

Someone's trying to run away from the possibilities of love. Will she ever find happiness and the feeling of warmth she's been yearning for?

Musicatlava · Urban
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18 Chs


It shocked Kenny to see her juice spilled on the floor right before her eyes. She got to see defeat in this worldly battle as a free food going to waste, not indulged. Such a waste. Free food is paid monetarily, although not her money but, "sigh." Never mind, she said. Turning to Martha without noticing the people behind her, she said "I'm sorry, Mamie. I put your money to waste." Trying to wipe the table at the same time.

"It's okay, Kenny. It was—"right before she finished what she will say, a man from behind called their attention. "Ahem!"

Kenny looked at the person. Feigning ignorance, she asked in a monotone voice, "Oh? What is it?" as if nothing happened. "Do you need anything?" She glanced at him while she picked up the cup that fell a while ago.

The man sarcastically smiled and pointed at his shoes using his lips. The two girls looked down. A pair of expensive looking, stylish, white, canvass shoes was tainted with orange juice. "My shoes." Said Joshua, with his hands on his hips.

"Yes, your shoes got tainted with orange." Kenny coldly described what she saw. She was about to say 'sorry' to him because by the looks of it, the shoes was very expensive but her sudden guts' told her that this guy is arrogant as fudge. Although it's her fault, she won't spell defeat. She can sense people's aura; thus, without showing any sign of remorse, she said in cold voice, shrugging her shoulders, "My bad."

Feeling the indifference and sarcasm, Joshua felt insulted! It was he who was aggrieved! Shit! His inner demon is fighting to get out and scold the woman in front if only he's not in the public. His usual cunning, boyish smile turned into a scowl, destroying his pretty boy image.

Kenny's inner thoughts are running wildly. If you see her, you might think she is calmly teasing and insulting the guy with the tainted shoes, however, her hidden self is nervously wrecking her insides, churning…a feeling she hates when she gets into trouble.

Thanks to her usual resting bitch face, although she considered it a very big problem, this time, she thanked the heavens for it. She actually has a talent to conceal her real self. Not showing any sign of guilt, she continued wiping the table. Turning to the food stall vendor, she said. "Kuya, could you give us more tissue and also, can I borrow a mop?"

"Ma'am, you can just leave it there. I will be the one to clean it." The vendor replied.

"But it was me who was at fault. Let me clean it for you." She insisted.

However, the man who was the victim of the incident slowly got irritated. "Miss, could you pay attention here?"

Not looking at his face, she said, "Just a minute till I finish this." Not sensing the cold look she's giving her. Martha, who was just at the side looking like one of the spectators knew Kenny hates it when she apologizes in her stead, but sensing the great trouble her friend's behavior is causing, stood up and apologize to the man instead. Joshua didn't accept it.

"It was her fault, so let her apologize." He still insisted it.

As if exuding aura of authority, Kenny said. "Don't be petty, Kid." Upon hearing it, Joshua was wronged! Petty? Kid? This can't be! It was her fault!

She still continued wiping. In her nervous thoughts, 'I need to be quick and get out of here!' "Kuya, please wrap these fries up. Thanks!" Handing him the remaining food to the vendor to wrap.

Joshua, shocked, exclaimed: "What? No! I'm not a kid!"

It was her fault, she admitted but could he just let this go? This kid is beginning to be petty over some spilled juice. "Okay then, I'm sorry…" not giving him eye-to-eye contact, with an indifferent tone, she continued "… to your shoes."

Grabbing the remaining tissue paper, she handed it to him, "Here. Wipe your expensive shoes with it." Unbelievable! He screamed internally. 'This biatch is taking a toll on me! He really wanted to teach this woman a lesson. He fumes in rage turning him beet red.

"Miss," he started, holding himself to behave, trying to make his voice calmer even though internally he is screaming: YOU F*CKING BITCH! YOU'RE AT FAULT HERE AND ACT LIKE IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT?!. "Could you please look at me? I'm the one who got –"

Joshua was not able to finish when he recognized someone tapping at his shoulders. Derek, who just talked to one of the store owners of the mall, caught up with what happened. He came and asked, "What happened?"

Martha told him that it was an accident and also told Kenny to apologize. "My friend here was about to reach for the tissue when she accidentally hit her own juice down. I-I tried apologizing in her stead but Mister here would not accept It." Turning to face Kendra with a no-nonsense tone, "Kenny, you should apologize AGAIN. The movie will start at 3:30." She eyed Kenny as if reprimanding her, emphasizing "again" but that looks of her told Kenny to hurry the hell up or else---. Martha is not at all a goody-two-shoes. It's ugly to see her flare up, too and Kenny knows that.

"I already did." She retorted coldly, averting her eyes somewhere so she can't meet his eyes. "I told him 'My Bad' and apologized at his shoes."

Joshua: 'What the????

"Or do you want me to pay for the damage?" She reached for her wallet and took a 20 peso bill. "I only have this in my wallet." Smirking, but in her head 'Shit! I'm provoking him too much!' "I can buy you a small pack of wet wipes for your shoes."

Joshua: "Unbelievable."

Sensing that this won't go nowhere, Derek approach Kenny and said to her in a very calm manner. "Miss, I'm his friend and manager here at the mall. You and my friend here are attracting attention. If you have apologize already, I think it was enough." he continued, "I also apologized in his stead." Derek bowed. 'Such humble man.' Kenny felt embarrass for her self.

"Enjoy your time, here Miss." Derek bowed again and started to go, grabbing Joshua by the shoulders.

When they reached Emperor's Café, he faced the angry guy, "I don't think it was intentional. You're just being petty."

"I'm not. She didn't bother apologizing to me." Joshua still insisted it. He's really irritated.

"You know better than that. And as a fact, I heard her apology. I thought you're the coolest among the 5 of us since your the youngest." Shaking his head, smirking.

He was at a loss for words. Every one is siding that woman. But later on he realized that what Derek said made sense. Soon he gave up. *Sigh*

"Okay, fine. I think yes, I was being petty." Joshua calmly admitted. "I will just let Manang Dulce clean it up for me." They went inside and ordered their food, just in time for lunch.