

Helel painfully watched as the girl he cared for got hanged in front of the whole town. After he returned back to the palace, he made up his mind to deal with queen Helena and her minions. he had found love in the brown haired girl who had come along with the royal tailor, the king wanted to host a great ball for all creatures and all the royals needed new outfits for the ceremony. Helel was not interested in any of these but had to do what his father wanted, he only came back to make the lives of some people a living hell before sending them to hell one after the other. he came out of the bathroom and found a brownie not too curvey lady staring at carvings on his walls, he stood there admiring her features and hiding his highly intimidating presence and she still looked in owe, her jaws dropped when her eyes landed on a half naked prince. He had a white towel around his waist and his hair dripping wet on his shoulder driving down his chiseled chest and her eyes wondered even more, his well packaged body was undeniably lovely, his fine pacs and the v shape it gave from his sides that hid inside the towel. he cleared his throat before her brown eyes landed on his beautiful face, her lips parted again as if she was trying to make a drawing of this beautiful scene in her head, the smile on his face turned into a frown and he cleared his throat again, staring at her hard. she bowed her head and took few steps backwards with her face turning pink out of embarrassment, she sucked in her lower lip trying her best to not make it shiver. " what do you want?" his deep voice broke the silence and her eyes shakily moved to meet his dark red orbs that flickered with something she couldn't pinpoint. she froze when he started moving, he was so close that their bodies met, his face coming into view and she held her breath. his cold gaze landed on her and he could see right through her, he stretched his hand and for a moment she thought the vampire prince was going to kill her. he opened the wardrobe behind to pull out white shirt and black pants before pulling away from her to wear the shirt, "did your tongue get pulled out of your mouth, speak! I don't have all day" he said in an irritated tone and Constance swallowed, taking in a deep breath she mastered to talk still with her head down not meeting that strange beauty of a man. "my prince, the king sent me to get your measurements...... am sorry for my imprudence, I didn't know-" her words cut short because Helel was done with it, " do what you are here to do and leave!" he said so cold that Constance shivered, she was no human so why was she so weak in front of the prince?

Beatrice_Khaylly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

8 The Prophecy (2)

Queen Helena was going to kill the old man at all cost, how could he make a scene like that concerning her son? She was fuming with anger and was sure she would kill somebody for sure...

"Are you ready now?" The king asked Esther and she looked at the king shocked, was all this just to wait for her? But she didn't time for anything. She nodded and the king placed her on feet, the old man came a little closer to her and frowned when he looked at her face he didn't believe his eyes and he took off his shades to look at her well and he went backwards almost pushing the guard on duty. When he gained his stand he could not look at Esther in the eye, she was strangely calm and head high above the the people, she wondered who the man was with his weird things and his strange eyes..... not red not normal at all, it was all white with no spots on it and he looked intimidating.

The king became protective all of a sudden and he pulled Esther back, " what is it?" He asked the old man, his face darkened with anger but the old man smiled, telling the king he meant no harm. He took a peep at her again, this time around he brought the plain magic globe and the king gave way for him to appraise Esther. The old man didn't dare to look at her nor touch her with the strange knife he held in his hand, he extended his opened palms and Esther placed the back of her hands on top of his palms. Her pale palms in view of everyone, the old man looked into her palms quietly and turned to look at the king, not knowing what to say he then managed to look at Esther as if asking for her permission to speak about her fate. She took in a deep breath and nodded, "you're not dead because you were chosen, the great king chose you to bring balance into the living realms. Death surely awaits you, that is your prize..... peace and safety is what your heart seeked" the man said and the whole room turned cemetery, Esther looked like she was being stricked by lightning and all the colour on her face drained. Her lips trembled and she forced to stay strong on her own, what was he saying? Then her palms were being placed on the magic globe and the globe expanded due to the presence of high power, it showed bright light which no one could see through and all the bulbs, every light source glowed till it could not be contained in it's vessel. They all went out, the sound of shattered glasses filled the room and the magic globe exploded with a loud blast and the whole palace was in a blackout to make it worse, the darkness extended it's power over the whole of Devlot...

Esther's hands were covered in her own blood due to the explosion, she stood there shocked and the king had to come to her because of the scent of her blood, her scent had changed and her white hair was now having shades of black with the tip of it red. " Esther! Are you okay?" He asked her but she didn't talk and kept on staring at who knew what. The maids and guards tried their best to bring light into the palace while the humans and other creatures tried to also bring light into their dark homes, the old man was pushed away from her and the globe and he laid on the floor unconscious.

