



My three best friends have already left a while ago and now I am having a little problem because Alex and Brian had a little argument earlier. I am just thankful because they already settled it.

Brian just told Alex to take care of me and never hurt me because he will not hesitate to punch his face if he does that to me.

That's what Brian said earlier that is why Alex is a bit irritated right now while his brows are straight and staring at me with his jaw clenched.

"Stay away from that arrogant guy Natasha because I don't want you to be friends with a person like that. So from now on don't speak with that guy again, you understand me?" Alex said with a greeted teeth sounds really annoyed.

This is what I am worrying about because Brian is one of my best friends so I can't stay away from him just like that.

"I'm sorry for what he has done earlier and I hope you will understand him because he is just being protective of me. That is why he has said that to you so I apologized for that on behalf of him," I sincerely apologized to Alex.

I don't want him to have a bad impression with Brian because he is my best friend and he is important to me. So I don't want them to quarrel because of me.

He hissed. “I am sure he said that because he likes you Natasha. I have a guts that he was just jealous of me because I am the one you married and not him," Alex said blatantly with an irritated voice. I just frowned because of what he just said to me.

There is no way that Brian will like me because I am sure that he just sees me as his best friend and nothing more than that. So I know that he just did that because he is concerned with me.

"I don't think so and I think you are just mistaken Alex because I am sure that Brian is just concerned with me. So I hope you will understand him and again, I am sorry for what he did earlier," I replied to him, sounding apologetic.

I just saw him heave a deep sigh and shook his head because of irritation.

"Tsk, I still don't want you to be friends with him and that is final. So just listen to what I am telling you, understand that?" He ordered me with full authority and walked towards his room, leaving me in the living room.

I sighed, I don't know that my husband really has a short patience and a bit of anger issues.


I am now in my room and I just finished having a half bath and now I am just browsing on my social media until I feel sleepy.

Gladly my right foot has cooperated with me because I can manage to walk on my own now even though I am still feeling a bit hurt.

But it was already manageable and I am able to hide it to other people because I don't really want them to know about my clumsiness.

"Natasha? Are you already sleeping?" Alex asked out of nowhere.

He is outside my room right now while knocking on my door.

I just frowned and stood up to open the door for him. What does he want from me now?

“Ahh, I am still awake. Do you need anything?” I simply asked him the moment I opened the door.

He seems to be going somewhere because of his outfit right now. He is not wearing sleeping clothes so I wonder where he will go at this hour.

“Prepare yourself and get changed. We will go to the bar to meet my friends because they said they want to meet my wife."

"Also, this is just the chance that we have because they are all busy during weekdays like me. So get ready now and I will wait for you outside,” he suddenly informed me and walked away.

Why did they want me to meet all of a sudden?

Now, I have no choice but to go to the bar again even though I had a really bad experience in that place before. Also, I am afraid that I might get drunk again and get into trouble like the last time.

I just heaved a deep sigh and fixed myself because I have no choice but to meet Alex’s friends and I am sure that it will become awkward on my part because they are all boys.


“Hey Alex, finally you are here! Come on, have a seat,” Miggy said the moment we arrived at their table.

I already met them before that is why I already know their names.

He is with Ivan and they are both with a girl beside them. Maybe they are their girlfriends and they are both beautiful and sexy in their revealing outfits.

I awkwardly looked at my clothes and I looked like Alex's nanny because of my outfit.

I am just wearing baggy pants and a hoodie because I am not really comfortable wearing revealing clothes and I just realized that I am so covered up.

While these two girls look like they already want to show their souls because of the way they dress.

“So, I know that you already met each other before but I will introduce my wife again with you. Here is Natasha Samson, my wife."

"Babe, here are my friends, Miggy and Ivan with their girlfriends I guess,” Alex said introducing us with each other again so I just nodded to them.

The two girls just raised their eyebrows at me and looked at me from head to toe. So I got conscious of my look all of a sudden because I know that I am too old fashioned.

“Oh hi Alex, nice to finally meet you. So the rumor is true that you are already married and she is the girl huh."

"I don’t know that you have changed your taste with a girl,” one of the girls said while laughing at me and the other one just laughed with her too.

I hissed, they must be insulting me because I know that they are thinking that I am not really suitable for Alex.

“Well, you are right with that but I don’t regret that I chose to marry a girl like Natasha. Moreover, I am sure that she is more deserving than some sort of a girl like the both of you. No offense with you though,” Alex blatantly answered them.

It seems that they do not like what he has said to them. That is why the expression on their faces has changed right now.

“Oops, enough for those, guys. Why don’t we just drink and go to the dancefloor? Sounds interesting right?” Ivan just suggested and they all agreed with him except me.

I haven't really liked dancing since the beginning.

“Are you sure you don’t want to go with us, babe?” Alex asked me again and I just shook my head as an answer to him.

Damn, until now, I am not used to him calling me with that endearment because I know that he is just like that when we are with other people.

But still, I can’t help but to feel the chills all over my body everytime he calls me because that was really so cringe just to be honest here.

I am just watching them right now and they are all enjoying themselves while they are dancing.

I noticed that there are girls that are getting close to Alex and they are whispering with each other. I just frowned and unconsciously drank with my glass.

Damn, this drink is so strong. I looked at Alex again and now he is dancing sexily with some girls.

Tsk, why is he like that when in fact I am here, his wife, watching him right now.

I don’t know why but I suddenly felt irritated while seeing that my husband is getting close with other women.

He should not do that because he is already married right? Well, I just realized that we are just a contract married couple in the first place. So maybe he is still allowed to do what he wants.

But why am I feeling this way right now? Am I jealous?

I took a deep breath, I am so confused with what I am feeling at this moment honestly.

“Hi, are you alone? Can I join you here, miss beautiful?" a guy asked me out of nowhere.

I just saw him smiling maliciously at me and I don't think that he is a good person just by looking at his face and the way he is staring at me right now.

"I'm sorry but these seats are already taken," I simply replied to him avoiding his weird gazes at me.

However, he did not listen to me because he still sat down beside me and put his arms on my shoulder.

Damn, what does this guy really want from me?

"You know what, you don't need to be shy alright? So, can you go with me somewhere else and have some fun tonight?" he just asked me while grinning.

Damn, this man is already harassing me. Oh My Gosh! Someone help me please, HUHUHU.

"Ahh, I'm sorry but can you stay away from me please?" I just said to him and tried to get away from him. But he did not let me and just held my waist and got me closer with him.

I groaned! I just closed my eyes and prayed that someone will come here and save me from this guy or else what should I do now?

"Get your filthy hands off her or do you want me to twist your neck instead? Better choose now," someone said out of nowhere and his cold and deep voice is very familiar to me.

Immediately, I felt the weird thing inside my stomach again and only one person is making me feel that way recently.