
i've only moved out for a few days and you're already finding me a wild man?

Translator: 549690339

however, she looked left and right for a long time but could not find it.

the little dumpling sat on the side with her iPad, looking guilty.

" tang tang, did you see big sister's phone? " luo chenxi turned her head and asked her.

the little dumpling bit her lips. " yes ... "

wuwuwu, what should i do!

she didn't want to lie to big sister, nor did she want big sister to know that she had secretly called daddi!

just as the little dumpling was hesitating, there was a sudden knock on the door.

luo chenxi could not be bothered to continue searching for her phone anymore. she straightened her body and looked toward the direction of the main entrance in puzzlement.

" that's strange. who would come to our house so late at night? "

luo chenxi frowned. " tang tang, sit down and don't move. i'll go and see what's going on outside. "

luo chenxi walked to the door, but she did not open it immediately. instead, she peeked through the peephole.