
Married To The Prince Of Eldrador

Prince Kyrian, accompanied by Princess Maria, her maid Elara, bodyguard Peter, and Patrick, embark on a quest to capture the impostor Malakai, a wicked sorcerer who has been masquerading as Prince Kyrian for a year. Their mission is to bring the fake prince to the king and queen, Kyrian's parents, to reveal the truth. However, unknown to them, the impostor is hiding in plain sight within the kingdom. Meanwhile, Prince Kyrian struggles with his feelings for Princess Maria, who is unknowingly a sex addict, and their relationship becomes intimate. Prince Kyrian fears entering his own kingdom due to a royal decree banishing the impostor, Malakai.

prechannah · History
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31 Chs

Chapter 14: Prince Kyrian Abduction

Prince Kyrian's expression turned solemn, and he took a deep breath before beginning his tale.

"It was a year ago, when I was out for a ride on my horse, enjoying the freedom of the open fields. Suddenly, I was ambushed by a group of masked men.

They overpowered me and knocked me unconscious. When I awoke, I found myself in a dark, damp cell, with no recollection of how I got there."

He paused, collecting his thoughts before continuing. "I was held captive for what felt like an eternity, with no contact with the outside world.

I was fed meager rations and given barely enough water to survive. I was starting to lose hope, wondering if anyone was even looking for me."

Prince Kyrian's eyes narrowed, his voice taking on a hint of anger. "But then, one day, a man came to visit me. He was tall, with a scar above his left eyebrow and a sinister grin.

He introduced himself as the one who would be taking my place as prince. He had a strange, almost hypnotic power over me, and I couldn't resist his commands."

Princess Maria's eyes widened in shock, "Hypnotic power? What do you mean?"

Prince Kyrian's voice dropped to a whisper, "I'm not entirely sure, but I think he used some sort of dark magic to control my mind. He made me reveal all my secrets, my thoughts, and my memories.

He knew everything about me, and he used that knowledge to impersonate me perfectly."

The scar-faced man had told me

that he was a magical being, a sorcerer, and that he would use his magic to make himself look like me (Prince Kyrian), and no one would ever notice. But I never believed that was possible.

I had thought it was just a trick, a way to manipulate me into revealing more information.

But now, as he looked at Princess Maria, he realized that the man had been telling the truth. The fake Prince Kyrian had been able to deceive everyone, even the king and queen, with his perfect impersonation.

Princess Maria's face was filled with compassion, "Oh, Prince Kyrian, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. But we'll get to the bottom of this, and we'll make sure justice is served."

Prince Kyrian's eyes locked onto hers, filled with determination. "I swear to you, Princess Maria, I will not rest until I reclaim my rightful place as prince and bring that imposter to justice. He will pay for what he has done to me and the kingdom."

As they spoke, a plan began to form in their minds. They would gather a small group of trusted allies and set out to gather evidence of the fake Prince Kyrian's deceit. They would follow him, watch his every move, and wait for the perfect moment to strike.

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