
Married To The Prince Of Eldrador

Prince Kyrian, accompanied by Princess Maria, her maid Elara, bodyguard Peter, and Patrick, embark on a quest to capture the impostor Malakai, a wicked sorcerer who has been masquerading as Prince Kyrian for a year. Their mission is to bring the fake prince to the king and queen, Kyrian's parents, to reveal the truth. However, unknown to them, the impostor is hiding in plain sight within the kingdom. Meanwhile, Prince Kyrian struggles with his feelings for Princess Maria, who is unknowingly a sex addict, and their relationship becomes intimate. Prince Kyrian fears entering his own kingdom due to a royal decree banishing the impostor, Malakai.

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31 Chs

Chapter 28: A Of Unlikely Love

Elara's curiosity had been piqued for days as they journeyed through the rolling hills and dense forests. She had always been fascinated by the mysteries of the human heart, and the enigmatic relationship between Princess Maria and Prince Kyrian was no exception.

"Princess, may I ask, how did you come to fall in love with Prince Kyrian?" Elara asked, her eyes sparkling with interest.

"You had never met him before, and yet... it seems like fate brought you together."

Maria's cheeks flushed as she gazed into the distance, her thoughts drifting back to the moment she first laid eyes on the prince. "It's a strange tale, Elara. I hardly believe it myself.

But I suppose that's the nature of love, isn't it? Unpredictable, mysterious, and often inexplicable."

As they rode on, Princess Maria's words painted a vivid picture of a love that had blossomed in the most unlikely of circumstances.

Elara listened, entranced, as the princess spoke of secret glances, stolen moments, and whispered promises.

"I remember the first time I saw him, in the courtyard, just before we set out on this journey," Maria said, her voice barely above a whisper. "There was something about him, something that drew me in like a moth to flame. I couldn't explain it then, and I still can't. But I felt it, deep in my bones, like a whispered promise from the universe itself."

Elara's eyes widened as Maria spoke of the strange sensations she had experienced in Prince Kyrian's presence.

"It was as if our hearts recognized each other, even if our minds did not," Maria said, her eyes locked onto Elara's. "I know it sounds foolish, but I can't deny what I feel."

As they rode through the forest, the trees seemed to close in around them, as if listening in on their conversation.

Elara's mind raced with questions, but she didn't want to pry. She knew that Maria would reveal more when she was ready.

After a moment of silence, Maria continued her tale. "I tried to ignore it, to tell myself it was just a foolish infatuation. But the feeling only grew stronger, until I couldn't deny it any longer."

Elara's eyes sparkled with excitement. "And then what happened?"

Maria's smile was mischievous. "And then, I did something I never thought I would do. I took a chance, and I followed my heart."

As they rode on, the sun casting dappled shadows on the forest floor, Maria's words painted a picture of a love that was both fierce and beautiful. Elara listened, entranced, as the princess spoke of stolen moments, secret glances, and whispered promises.

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