
papa, why aren't you cheering for us?

Translator: 549690339

mu yichen's expression turned even darker. he wished that he could drag this little woman out and teach her the family rules.  

this was clearly dad's doing!

other than the car that luo chenxi was in, the other nine cars were occupied by fathers and their children.

on the other hand, the people cheering outside the track were all mothers. they turned around one after another and looked at mu yichen with a surprised gaze.  

young master mu almost couldn't catch his breath.

he couldn't help but feel lucky that he had worn a pair of sunglasses to hide his identity.

"luo chenxi, you're off first ..."

he pushed the iron gate outside the track, planning to jump in and catch the man.

the staff member hurriedly stopped him. " sir, you can't go in now. please don't force your way in, or there will be a safety accident! "

on the track, the children and their fathers were looking at luo chenxi and the little dumpling.