
Marry the Villain

In a previous life, Yu Lingxi was esteemed as the most beautiful woman in the capital city but was forced to be given to the Regent Prince Ning Yin. The regent prince, remarkably handsome but crippled in one leg, was a twisted and ruthless madman who killed his own kin. Yu Lingxi's greatest fear was seeing him wipe fresh blood from his hands while smiling and beckoning her over. Within two years of marriage, Yu Lingxi met a sudden demise. After her death, Ning Yin didn't hold a memorial service, nor did he arrange for a proper burial. His madness intensified, drenching the city in blood. Reborn at the age of fifteen, Yu Lingxi was still the pampered jewel of her family, and Ning Yin had not yet become the all-powerful Regent Prince. Unable to swallow this injustice, Yu Lingxi, accompanied by her guards, sought out the now destitute Ning Yin, intending to anonymously give him a beating to avenge their past grievances. However, upon arrival, she witnessed a scene where a frail young man was being pinned down and about to have his left leg broken. Mud and blood dripped down, staining his fierce and resentful eyes... Only then did she realize the extent of Ning Yin's pitiful past. Due to a twist of fate, Yu Lingxi's intention to beat someone turned into an attempt to save them. With no other choice, she took in the poor soul and endeavored to mold him into a morally upright and healthy young man. Yet, as she taught him, she noticed his gaze becoming increasingly profound and strange. Male Lead Synopsis: Ning Yin, at his most wretched, was rescued by Yu Lingxi, who brought a glimmer of light into his dark and twisted world. He cleansed the blood, restrained his brutality, and strove to become the noble gentleman she hoped for. Just as he thought he could forever bask in her smile, he received her farewell wave. "You now possess both literary and martial virtues. Hurry back to the palace and assume your position as a prince." Her smile, once gentle yet now cruel, "I, too, must prepare for marriage!" In an instant, warmth faded away. The jade hairpin, not yet given, pierced through his palm, dripping with blood. He laughed as he handed her the bloodied hairpin, his voice hoarse, almost insane, "I offer you my life as a wedding gift, how about that?" Author: 布丁琉璃 Rephrased by: nnm88 Image: AI generated

nnm88 · History
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32 Chs

Chapter 13: Spring Search

The three finely ground spoons of pepper were intensely spicy, making even the nearby Hutao gulp visibly, creating a sense of trepidation.

However, Ning Yin showed no hesitation and took the wine cup, taking in a big gulp.

Even Yu Lingxi was somewhat astonished this time. She remembered that Ning Yin couldn't handle spicy food very well. She offered him this cup of wine both to test whether his temperament had truly changed from his past life and to provide a bit of warmth with a light drink to ward off the cold.

Unexpectedly, the young Ning Yin was so sincere.

"Thank you, Miss..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Ning Yin felt the intense spiciness rise in his throat. He quickly turned his head, clenched his fist against his nose, and the corners of his eyes turned visibly red at a speed visible to the naked eye. His thin lips, reflecting the cold light of the wine, added a touch of color to his otherwise pale and bloodless handsome face.

It seemed as if he had just been bullied, exuding a sense of vulnerability.

Ning Yin wanted to take another sip, but Yu Lingxi promptly covered his cup with her hand.

Her delicate and snowy-white fingers, nails tinged with a faint pink like a few falling plum blossoms on the snow, touched the cup. She said, "There are Sichuan peppercorns in the Tusu wine; if you can't handle spicy, drink less."

"I can handle it."

Ning Yin's thin lips were now tinged with red. He looked at Yu Lingxi and said, "Miss has been kind to me; I can't let Miss down."

It was a look that Yu Lingxi had never seen from him in her previous life, marked by a cautious attempt to please.

She withdrew her hand and retorted in a low voice, "Who's been kind to you?"

"Miss took me in to recuperate, gave me new clothes, and even poured wine for me personally."

Ning Yin listed these points seriously and said, "Miss is the best person in the world to me."

Snowflakes rolled in through the bamboo curtain, coated with a layer of warm yellow from the light of the gauze lamp, blending into the boiling heat of the small stove.

Yu Lingxi had always thought that Ning Yin's deep and melodious voice would be irresistible when he spoke sweet words of love. Unfortunately, what came out of his mouth were always cold and ruthless intentions.

Unexpectedly, the compliments she had never heard in her previous life were now fulfilled in this life.

Yu Lingxi shifted her gaze away from Ning Yin's face, feeling inexplicably guilty. She was inherently kind and couldn't bear to harm or kill, but she harbored some resentment for what Ning Yin had done in his past life. Despite her inexplicable death in his bed, her lifeless form was forsaken, transforming into a lonely soul akin to a wandering ghost. Nevertheless, it continued to pose a challenge for her to torment him.

She knew Ning Yin liked bright colors, yet she gave him inconspicuous dark blue clothes; she also remembered he couldn't handle spicy food, but she still gave him the tosu wine with added pepper.

