
Marrying into the scandals of the Royal Palace

A heat burst in Blythe’s chest as she locked lips with the powerful man. His mouth was gentle and slow, almost softly and carefully tasting her but the grip on her waist was strong and tight, holding her close. She gasped when their lips parted and his eyes searched her face for a moment before his expression returned to being as emotionless as they had been before. Blythe collected herself before glancing over at the royal family that sat in the pews. Her parents and siblings all sat in the front as well, her mother in happy tears. There were happy cheers going through the Cathedral. She managed a shy smile as she took her new husband’s arm and gently descended the stairs, her heart racing from the kiss. All of the tumultuous thoughts that had occupied her mind had cleared in an instant when her groom had reached for her and drawn her close. Blythe blushed as the two walked up the aisle to leave the church. She couldn’t handle looking up to meet the man’s eyes. A week before, when one of the three princes, Augustus had visited to ask if she would marry his younger brother in a purely contractual arrangement, she had been very firm in a no, agreeing only after he had offered to take care of her family. Now, a week later, she had fallen hopelessly in love with the mysterious, kind and powerful Prince Elliot who was fighting to keep his younger brother off the throne. Blythe Gardenlight has just married into the Royal Family, a family greatly loved by the people of her kingdom. Her guise, however, is not entirely herself. Although knowing, entering into an entirely new world wouldn't be easy, she had not counted on the scheming sister-in-law, the various power plays and the jealousies that would be out to ruin her. Will Blythe's husband take the throne or will it go to his scheming brother, Cecil and his wife, Blythe's husband's ex-fiancee?

Renee_Gabriel · Fantasy
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25 Chs

Chapter 2

The First Day of the month of Palefrost,

The Humble Town of Edgecraft.

Blythe Gardenlight could not believe her eyes.

The gorgeous blond male in front of her had knocked on her door asking her for a favour.

"I beg your pardon," She struggled with fully understanding such an extraordinary call.

She wondered what the crown-prince could want from her.

Blythe had seen him in many instances. He was extremely popular around the women of her hometown and, she imagined, the ladies of the entire kingdom.

Every time she heard of him, even her own family, always seemed enthralled by the charming crown-prince their kingdom boasted.

Having the man himself come knocking on her door had scattered her senses for a minute.

When she waited for his response, she collected her thoughts and realized what he could be here for, "Are you here to ask for a Dress made for someone you're courting?"

The man paused what he had opened his mouth to say before he chuckled, "I'm afraid not. I am here to ask of much more of you than your services as a Seamstress."

Blythe felt her mind fog with unease at the words.

What could the man want?

The royal family was dearly loved by the people of her Hometown.

Blythe herself held them in high regard although she barely kept up with the news about them; Taking, instead, their kindness when they did good things for the people, not sparing even a tiny village.

"W-won't you come in?"

She spared a glance into the cluttered room before spying a cuddle of seats by the window. The small cottage she'd rented near the fringe of the town had two rooms that she'd cozied into and made a workstation and home of.

The prince stepped into the room, a quick survey of the floor with his eyes before he looked at her with a smile, "You're a shout around the town. You've certainly made a name for yourself in such a little amount of time. That's a lot of talent and hard work, miss."

Blythe beamed at his kind words as she led him to the chairs beside the window, "Thank you! The people here have been quick to take my services."

Prince Augustus chuckled as he settled into a chair, "That's because of the fine work you do. The families I visited were aglow with praise."

Blythe tried to wave away his words whilst her heart soared with happiness.

The man certainly was charming and she could see why he was so well-liked by the people.

He chose to seem close to the person he engaged with, pulling out all the knowledge he had of them and making them feel special and valued.

"H-How may I help you?" Blythe settled in a seat opposite him and straightened, hoping to seem professional and capable as he saw her.

The man paused, raking a hand through his golden hair before he looked deep into her eyes, "Doing this for me will ensure that your family will be very well taken care of, Ms. Gardenlight. There is a position I am hoping you will agree to taking and a role you will be very good at playing. I assure you that this will help me take care of your family."

