
Shades of Truth and Feelings

"What's that?" Jake answered as he busily scanned the surroundings with the small device he was holding.

"What did Blake mean when he said as long as my soul's intact, I'm no harm? After that long Greek that I don't understand anymore."

"He's trying to justify why he hasn't killed you yet when he's supposed to a long time ago."

"What do you mean?"

"This is just between you and me, cool?" He faced her. "It's true that he's betraying his family for you. He has taken all the risk of keeping you alive when it would be so much easier for him just to kill you. In my honest opinion, you are of no use to him, but for some insane reason, he's risking all his chances of winning this war for you. You're so lucky you've got the Moretti Clan's Supreme Leader wrapped around your fingers...the least that you can do for him right now is to take care of yourself. That's all he ever wants you to do."