Yu Lingxi couldn't be as ruthless as Ning Yin, but no matter what, she knew she shouldn't live her life based on Ning Yin's preferences. He said she was the best person to him in the world; it might be a lie, but Yu Lingxi softened her gaze.

Resting her chin on her hand, her almond-shaped eyes were lively and clear. She pointed at the corner of Ning Yin's mouth across the air and imitated his tone from the past life, saying, "Give me a smile."

Ning Yin was startled for a moment, then obediently raised the corners of his mouth, revealing a harmless and innocent smile.

That smile seemed to thaw the pure white snow, leaving a faint ripple in Yu Lingxi's eyes.

Yu Lingxi witnessed a side of Ning Yin she had never seen before – a genuine, unguarded smile devoid of schemes and calculations. It revealed the charming essence of a young man, making him quite likable. He appeared docile, without any temper like a wooden person. Yu Lingxi suddenly felt a bit disappointed; it seemed meaningless to play petty tricks with him.

The vigilance and resentment in her heart gradually wavered and faded away with this smile. So she smiled too, for the first time, facing Ning Yin with a relaxed and joyful expression.

Ning Yin didn't understand why she was laughing, but seeing her happy, he lifted the corners of his mouth even more forcefully, locking his pitch-black eyes onto the beautiful woman under the lamp.

"I've changed my mind." Yu Lingxi, draped in a warm glow, looked at the young man in front of her with a smile.

The oppressive feeling Ning Yin had caused her in the previous life was too strong and too tragic. So, her first reaction upon seeing him in this life was to settle the score and keep her distance. Perhaps, there was a second path for them to walk this time?

Yu Lingxi's cheeks showed a rosy flush from the wine, but her eyes were clearer than ever before.

"After finishing these snacks and wine, you should go back to your room and rest early," Yu Lingxi said. "Don't bother sweeping the snow in the courtyard."

Ning Yin thought she was going to chase him away again, quickly lifted his eyes, and a hint of panic flashed in his dark eyes.

Yu Lingxi stood up, looked at the fading fireworks in the night sky in the distance, and chuckled, "There's plenty of time in the future. Maybe I'll still need your help sometime."

Understanding her implied meaning, the panic in Ning Yin's eyes dissipated. He stood up, and his Adam's apple moved as he asked, "Miss means..."

"Yes, I can keep you here."

Yu Lingxi looked into his eyes and replied, "I hope you won't disappoint me."

Ning Yin immediately said, "I'm willing to do anything for Miss."

Yu Lingxi pursed her lips, wanting to say many things but ultimately said nothing. She lifted the lantern placed on the green stone steps and walked straight towards the wing.

In the corridor, the young man stood still for a long time.

He didn't move until he watched her lantern disappear behind the moon gate. He straightened up, lifted his robe, and sat down, picking up the still warm tosu wine on the table, pouring himself a cup.

Ning Yin raised the cup but did not drink, and the shadows cast by the bamboo curtain obscured his expression. The wind blew, the bamboo curtain fluttered, and in the ripples of the splashing wine, the young man's cool and thin lips were reflected like those of a hunter.

"Just leaving won't be enough."

Next, he needed to gain her trust, get close to her, and openly set up a long-awaited trap.


Back in the wing, Yu Lingxi leaned against the door and sighed.

Hutao placed the gauze lamp on the table, lit the candlestick, and saw her master's thoughtful look. Unable to hold back, she spoke, "Miss, although our household is big and wealthy, able to support dozens or even hundreds of servants, he is still just an unknown beggar. Not only did you heal his injuries, but you also brought him into the mansion. Isn't this too kind and impulsive?"

Yu Lingxi also felt that her decision was made hastily, but she didn't regret it.

Although she had resolved the current crisis in the Northern Expedition, her father and brothers still hadn't identified the mastermind behind the traps. Regardless of who the enemy was, they couldn't escape the fact that they held a high position, and it might even be someone from the royal family...

That was a person Yu Lingxi couldn't touch. Therefore, the best way was to support Ning Yin secretly while he was in his current predicament. In two or three years, when he had power, he could become the backbone of the Yu family, eliminating the cunning hidden behind the scenes.

The only problem was that she knew Ning Yin too well.

Even if he appeared harmless now, Yu Lingxi couldn't forget his cruel and revengeful nature from her past life. Such a person was undoubtedly an extremely dangerous blade, capable of harming others and himself.

With a little carelessness, she would lose everything.

"How about we take it step by step since I've promised him," Yu Lingxi said to Hutao.

She called Hutao over, instructing, "Give that person a clean and well-ventilated room. He is not allowed to come to the front yard, and no one is allowed to assign him any dirty or heavy work. Also, if Father or brother ask, tell them he is here to take care of my cat."

Hutao agreed, "I understand."

After the New Year, Ning Yin's injuries were almost completely healed.

