
Marrying A Tyrant To Save The Kingdom

No Time For Men When My Revenge Is Brewing! Thrown into a loveless marriage with a monster, guilty of being born in the warring era; she was left empty-handed. Era, an enticing beauty with valorant soul. Yet her shattered heart, clouded by hatred, she desired something more. Vidor, the enraged powerful tyrant with a curse. Light emerged in his hell- life in the unimaginably painful way. *********** "Stay away from me!" Era screamed at the top of her lungs as her feet found their lining in retreating backwards till she hit the wall. DEAD END! A soft chuckle resounded in the poorly lit room followed by a bone-chilling voice that seemed to make one's knees buckle upon hearing it. "And why should I? Or have you forgotten that your parents willingly gave you to me to spare their sorry lives and that of your people?" Sobs! Sniffs! "They may have, but it was a sacrifice I chose to pay." "Great. I love that boldness little rabbit, but you belong to me now and that includes all of you." His dark onyx eyes roamed over her body lustfully as his tongue stylishly slid out of his mouths licking his lower lips before covering the little gap between them. "Every inch of you." "NEVER! I... HATE... YOU, MONSTER!!" “Hahaha… Until then. I would wait till the day you beg and want me, my little rabbit." ************* MATURE CONTENT! Cover not mine, all credit goes to the original owner. Cover edited by PayalSinghRajput Discord server: http//discord.gg/BH666ZK Instagram: baevidaa Discord: BaeVida#7167

BaeVida · Fantasy
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263 Chs

Mother's Letter


CHAPTER 48 – Mother's Letter.

As soon as Caspian left the throne room, he stored angrily to his chambers. The moment he got in, he was somewhat shocked to see his daughter seated in one of the chairs in the room and waiting for him.

She turned her head slowly to the side, trying to see what had happened only for her eyes to lock on her father's annoyed face.

"Oh, my good heavens! Father, what is wrong?" Diona asked, standing to her feet and walking briskly in his direction. Her brows kneaded and her face turned into a frown forming a deep V between her brows.

"Father, talk to me. What is wrong?" Diona probed further but got no response.

Instead of answering his daughter, Caspian paved his way past her and went to stand before the window.

"Father, please talk to me. You are scaring me with your attitude. What did the king call you for? Did he find out about the truth of what we did?"

"Is there something that can be hidden from a king?" Caspian voiced out thoughtlessly causing Diona's frown to deepen.

"If someone can say that, I would not expect it to come from your father. What is wrong? Are you saying that all we have planned and plotted has been uncovered by the king? Perhaps you do believe but I do not. Only two of us know this. So he cannot know."

"That is not the case. He found out nothing."

"Then what is making your mod sour?"

"For the first time since I knew Vidor, he scolded me for one of my doings."


"Exactly. I presume your queen reported me."

"She is not my queen, father."

"For now she is and not until we do something about that, she would remain YOUR QUEEN!" Caspian yelled at his daughter.

"Father…" Diona blinked. It was hard for her to believe he would say that to her.

What was going on here?

Finally, Caspian turned around to look at his daughter. He could see her hurt in her eyes but he was too bothered to care.

"You do not like what I said right?" Diona kept mute. She did not know whether he was testing her or not so she could not afford to say any wrong thing. "I know you won't like it but baby, you have no choice but to not like it. If you do, then there is a problem."


"Shhh, my love," he placed a finger on her lips and smiled wickedly. "It is time. Era has spread her wings far enough. If we do not cut it now, we would have our lives on the hook and our head on the line, at her mercy."

She frowned. Of course, she never wanted to be at her mercy for any reason. All she wanted was to have her throne.

"I know you want to be queen and you like Vidor. No worries. I want your happiness too and so, we must be strong in our dealings. We must be intentional and strive to take her down, fast and now. How far have you gone with the plan?"

"My message has been sent. I await their response. I await a positive reply and everything would be put into action soonest."

"Great. It is time to work fast before she does more to corrupt your husband."



Immediately after Caspian left, Vidor ordered that Era's mother's letter be sent to her. Left to him, he had down his part and hoped that his mind would be free from the troubles he had encountered.


"Coming!" Aquata yelled her response and hurriedly left the clothes she was arranging to go help Era get the door.

She pulled the door open after unlocking it, she was shocked to see one of the king's servants standing right outside.

"Good evening." She drew the last part out as she began to think of the possible reasons why the king wanted his queen?

"Good evening. Please is her majesty in?"

"Yes. Why? Anything for her? Any mews perhaps?" Aquata asked curiously, forgetting who she was talking to.

He paused and eyes her, silently warning her to mind her business. "Yes. I have a letter for her majesty. Please ensure she reads it. His Majesty stated that it be given to her."

"Alright. Understood, I would ensure she receives his majesty's goodwill."

"Okay." He handed her the letter and turned away. As soon as he left, Aquata quickly retreated in, closing the door behind her and hurried to where Era sat down reading a book.

"Your majesty," she said with a bow. "A letter from his majesty."

"You said?"

"Yes, my queen. It is hard to believe as well." Without uttering another word, she handed her the letter and took some steps back to give her some space.

"Alright, thank you. You may take your leave now," Era ordered.

Aquata bowed again and left her alone. She waited for some time before opening the letter to read.

The second her eyes landed on the handwriting of the letter, her eyes widened and she stood to her feet quickly.

Subconsciously, she rushed to her window as her eyes gazed out in the open as far as she could see. After some time of looking, she closed her eyes and imagined.

Soon her mind became flooded with the memories of her past. After what seemed like forever, she reopened her eyes and began to read her letter.

'Dearest Era,

I write to you with a happy and heavy heart. It is every mother's joy to give their daughters away but this time, forgive me for not being so strong to send you off in joy.

One thing is sure. Your father and I love you. Your people adore and respect you. Your kid sister idolizes you. I miss you, baby. I want you to be strong and endure. I pray that you find joy and enjoy your marriage. God be with you as my prayers are with you also. We leave at first light tomorrow for Meribia. Be safe and have courage my dear.

Your one and only mother. I love you.'