
Marsy: Miracles on Mysterious Mars

Year 2080, humanity started colonizing Mars. It's a huge craze to go there, endless possibilities are waiting. Mostly youngsters are mad to go there. Everything seems to go well there. But smell of secrecy could be felt as one approaches Earth's so called twin planet. Deep down, something is wrong. Something unusual is happening on the big planet. Leaders are suspiciously good to each other there, a little too good. As our heroes dig further into Mars, it turns out Mars is not really what they thought it would be, it's more. What shocking secrets awaits our heroes? Why is a mysterious man finding some specific newcomers so desperately? Answer lies...

Confused_Wanderer · Fantasy
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60 Chs

2.8 The Inside


"Agh... finally the pain went away...wait...why is everything white?" Rick suddenly opened his eyes and discovered himself sitting on a chair in a white void.

"Now what? Am I dead? Dammit, I shouldn't have tried the process...or perhaps should not have touched the ball... anyway so heaven or hell? Hello? Anyone here?" Rick seemed pretty chill about dying.

"No man, come on! I do all the things to keep living and you are trying to die? That ain't fair man." Suddenly a figure appeared in front of Rick out of nothing. He wore a superhero suit along with a cape.

"Hey...you seem very familiar...where did I see such handsome face?" Rick tried to remember where did he saw him...but didn't seem to remember.

"Well, gotta say, you're a good judge, indeed I'm handsome! Don't stress yourself, your brain's natural state is hampered, it'll take time to repair." The man in cape said proudly.

"Wait, where am I? And how do you know me? Am I seriously dead? Why can't I think properly?" This time Rick felt a little fear.

"Ah yes, the regular explanation. Look, I...am YOU! Basically I'm your brain, more like the actual controller of the body. Every living thing has 2 parts, mind and body. The body part does the essential works while mind does the thinking and taking external actions. And as one can never accomplish all rounding thinking, the body gives births to one or more 'you' inside it. You can call it 'Voice in the head' or 'Alter Ego', or anything.

"What? Ah that's why you seemed so familiar. But why is this my first time meeting you..." Rick looked confused.

"Umm wait lemme finish first, Frist of all, this place is not real, it's just an abstraction, so that we can meet. Actually we have encountered many times, but brain memory doesn't work inside itself. Just like a dream, you're gonna forget it, just like previous times."

"We have these meetings every time some big changes take place mentally or physically. Remember the ball we decided to touch? And we accidentally broke it? We thought it was a good idea to check it." The other Rick paused.

"Yes, I thought it will unlock superpowers or something...turns out it was just poison...so I...I mean we are dying because of this?" Rick was still confused.

"Come on Ricky, we are gonna be a hero, don't you remember? The one thing we always aimed for? Why are you so fixated on dying? And we're...I mean you are still a virgin, so don't die... actually it WAS poisonous before, but it turns out it was not a bad idea to trust the Mister Sat! The weird poison is actually getting along with me! It seems I was somehow made for it, the brain actually has some reserved part for this. Maybe it will be useful."

"So it was successful? So I'll be a superhero? Yahoo!" Rick finally was cheered.

"Yes there is a chance! Turns out we are not wrong, as usual, we continue making good decisions, way to go Rick."

"Yes, thank you man, you're a life saver."

"Bro, I am you! It's alright, we are meant to help each other...and it seems you will be awake any moment."

"Seriously? I had so many questions, you are the best friend I never had."

"Haha, as I said, I am you Rick, I'm always inside your head.we have met countless times, and we will continue to do the same, now let's show the red planet who came to reign!"

"Yes, The Great Ricky will be the hero we dreamt of...ah this feeling..." Rick said in a dizzy voice.


"Ugh... seriously what was he thinking... I almost died there..."

"For your information, you're not dead, and please do your best not to die, I work very hard to keep going." A while silhouette appeared in front of Lucy.

"What? Who are you? Why don't you have any face-oh now you have one, why are you angry?" Lucy said in confusion.

"Look girl, I don't care about what you say about my face, but remember this is what you look like, anyway back to real business... WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING? I don't remember asking for any foreign material straight into the brain!" The silhouette who now had a face screamed at Lucy.

"Bu-but the poisoning was killing me, he said I'd turn into a zombie-" Lucy couldn't finish her words.

"So you believe him? Huh? You do right?" The silhouette said in a mocking voice.

"That's not... totally right...but I can't fight the poison alone, is taking help really bad? Tell me, am I dying?" Lucy's voice was cracking from time to time.

Suddenly a pale yellow light started covering the area. "I can't believe someone who is desperate for giving help, he must have other things planned, nobody helps for free..." The silhouette placed her hand on Lucy.

"Then I'll force it upon you-" a distant voice came and the light became brighter.

"I SHALL NEVER- DAMMIT, if it's not for the poison, I wouldn't have lost..." The silhouette said in a painful voice, "I guess I'll always have to remind you, Lucy I am you, and I'm the only thing you need to keep going. Lead your own life, I'm always there, but I lost this time, I shall back down for the time being, but we need to strike back-" And silhouette started fading as the light became brighter.


As Lucy finally fell into silence, the light coming from Sat's eyes started dimming. Sat lightly smiled at everyone before falling onto the ground with a huge thud.

"Sir" the kids exclaimed at once, but Cécile was unfazed.

"Leave him as he is, it's fine, trust me..." Cécile averted her gaze from Sat.

"But-" "No buts, don't try to touch things that you don't understand, I respect your sympathy but this is a dangerous fight, so obey orders." Cécile was strict in her voice.

"She's right, leave them as they are." Even Sarthak agreed, they all looked at the 3 people laying mysteriously...

Hey guys! Rare updater here. I'll never promise regular updates...

Well actually this part is somewhat hard to write because I have to plan the upcoming events and I want to make things interesting!! See you next time

Confused_Wanderercreators' thoughts