
Married to the Rough Khan, Farming the Steppes

Petite Princess VS Rough Khan On their wedding day, Yelu Yan told Li Xianyun that apart from affection, he could provide her with endless wealth and honor. After the marriage, he indeed kept his promise, cherishing her in the palm of his hand. Little did he know, the more he cherished her, the deeper she burrowed into his heart, right to the very top. Not long after the political marriage with the Khitans, Li Xianyun gradually noticed earth-shattering changes around her: Initially, the commoners who disliked her began to worship her as a deity... The court officials accusing her of bewitching their lord were now pleading with her to consummate the marriage with the Khan... The most perplexing of all was her husband in name; wasn’t he the one who said he wouldn't give her emotional affection? Why was he always following her around? Little theater scene 1: One day, Yelu Yan cornered Li Xianyun against the wall. “Why are you avoiding this Khan?” “They say you might have taken a liking to your servant.” “Remove ‘might’, isn’t it obvious enough from how this Khan acts?” “But you said you wouldn’t give your servant emotional affection.” Yelu Yan held his forehead; he had indeed said too many foolish things. “The Han people always say that one should start a family and then establish a career; clearly, the two are not in conflict.” Little theater scene 2: The sun had risen high, yet Yelu Yan was still clinging to Li Xianyun. “Get up quickly, I have to leave. There are patients on the street waiting for my consultation, the good fields to the west need irrigation, the homestead plots in the east need measuring, and I have to oversee the silk reeling and dyeing... Uh...” “Your husband is a patient, don’t you care for him?” Li Xianyun looked at the man tough enough to rival ten bulls and was utterly speechless.

Fruit Jelly · History
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160 Chs

106 Having Another Nightmare (First Update)

Translator: 549690339

Just then, a Palace Servant spotted a tall and burly figure and hurriedly set down the sweet soup, and, clutching the date cake, he scurried to his knees and bent his arm in salute, saying, "Greetings, Khan."

The other Palace Servants also hastily knelt down and saluted in the same manner.

Yelu Yan saw in front of them the prototype of a wheelchair, which was largely complete except for the final assembly.

The craftsmanship was exquisite, eliciting admiration.

Yelu Yan's gaze seemingly inadvertently fell on the pastries in the hands of the servants and he asked in a light voice, "Where is the princess consort?"

A servant answered, "Reporting to the Khan, the princess consort was just seen returning to the main building."

Ever since Khan was a bit displeased last time he couldn't find the princess consort, Bater had ordered everyone in the Khan Palace to pay closer attention to her whereabouts, to be aware and not be ignorant when asked.