
Marry My Enemy's Son!

Cynthia Anderson was finally about to marry her fiance, Alex after all they'd been through. She anticipated their marriage life and the honour of being the daughter-in-law of the woods. But she receives an envelope a day before the wedding and finds out a shocking truth- Alex is her enemy's son! Past wounds are reopened, a marriage cancelled and a burning hatred on Cynthia's part. Will she be able to forgive and let go or will she let the hostility and thirst for revenge suppress the love they shared? Find out in this amazing piece.

Sulyvanx7 · Urban
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5 Chs

Seek a Job

Jewel's Empire.

9:33 am.

Cynthia arrived outside the venue. It was just the way she imagined it to be - Grand! Cynthia had not only planned to work here to improve her financial standards but as well, it was her dream to work here.

The arrival of this empire has brought the sales of many other jewel-making industries down to the bottom. No one has ever been able to rival them. Except for one- Luther's Fancy.

It was solely for the rich to invest in; women from pompous families were willing to spend half their fortunes on its products with no regrets. Cynthia looked forward to acing this interview but wondered if she would get the job or who knows, she might just screw up.

Nothing was sure. Little droplets could be seen on her face. She dried her face with her handkerchief and put it back in her handbag before walking up to the receptionist's counter.

Reaching there, she rested her hands on the counter while wearing a friendly look. "Hello, good morning. My name is Cynthia Anderson and I am here for the interview,"

" Oh, Cynthia." the receptionist recalled whilst checking her wristwatch. "But it's 9:35 already, you're five minutes late."

Cynthia gulped. "Yes, I know that. I'm so sorry. Things happened but I did my best to arrive here as fast as I could. Could please just… "

The receptionist interrupted her. "Sorry, it's just that we are very strict about it. Once you are given a said time to arrive, you have to beat the clock."

Cynthia sighed. " Does that mean I have no chance?"

The receptionist nodded sideways. "No, you still have till the weekend. And the boss is in a meeting as of now so you will just have to come back tomorrow and this time, you will have to beat the clock."

"Okay. Thank you so much. I won't disappoint again." said Cynthia with a smile.

"Good luck, Cynthia." the receptionist waved wearing a grin.


Ceyson street.

Cynthia's eyes slowly opened.

She had returned home after some time of walking around trying to get herself together, thinking about the interview she must get done if she wants what was best for her family. She immediately crashed into her bed upon returning home. Now that she was wide awake, she heard a loud chatter outside.

Cynthia quickly got off the bed and went to the window. She observed the community from where she stood. Looking down, she found a bunch of children arguing over a mistaken goal. She looked away and found her red-haired cousin heading to the residence.

'This girl who said she won't go to school had actually gone contrary to her words. Ok! But why is she back so early?' Cynthia wondered.

She looked furious too. What happened to her? Her cousin stormed into the house and slammed the door close on her entrance.

'"I wonder what's wrong with her now," Cynthia thought worriedly and quickly left her room to see what is wrong with her cousin.

She saw her cousin walk past her hurriedly with a deadly aura. She'd never seen her cousin like this before.

"Jessica!" she called but the latter didn't even halt nor bother to look back.


The girl slammed the door to her room upon getting in. Cynthia sighed when she saw the door to her cousin's room shut. She knocked repeatedly on her sister's door but no response came.

She didn't give up however and continued knocking.

"I want to be alone." the abrupt response from Jessica made her stop knocking.

Cynthia sighed before asking: "What the matter?"

There was no response.

She sighed again and continued her speech. "Look I know you don't want to tell me anything but you have to stop keeping things from me, alright? Just tell me what happened, school-related, ok? you know how well I can relate."

Even with everything, Cynthia said, her cousin's response was still the same. "I want to be alone." another statement follows. "And nothing's wrong with me. Just get me something to eat."

Cynthia nodded with a small smile. "Alright, dear."

She left the door muttering. "This foodie."


Elsewhere that evening.

A red Lamborghini Veneno Roadster was registered at a parking lot of a famous boutique- Heather's Mirage. Inside the vehicle turns out to be the famous CEO of Jewel's empire, Hebrew Hale.

"C'mon sis, I have to go to work today. You know that. I don't have time for this shopping you indulge yourself in."

"I know, I know. I'm coming. Just give me a minute, will you?" a sweet female voice replied from the phone.

"Well, hurry up or I'll just leave you behind," he warned.

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, just hurry up already." he groaned and put the car key in the ignition hole.

In no time, the backseat door opened and a beautiful brunette-haired lady jumped in with her shopping bags. The door closed immediately and she tried adjusting herself while Hebrew brought his Roadster to life and left the mall's parking lot.

"Remind me not to go out shopping with you again!" the young lady, who was dressed in a gorgeous silver lace gown, grumbled as she took care of her makeup.

He sighed while shaking his head.

"I hope you are listening! Remind me not to ever, ever I mean ever…"

"Oh, just shut up already before I drop you off." he barked.

The lady's eyes widened in disbelief. "Hebrew…"

"If you're gonna keep whining, you can just get down. I told you, I have work to do."

She pouted. "Fine. I'm sorry, brother."

"Much better. Now, where do you want me to drop you off? At home or Angela's place?" he asked.

She frowned. "Take me home directly. Now, why would you even think of taking me to Angela's place, brother? That girl will commence telling me fabricated pitiful stories and request for items she lacks. No no, I am not going there. I'd rather go home and relax."

Hebrew shook his head while chuckling.

"What?" she asked unhappily.

"Nothing!" he made a U-turn and drove into another road after driving for 3 minutes.

His sister continued applying her makeup while telling him stories about a rude man she met at the mall today. Hebrew sighed internally. Having a talkative sister can be so… exhausting!