
Married To The Prince Of Eldrador

Prince Kyrian, accompanied by Princess Maria, her maid Elara, bodyguard Peter, and Patrick, embark on a quest to capture the impostor Malakai, a wicked sorcerer who has been masquerading as Prince Kyrian for a year. Their mission is to bring the fake prince to the king and queen, Kyrian's parents, to reveal the truth. However, unknown to them, the impostor is hiding in plain sight within the kingdom. Meanwhile, Prince Kyrian struggles with his feelings for Princess Maria, who is unknowingly a sex addict, and their relationship becomes intimate. Prince Kyrian fears entering his own kingdom due to a royal decree banishing the impostor, Malakai.

prechannah · History
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31 Chs

chapter 9: The Prince And The Mysterious Warrior

As Prince Kyrian emerged from the darkness of the prison, he took a deep breath of freedom, his heart racing with excitement. But his joy was short-lived, as a group of bandits suddenly appeared from the shadows, their swords drawn and their eyes gleaming with malice.

"Ah, the prince, so vulnerable and alone," their leader sneered, a burly man with a scar across his cheek. "What a prize you will make for our lord, the dark sorcerer!"

Prince Kyrian drew his sword, its blade shining in the moonlight. "I'll never be taken alive," he declared, his voice steady and bold.

The bandits snarled, charging at him with a flurry of swords and daggers. Prince Kyrian fought valiantly, his sword clashing with theirs, sparks flying as steel met steel. But the bandits were too numerous, too strong, and soon the prince found himself surrounded, his sword arm trembling with fatigue.

Just as all seemed lost, a figure emerged from the darkness, a tall, mysterious warrior with piercing eyes and a sword that shone like the stars. "Need a hand, Prince Kyrian?" he asked, his voice low and smooth.

Together, the prince and the mysterious warrior fought off the bandits, their swords moving in perfect harmony, their victory swift and decisive. As the last bandit fell, Prince Kyrian turned to his rescuer, his gratitude overflowing.

"Thank you, kind stranger," he said, his voice sincere. "I owe you a debt of honor. Who are you, and why did you help me?"

The warrior smiled, his eyes glinting with secrets. "I am called Arin, Prince Kyrian. And I helped you because the fate of the kingdom depends on your survival."

Prince Kyrian's eyes widened, his mind racing with questions. What did Arin mean? What fate awaited the kingdom? And who was this mysterious warrior, with his shining sword and his piercing eyes that seemed to see right through to the soul?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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