

super_star_ · Fantasy
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Chapter 2 second encounter with her

[[[[[[[[[[[ Hello readers I'm the writer of the story and I have to delay my work on the novel because of some problems I have you so I hope you understand me and my English is very weak so I hope some reader give me comment so I can remember what to do and what not to do]]]]]]]]]]

Ron: he was In his garden under some tree lying on the grass he was still thinking of how he could meet her [HA...Ha...Ha....] he heard a sound of some is training there the knight of the imperial family and there some Nobel son who is training with knight it's was like they are training there body and mind I quickly leave from there that because it's crime in empire no one could see other training but of course I m Emperor but I can't be like this because I set this rule so know can do this even emperor himself

I return to my office and do some paperwork

for two days I have been in my office over for a month work I did in two days [[he..he.he] I was smiling I was hallucinations I saw her face again but this time I saw some behind her there was a small kid who resembles her and me and then I fell asleep with a smile on my face

The next day I got up early my body was feeling a lot better and then I thought to practice my sword skill and strength power so I order some 1st division of troops or platoons you can say and I got my armour my sword I step forward going to the training ground and then when I arrived I ordered the 1st division leader to step forward and every one step back the troop got to step back their feet and then I request too battle with the troop leader [name of the troop leader: soul]

the leader accepts my request and says I will be happy to be your sparing partner your highness I hope you don't feel disappointed in me so shall we start both parties start with a simple first with low power seems they want to what are their tactics but within the second they started to get serious about members of the troop is thinking they have seen monsters they could not move where they are seating so in end know one win but troop leader know this the Emperor was strong he thinks with emperor power alone no troop can fight him

[hy we met again so I have to remind you that the next chapter will have to take some time so pls wait for chapters 1 to 30 if I think you don't like it I just leave it there if you like it please tell me with comment ok]