

Beginning: Main characters: Martha Jordan - the protagonist of the story. A girl who was abused and raped severally. She escapes her rapist and learns how to love again but the love is threatened by a secret organization who want her dead. Nathan Martin - Martha's love. A very handsome man who is one of the leading members of the biggest secret non governmental organization in the country. Supporting Characters: James Jordan: Martha's foster dad Michael Jordan: Martha's brother Seth Jordan: Martha's brother Lily Rudolph: Martha's best friend Gabriel Martin: Nathan's father The tragedic exit of Martha's parents and her going to her aunt's house where she was heavily maltreated by her aunt and constantly raped by her aunt's husband, Dr Matthew Stone. Development: When she turns nineteen, Dr Matthew tries to continue his assaukt but she musters up courage and fights with. During the fight, she ends up stabbing him and running away from the house. She enters the vehicle of a middle aged man, James Jordan, and escapes from that city. She starts living with James Jordan on his farm and saw him merely as a farmer and a man that distributes oil for heavy duty vehicles. Unknown to her, he works for a secret non governmental agency that protects civilians from government clashes and the snares of powerful men in the society. Crisis one: Martha is being looked for in the whole country for attempting to murder Dr Matthew. James Jordan gets to know and with the help of his organization, protects her. They take up the court case and they win the case. She meets a member of the organization who falls in love with her. He is about to begin a relationship with her when the organization faces a big threat. Crisis two: A rival organization is out for them because they have been countering a lot of their attacks. They begin to kill some members of the organization and also want to kill Martha without her knowledge. The man who loves her and who she loves is known as Nathan, Nathan Martin. He leaves the country without telling her to protect her and to gather information about this rival group but he doesn't know the extent to which Martha is in love with him. s Crisis three: She is in college and her best friend happens to be a forced member of the rival organization who was asked to watch her every move. Nathan tried to discover who these hidden forces are, that are against his organization. He discovers them and comes back to the country to be closer to Martha but it seems she is in love with someone else. Climax: Martha finds out that that the organization that helped her and that she works for is under attack from a rival organization. She also discovers that her best friend is a part of that organization. She feels betrayed by everyone and decided to go on a solo hunt. She discovers some things but she is kidnapped. A war breaks out between both rival groups that takes the life of her Savior and foster father, James Jordan. They win the war but the scar of James' exit, stays fresh in her memory. Ending: Nathan gives her time to recuperate from her loss before he confesses his love to her. She tells him and they are both extremely happy on the turn out of things.

Sapphire_Peter · Urban
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32 Chs




Two years later

My name is Martha Jordan and I was formally known as Elizabeth Stephan. The name of my adoptive father and saviour is James Jordan and I have two brothers who are un-identical who were also adopted a year after I was and their names are Michael and Seth - I could not have asked for better brothers. They are both my age but they treat me like an elder sister and I definitely love it. Let me give a brief round down on my life before and now.

A year ago, my life was not exciting and interesting. Rather it was filled with so many bitter experiences and I never wish for anyone to experience. My mother died when I was four and my dad was shot in my presence when I was just eight years of age and I came to live with my dad's sister who never wanted me and her husband who started raping me when I turned thirteen.

One of the many days Dr Matthew Stone, my rapist, wanted to continue his assaults on me, I stabbed him and ran out of the house where I met my friend and dad James Jordan, who accepted me on his farm. I thought he was just a poor man who really had nothing in life but I got to know that those were all just his undercover measures he put in place so people would not really know who he is and because he was also recovering from a very harsh blow life had dealt him. My dad is a leading member of a hidden non-governmental organization known as The Heart.

The Heart is an underground institution that protects the public from clashes of private bodies, orchestrated assassinations against true and loyal government officials and other form of protections. They also specialize in creating high technology equipment and materials that help in smooth carrying out of distinct operations, that infiltrate and hack into the systems of terrorist organizations and even the security organizations of my country Naylatan and beyond.

I joined the organization after they helped in winning my case against Dr Matthew Stone who charged me for attempted murder. I do not know what I would have done without them. I joined the combat team and right now I can take down a couple of bad guys without the help of any other. I am really proud of myself. If I had tried to discern what my life would be two years ago, the confident and free girl that I am would have surely evaded my thoughts. I took some online classes for a year and caught up with some things educationally. My dad feels I am ripe enough to go to college and as much as I love the idea of going out and meeting new persons, I do not want to. I have my own deep reasons and I think my dad knows also and that is why he is bent on having me register in the University of Abroin before the time runs out.

I have a friend or I should I say had because currently he travelled out of Naylatan without telling me a thing. I got to know from my dad. His name is Nathan Martin and a prospective bachelor in Naylatan. He grew into stardom when he took over his dad's engineering company six years and ever since the company has unbeatably attained a first lead in Naylatan.

We met when I was on the run from Dr Matthew Stone. His dad, Mr Gabriel Martin, being a leading member of the Heart also had housed us in his mansion where I stayed when I was being searched for. I was safe there and away from the snares ad plots of my rapist. If I had not had his help, I would have been found out and the people of Naylatan would accept his stories because he is a renowned neurologist over a frail looking like girl without back up or connections. With his help and through his high connections, evidences were found and I was released and simultaneously, Dr Stone was charged with rape and murder of his wife.

I felt nothing when I heard that my aunt was dead. I should have felt something but I could not find it within myself to, because all I remember of her is someone who beats me to a pulp and who always mocked my short comings.

Nathan helped me in overcoming most of my fears and traumas. He also trained me when we were both free in enhancing my combat skills. We got really close and comfortable around each other, a feat I had not been able to achieve around any man save my dad. All I feel towards him is betrayal. This is my second week of my supposed heart break and my dad is still nagging me on registering for college. I opted for a continuation of online classes but he refused saying I need to make more connection with the world and that I was not social enough.

Author's Note: I just felt like I needed to give a little briefing of her past life for a better understanding of the next chapter.

I love you all.