It's also strange that once she agreed to let him stay, his recovery speed increased significantly.

Yu Lingxi hadn't figured out the next steps, so she let him stay in the backyard. She allocated a portion of her monthly allowance to support him, asking him to take care of her little cat, Hua Nu.

Half a month passed without her realizing it.

When she came to her senses, the snow had melted, and spring had arrived. About ten peach trees in the flower garden were trembling, revealing new buds. The Tang Mansion sent invitations, inviting the Yu siblings to go on an outing and hunting at Guiyun Mountain on the outskirts of the city seven days later.

In her previous life, Yu Lingxi had been confined to the Zhao and Wang mansions for many years. In this life, her attention was divided between her father and brother's Northern Expedition and Ning Yin's affairs. She hadn't had the chance to go out and relax properly. Invited by her friends from the inner chambers, she eagerly looked forward to it.

However, Lady Yu, concerned about her youngest daughter's delicate health, was initially unwilling to let Yu Lingxi accept the invitation.

Unable to resist her youngest daughter's persistent requests, Lady Yu finally relented, saying, "Your older brother is busy with state affairs and cannot accompany you. Let Xinyi accompany you. Bring some guards and stablemen. While others are hunting, you just watch from a distance. Don't go to dangerous places."

Yu Lingxi nodded repeatedly, and only then did she proceed to make arrangements for the trip.

In early March, the biting cold in the wind faded away, replaced by a gentle warmth. Yu Xinyi had already organized the people and horses for the hunting trip. Outside the mansion, the lively sounds of horses' hooves echoed.

Yu Lingxi changed into a convenient spring shirt for travel. Seeing Hutao holding a jewelry box, she smiled and asked, "What accessories does Miss want to wear? I've inquired, and many noble ladies are attending today, including the Miss from the Zhao Mansion! Miss must choose some luxurious and beautiful jewelry to outshine them!"

At the mention of "Miss from the Zhao Mansion," Yu Lingxi's hand picking out jewelry paused for a moment. The memories of her experiences in the Zhao Mansion from her past life and the vivid, blood-stained face that Ning Yin had slashed lingered in her mind. Suppressing the complex emotions in her heart, she took a deep breath and casually chose a pair of jade butterfly and pearl flowers that looked pleasing. She said, "I'll wear these."

Hutao recognized the pair of ornaments, suppressed a smile, and looked as if to say, "Exactly what I expected."

At the early morning, the imposing hunting party set out from the Yu Mansion.

Yu Lingxi and her personal maid rode in a carriage, while Yu Xinyi, skillful in equestrianism, rode alone at the front, leading the way.

At the city gate, Xue Cen and several sons of noble families were already waiting.

Xue Cen nodded at Yu Xinyi and then rode toward Yu Lingxi's carriage. Pulling on the reins, he called out, "Younger sister."

Yu Lingxi lifted the curtain and poked her head out, responding, "Brother Cen, why are you still here?"

"Waiting for you to travel together."

Saying that, Xue Cen noticed the pair of jade flowers on Yu Lingxi's hairpin. His eyes lit up, and a faint blush appeared on his refined face. "The ones you're wearing, aren't they the jade flowers I gave you last year?"

Yu Lingxi's smile paused for a moment, and she unconsciously touched her head.

Misinterpreting her silence as shyness, Xue Cen thought he had overthought things the last time. Maybe, his younger sister did have him in her heart!

Otherwise, why would she specially wear the jade flowers he gave her to meet him?

"Younger sister understands my intentions, and that's enough."

After saying this, Xue Cen, with a hint of spring in his eyes, cast a lingering look at Yu Lingxi before urging his horse forward under the urging of his companions.

Leaving Yu Lingxi sitting in the carriage in a dazed state.

Hunting didn't accommodate wearing intricate hairpins. She simply chose the pair of pearl flowers with a simple and elegant design, suitable for travel. Little did she expect it was a gift from Xue Cen. After two lifetimes, she couldn't remember if the pearl hairpin was bought or received as a gift. No wonder Hutao had a strange smile that morning.

Yu Lingxi thought about removing the pearl flowers, but doing so might draw attention, so she reluctantly gave up the idea. After two hours of travel, the carriage finally arrived at the foot of Guiyun Mountain around noon. Outside, many luxurious carriages had already parked, and cheerful greetings accompanied the sound of horseshoes, creating a lively atmosphere.

A gentle breeze brushed past, the sunlight was warm, and the air was filled with a fresh fragrance. As the maid lifted the carriage curtain, Yu Lingxi bent down to step out, only to see a sturdy arm with a wristguard extending towards her from the side.

Instinctively, Yu Lingxi placed her palm on the sturdy arm and, turning her head, unexpectedly met a pair of beautiful, deep black eyes.

Ning Yin?

Yu Lingxi didn't remember his name being on the list of attendees. Surprised, she asked, "How did you come?"

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