
chapter 1 Just go ahead and die.

The rain was pouring down heavily out side Saints Martins hospital. Hazel sat down outside the hospital, her clothes wet and her eyes red and puffy. She doesn't know how long she has been crying. She was angry, sad, anxious and devastated. She had lost everything at a young age, her parents, her home. Now, the only person she has in her life, is going to leave her too. Her heart ached so bad at the thought. She doesn't know know how long she has been sitting outside in the rain when she saw a familiar silhouette walking by

"Lily." She called out and ran towards her in the rain. Lily's clothes were also wet because she has been in the rain for long. Lily and Hazel her neighbors but to Hazel they are friends. Lily didn't think that way, she envied Hazel because of her beauty. Hazel was born with a beautiful face, fair and smooth skin, hazel eyes, thin lips, pointy nose and dark long hair which reached her waist. She was a natural born beauty. On the other hand Lily was the opposite, dark skin, short hair, flat nose and her lips were slitly big. She was actually beautiful in her own way but she didn't see that and so she envied Hazel.

"Hazel? what are you doing here?, I thought you had ran away because you owe me money."Lily said making Hazel to bow her head in shame. When Hazel was thrown out of her house she didn't have where to feed from, she went about begging for food until she turned nineteen. She actually got a job but the pay was little. when Daniel had fallen sick Hazel couldn't afford his medication's and burrowed money from Lily which she's yet to pay

"I know I still owe you and I promise to pay but right now Daniel needs your help. The doctor said he has a heart disease and the fee is a $ 100,000. LIly I don't have such amount please help me and help Daniel."Hazel said tearfully. Lily burst out in a fit of laughter

"Pttttff, ha ha ha , sorry girl but I couldn't help it." Lily said in between laughter.

"Why are you laughing?" Hazel asked confused.

"You want me to lend you a $ 100,000. From where will I get such amount of money from. Even if I had i won't lend it to you considering you still owe me some money". Lily said

"I know i still owe you and I'm going to pay, I promise" Hazel said trying to convince her friend

"With what exactly, you are broke and don't have enough money, how are you going to pay me. Besides if you are so scared of losing your son why don't you just go ahead and die with him. I mean we all know his not gonna sur....

"LILY...." Hazel cut her off. Her eyes were flaring with anger. "I know he's gonna survive". she said with faith. LIly stared at Hazel for a while and then sneered

"Do as you like just don't come to me again unless you want to pay me what you owe." Lily said and walked away leaving Hazel alone in the rain with her heart aching so bad .