' What just happened!'

' The queen is full of darkness and destruction!'

' this can't be, she must be killed-

The person who spoke the last unfinished sentence was rather killed by the king, his head rolled down the floor and everyone kept quiet. " Who else thinks my mate should be killed?" He asked them looking at every corner of the room with his claws dripping wet from the Minister's blood, and he opened his mouth taking in a deep breath, bringing his fangs to view and he roared loudly, which vibrated the whole building and people stambled to keep their balance.

" My king, the child will be great, he is going to rule, a king like never before..... anyone who stands against him will perish, all things of the world and all night creatures will call him king! King of nights, his life story would not be understood by anyone. He alone must be king and everyone must keep this in mind!!!" The old man spoke when he gained consciousness, it was a prophecy and Esther didn't know if to be happy or not about this, she wanted a child of her own but why would the gods do this to her.

Outside the land of Devlot, a lady in her late thirties stood on top of a hill and she stared at the night sky, which was extraordinarily dark today. " No sight of the moon?" She said and she chuckled, " why is this happening, does it mean we wouldn't turn again" a boy spoke and came to hold her hand, he was a hundred years old yet they called him a child. He looked just like an eight year old human child, the lady squeezed his little hand a little and looked at his small face, " no dear, the night ruler has just manifested his presence in this place" the lady told him and she pulled him to stand in front of her and she rested her hands on his shoulders and they looked ahead. " So when he comes there would be balance right?" He asked again and she sighed and hummed, " well he is already here, darling.... it's just a matter of time that he would put all his people to order" she said and this time the boy didn't ask anything more. The king carried Esther to her room leaving the people in the throne room shocked to the highest degree, they were so shocked that they didn't know what to say. Was the king Bewitched by queen Esther? That was not him, to say nothing even after hearing what the wiseperson said, the queen was going to give birth to darkness in the land!

" Tell me, tell me what to do? Queen Esther cannot give birth- I mean.... what the prophecy said, I am a queen of this land and cannot let darkness fill this place" Helena tried to reason with the Wiseman, to tell her more without getting suspected that she wanted Esther dead....it was quite obvious. The man looked at her in disbelief, there was no way Esther could be killed nor her child, unless the child is born. "Milady, queen Esther cannot be killed, she..... she's the chosen one and no one can stand against his birth" the man told her and she grabbed him by the collar and pinned him against the wall and the man was shocked by the strength the queen used. She looked like a normal human woman but the strength was something else, her eyes turned purple and it emitted all over her hands increasing her strength, " you have no idea who you are dealing with!" She spoke and squeezed the man more, his face turned red due to lack of air in his system. He couldn't even speak not move,

'she's a witch!'

He concluded in his mind, the long time queen was a witch? He wouldn't have believed it if he was to be told that witches still exists in the world. He had been rumors about different creatures that he used to see when he was in the underground, what he couldn't believe was how these creatures were able to stay hidden until now. From the looks of things, they want to fight against the one to be born, they don't want to be controlled by anyone not anymore. " That's enough! What the hell?" A man came in to pull her away from the old man, the man held Helena in place and she looked like she lost control of herself. " Keep it together will you!" The man shouted at her and her eyes turned normal, brown as always and it widened at was had happened. She looked at the old man still catching his breath, then back at the man who held her arm, " father, did you hear what the prophecy was about....I can't let this happen, queen Esther can't take everything away from me and my son!" She said shaking her head in the process and her father looked at the old man standing at the corner of his daughter's room and said, " don't you think you should leave now? I might not save you from my daughter the next time she comes at you" he said narrowing his eyes at him, the old nodded and bowed his head to them both before turning around to leave the room. " You know that what happened here is supposed to be a secret right?" Helena's father asked the man and the man stopped in his tracks, he turned to look at them and bowed again before he opened the doors of the room to leave. " Father you know that man would not keep quiet right?" Helena asked and her father nodded, " that's why am always ahead of time Helena, he won't even cross the palace gates!" He said so simple and Helena's face gained colour again, some group of men covered in dark blue clothes hid in the shadows of the night and when they saw the one to kill, they grabbed him by the arm and pulled him into the dark. " Please, please.... what do you want?" The old man asked them and not a sound came from them, they just raised a weapon at the man and just then, a pair of red eyes appeared in the dark and it just broke some bones, leaving painful screams from where they stood. The old man was stunned by the quick move and when the moon light finally came out, it fell on a beautiful face of a woman with a whitish black hair with the tip red and she smirked, " long time no see, old friend!" .....