
Married to the Queen of Darkness

A cold-hearted Male Lead with a dead inside disease who finds his cure after meeting his ever so jolly and kind-hearted Female Lead. I bet you already find it too cliche! You've read a lot of that before, right??? How about you try this one instead? Let us do it the other way around... Born between the forbidden love of a god and a human, Demigod Nathalia Watson was forced to assume the role of maintaining the peace and order among creatures of the dark after her father, The Lord of Darkness decided to resign and finally elope with the love of his life. Nathalia's mom. "Is this some kind of family business? While some inherit a conglomerate and become CEO, I inherit the highest position in the underworld." Used to dealing business with the creatures of the dark, Nathalia had no choice but to be aloof and cold as an ice queen. Until the day come and Aiden Jones comes to her life. He was an optimistic and happy go lucky guy. No matter what life throws to him, he will face it with a bright smile. Will his sunny personality be capable of melting our ice queen? Would their predestined fate eventually alter their individual nature? A love that transcends heaven and hell; but how a typical mortal that used to mundane life would deal with it???? Will Aiden soon realize that he unknowingly married the Queen of Darkness and live happily ever after with her? ***pic's, not mine... Credit goes to the rightful owner

WolfsBane · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
270 Chs


Aiden was left blushing all over his face and he was silent not because it was his choice, but because all words that he was supposed to say suddenly all got stuck at the back of his throat.

Aiden certainly had trouble finding his words after what Nathalia did to him. Meanwhile, the party involved was busy rejoicing for her victory.

<A n: NICE MOVE NATHALIA!!!! *^_^* AYE! How I wish had the same courage to do that in front of my crush. HIHIHI...>

At the same time, knowing that the key for avoiding the blind ghost altogether relied on maintaining silence, Aiden also tried his best to hold back his breath.

Afraid to make any form of noise at all.

Aiden tried to make his ragged breathing as soft as he could, and he watched with frightened eyes as the blind ghost slowly walked passed him.

It would be a lie if he would claim that he was not affected by Nathalia's kiss.

In fact, he sort of felt that he was taken advantage of.

But Aiden knew that there was a more urgent matter that needed his attention as of the moment.

So the matter regarding Nathalia's underhanded trick to get the better of him was temporarily pushed at the back of Aiden's and for the meantime

Nathalia, on the other hand, was currently smiling from ear to ear and it was obvious that she was really in a good mood as of the moment.

Which did not come as a surprise anymore, considering that she just got a chance to get close and touched her husband for real just like what a couple usually does.

Aiden and Nathalia stayed like that for a while, until the blind ghost was already far away from them.

"What was that for?!"

Aiden asked as soon as the blind ghost was already out of earshot.

But it was worth mentioning that he asked that question almost in a whisper as if he was afraid that the blind ghost might still be able to hear him from a distance.

"You don't need to be too cautious anymore. She can't hear you now. "

Nathalia replied but the smile that she had on her face was hard to erase.

"Why did you do that?!

Aiden asked again, this time in his usual speaking voice.

But Nathalia did not seem to have any intention of admitting the mischief that she conducted as she went on playing innocent after being questioned by Aiden.

 "What are you talking about?? What exactly did I do??? I don't have an idea of what you are saying. Can you please enlighten me?"

She said while trying hard to stop herself from smiling.


Aiden, of course, could not bring himself into mentioning the kiss and it was obvious that Nathalia had no plan of coming clean either.

He did not want to appear petty so in the last attempt to play it cool on his side, Aiden just decided to let it slide for once and to act as if nothing really happened between then.

Since Nathalia was not bothered about it, anyways. Then so would he...

Besides, it was only a peck after all. It could not even be considered as a proper kiss.

Or so, that was how Aiden told himself to convince himself.

"What exactly is that that we encountered? Why is she like that???

Aiden asked instead to change the topic into something else.

Thinking about it, Aiden indeed found it weird how the ghost who chased after him was able to transform into something terrifying like that.

At first, the lady at the bus stop looked no different from a normal living person, that was why Aiden though that it was fine to talk to her in the first place.

But then the next thing he knew the lady started to transform into something terrifying that was enough to scare the living daylights out of him,

That was his first time seeing a ghost transforming like that.

It was like seeing the transformers in real flesh, albeit a horror one!

All this time, Aiden thought that all those things such as body contortion and the likes that can be usually seen in a typical horror movie were nothing but an exaggeration of filmmakers before to hype up the movies they produced.

Something that was conceived out from a writer's creative imagination.

Never did he imagined that it was not entirely the case.

And now that he finally got a  chance to see and experience it for himself, Aiden did not think he would be watching any horror movies ever again.

It was indeed shocking to know that acrobatic ghosts like those in the movie "The Grudge" really do exist!!!!!


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By the way,

to my Filipino readers out there, you can also try the Tagalog version of this book. Thank you!

Please do support my other book as well, Sorceress 101. If you could add it to your library, it would really mean a lot to me. Thanks!