Blythe stammered when she responded, "I'm sorry… I- Alright? What is this 'role' I must play?"

He took a deep breath before giving her a pleasant smile.

The smile eased her nerves.

"I," he began, "would like if you would marry my brother and became a princess."

He seemed to pause and gauge her expression before he continued.

Blythe couldn't help her mouth staying open.

"The prince is in need of a bride and I think someone as hard-working and kind as yourself will be well-suited to be by his side."

Blythe willed herself to speak but could only stare at the handsome face of the prince.

"However," he chuckled nervously, "We will tell the nobles that you are a foreign lady. I would like them to think your family is of High ranking in a foreign land and have come to stay here since their daughter is marrying the prince."

Blythe's voice slowly returned to her, her head spinning with the suddenness of the proposal, "What? I don't follow… I- why me?"

Prince Augustus spoke again, his voice steady and sure, "My lady, you are unknown among the Nobles and Royals of the kingdom and, from what I've heard, supporting a family of seven. This is, by all means, a perfect way for you to elevate your family in a mere minute."

Blythe blinked, trying to keep from asking him a thousand questions in a minute.

None of his words seemed trustworthy but his tone was genuine and warm.

"So, you want me to pretend to be a foreign noble to marry the prince? And you will keep my family well-maintained in exchange for my hand in marriage to your brother."

The prince paused for a moment, slowly observing her face before nodding, "I will ensure your family has no traces of their lives in your hometown and shift them to the capital. This is just a request, of course, and you are free to reject."

He shifted back into his seat, as though allowing her to think.

Blythe bit her lip.

She did not have any details. Most of the information swirled around in her head and she was having difficulty making sense of it.

"I- I don't know if I should. I'm rather comfortable here."

Her stomach fell when she saw the serious eyes of the prince, the light from the window allowing her to see the gleam in his eye and the anxious expression he had hidden for so long.

He sighed, "Ms. Gardenlight, your marriage to my brother will be arranged but it will lead to a happier life for your family. Isn't that what you want? We will be able to ensure, together, a calm future for your family and for mine. Isn't that what your parents would want too?"

Blythe took a deep breath, hating how stressed she was getting.

All she wanted was to help her parents but something about the proposal seemed shady.

Why would she have to pretend to be a foreign noble? What if she was found out? What happened to her or her family then? And who was the man she would have to marry?

Was it the second prince; the quiet man always by Prince Augustus' side?

"I," the prince straightened when she spoke, "I will consider it."

The happiness on the blond man's face made her want to reconsider what she had said.

Blythe's heart was torn. She was doing so well on her own but the faces of her family danced before her mind; wreathed in heavy, expensive clothing, laughing and happy, waving to her from an expensive mansion.

The prince rose to his feet, rousing her from her thoughts.

"I assure you that we are in need of you as much as you are in need of us." His pleasant smile had returned, "I think I will only be giving you more necessary details if you agree. I cannot disclose more, I am afraid. All I can say is that your family, ours, if all goes well; will only know happiness and comfort for as long as they live if you join our family to become a princess."

Blythe had at least a hundred questions but she wasn't sure why she couldn't voice them.

She decided to try, "Is it normal for a prince to have his marriage arranged? Why isn't it to a noble? Why me? Does he know that I am a commoner? Why is he to marry me? Why must I pretend to be a Foreign Noble when you're asking for my hand for your brother?"

The prince blinked, a little taken aback.

He laughed, "Ms. Gardenlight, there's an answer to all of your questions but I can't answer all of your questions unless you vow to side with me, now can I?"

She paused to look at him.

He seemed to be in need of her help because of something that brewed at the palace and would not share information until she agreed to join him.

Prince Augustus took both of her hands in his and bent to look into her eyes, his own burning with sincerity, "Ms. Gardenlight, promise to marry my brother and I will take care of your family in every way you've ever wanted to do so. They will be happy because of you. They will be taken care of by your doing. Please. Please agree."

Blythe stared into his eyes, amazed at how much she wanted to believe him and say yes.