those fantasy filled Korean dramas?" asked Seth nervously as he dashed his eyes to Lily to know what she thought on Michael's claim. Lily did not even seem like she was in on all that was going on around her as she munched on her cake with sweet lady grace but I could tell her mind was elsewhere.

"I think the word 'insinuate' is quite big for the simple question asked" said Marcus with a smile. He was now more free with my brothers and I suspect he enjoys their company more than mine. I felt happily betrayed.

"I have a feeling you want to know what it would feel like to get choked again!" threatened Seth and the smile on Marcus' face was instantly erased.

I left the room and headed for the privacy of my room. Once I was there, I got my notebook I used in decrypting such messages. I knew that this message was likely to tell where we would be meeting next.

I turned a new page and wrote down the message.

"You are likened to the star because you shine so bright, wherever you are!"

After some wrong areas and mis- direction, I finally got the meaning of the message. The message was a location and that is where we are to have a meeting/ training session by 12pm.

Using the knowledge from the classes I had undergone in my early days, I knew that for something to be likened to another, did not necessarily mean that thing was it. The word 'likened' in location finding meant the opposite - something that looks like but us not.

The only city in Naylatan known for its many decoration lights on the road is Dawn Crust City.

The city on the map of Naylatan that was exactly facing the opposite of Dawn Crust city is Wild Read city and that was where the training was going to take place.

The exact building that was going to be used was where I had a little issue finding. Such meetings like this one were held in almost unnoticeable buildings that would have an underground building and she was clueless on the next step to take.

I knew I needed to sharpen my senses and wit as I have been away from training for a while due to the injury when I came to a dead end and gave up.

'Where do I go?' I thought.

I heard the gate opening, which could mean that either someone was leaving or someone was coming in. I did not bother to find out who it was and kept on staring at the paper before me, for more clues on the exact building where Level Four Combatants would be training.

"Where is the injured fingerling?" asked a very familiar voice, loud enough for the whole house to hear. I guess everyone was done with dessert - and I bet mine had been eaten by one of my brothers because I heard the shuffling and moving of feet. They were going to the living room.

"Good day Sir Jordan!" greeted the voice.

"Good day son. How are you doing?" asked my dad.

"I'm good sir. How are you doing, little Jordans?"

There was only one person in the world that had the audacity to refer to my brothers as 'Little Jordans'. It was Ferran…Ferran Jonathan.

Oh! My brothers would be so mad!