
Married to the Prince of Darkness

After princess Nardin was married off to Prince Liam who was rumored to be a devil, she has to struggle amidst all odds to survive. Meanwhile, the devil, Liam was starting to fall in love with her and love was the only weapon to bring him down. Can Nardin save her devil husband or will she be the death of him? Cover Image from Pinterest.

Rita_Chioma_9038 · Fantasy
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37 Chs

Love is forbidden

So just as Edward cornered me and placed his disgusting lips on mine, prince Liam appeared looking like a raging sun. My eyes widened when I saw him and so I quickly pushed Edward away from me.

Liam not speaking started to approach, his step and eyes raging with thunder. I was even scared of the man I was staring at right now. He was moving towards Edward and I knew that whatever he had in mind to do to him would be bad and so I must stop him. I quickly rushed to him and hugged him tightly. I didn't know why but I thought it could help and it did. Liam stopped and Edward quickly fled.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I muttered as I held him.

Liam and I went back into the house and he thought it was finally time to take a risk in order to get my memories back. I never thought of him as a jealous lover but that day showed he was one.

Liam told Queen Charlotte he was ready to do whatever it takes to help me get my memories back. Even though Queen Charlotte tried to discourage him, he still insisted on my support.

"Did you not listen to Zed? It's a dangerous thing to do." Queen Charlotte responded after Liam told him he was going to get my memories back.

"And so is not doing anything," Liam responded.

"You can't make hasty decisions. We need to sit together and discuss this as a family."

"Discuss? I need no permission from anyone at all to make such decisions."

"We don't know what lies ahead, Liam."

"A defeated over a hundred soldiers with no aid before mother, and I can overcome anything."

"You don't know the limits of your powers Liam. You could get disappointed at some point." Queen Charlotte said.

Liam observed his mother for a moment before asking. "I don't indeed, but tell me, are you hiding something away from me?" He asked.

"No. I'm just worried about Nardin."

"You don't have to be worried about me. I'm ready to do this." I responded.

"Oh Nardin dear." Queen Charlotte said, knowing not what to say anymore.

"If you don't mind your majesty, I bet to take my leave." I bowed and left without even waiting for a response from the Queen.

"She's getting uncomfortable without her memories. I don't even think she trusts us." Queen Charlotte said.

"You wouldn't blame her, would you? I think someone has been monitoring her." Liam said.

"Do you suspect anyone?"

"I could easily say Percy, but that would be an insult to the powers being used. I need to get Nardin to remember everything mother. We'll leave at dawn tomorrow." Liam said and left.

"He won't survive it." Queen Charlotte said.

"They won't survive it, you mean? I don't think Nardin can ever make it back home without her husband you know." Zed responded.

"What have I done Zed?"

"What have you done? Is there something you're not telling me?" Zed asked.

"The journey to the isle of the tender spirits is by water Zed and Liam are getting weaker by the day."

"Getting weaker?"

"Yes. He might not know this but, his love makes him weaker. He can never survive this journey." He said.

"What did you do Charlotte?"

"Nothing, I... I just want my son to be a normal human being like the rest of his brothers."

"What did you do Charlotte?"

"Liam may have lost his powers."

"What did you do?"

"Love is forbidden. Devils do not fall in love. That kind of life is not meant for them."

"Well Charlotte, I think you need to trust him."

Trust...! This is not about him Zed. I just want my children to be okay." Queen Charlotte said.

"And they will be. You need to trust them." Zed said patting her.

I sat in the room that night staring at the amulet I received from Maya, wondering who she was. Was she my sister?

"How do I even use this thing?" I muttered. "If you really have powers of your own as claimed by the... Strange girl, then guide me. Let her know I seek her. Maya Ryan." I said and closed my eyes not hoping to get a response.

"You called for me sister?" A voice spoke and when I opened my eyes, I saw Maya standing before me. I quickly jerked.

"What the...! How did you get here?" I asked as I pulled myself farther away from her.

"Magic. You wanted to see me so..."

"I..." I breathed in heavily and then out before I continued. "You've got this all wrong. I was only testing it. I didn't mean for you to appear like some ghost or sorceress and just scare me." I said.

Maya chuckled softly. "If I did not appear, sister, then how would you believe in its powers?" She asked looking at me. "Something troubles you." She said placing her hand on my cheek softly. "Talk to me, my dear."

"My memories... How did you know about it?" I asked.

"Hmm. I know everything about you darling."

"How do I get it back?"

"But you're already going to do that tomorrow with your husband."

"We're not certain yet. It's... It's... It's still... Complicated. I'm not sure I'll make it back." I responded.

"Why? What is it, sister?. Tell me where you're headed tomorrow." She said.

"I won't." I said and scoffed then kept going "you said you knew everything about me. How come you don't know where I'm headed?"

"I do. I... I just... I just thought you'd maybe finally begin to trust me." Maya said and sat down next to me on the bed.

"Trust you... This is ridiculous. Maya, your actions and you are starting to render me frail of mind." I said cupping my head with my hands.

"I understand sister."

"Stop calling me that."

"Listen. Wherever you go, whatever you do, do not ever take off this amulet" she said touching the amulet in my hand gently.

"Why? So you can hunt me?" I asked.

"I'm only looking out for you. I don't want you to ever get hurt." She said.

I stared at her without a response.

"Goodnight Nardin." She said.

"Goodnight." I responded before she vanished like smoke.

I put the amulet under my pillow and stayed up in my bed wondering what awaited us in our journey the next day.

I was still thinking about our journey when the door opened and Percy made his way in without a knock.