

Helel painfully watched as the girl he cared for got hanged in front of the whole town. After he returned back to the palace, he made up his mind to deal with queen Helena and her minions. he had found love in the brown haired girl who had come along with the royal tailor, the king wanted to host a great ball for all creatures and all the royals needed new outfits for the ceremony. Helel was not interested in any of these but had to do what his father wanted, he only came back to make the lives of some people a living hell before sending them to hell one after the other. he came out of the bathroom and found a brownie not too curvey lady staring at carvings on his walls, he stood there admiring her features and hiding his highly intimidating presence and she still looked in owe, her jaws dropped when her eyes landed on a half naked prince. He had a white towel around his waist and his hair dripping wet on his shoulder driving down his chiseled chest and her eyes wondered even more, his well packaged body was undeniably lovely, his fine pacs and the v shape it gave from his sides that hid inside the towel. he cleared his throat before her brown eyes landed on his beautiful face, her lips parted again as if she was trying to make a drawing of this beautiful scene in her head, the smile on his face turned into a frown and he cleared his throat again, staring at her hard. she bowed her head and took few steps backwards with her face turning pink out of embarrassment, she sucked in her lower lip trying her best to not make it shiver. " what do you want?" his deep voice broke the silence and her eyes shakily moved to meet his dark red orbs that flickered with something she couldn't pinpoint. she froze when he started moving, he was so close that their bodies met, his face coming into view and she held her breath. his cold gaze landed on her and he could see right through her, he stretched his hand and for a moment she thought the vampire prince was going to kill her. he opened the wardrobe behind to pull out white shirt and black pants before pulling away from her to wear the shirt, "did your tongue get pulled out of your mouth, speak! I don't have all day" he said in an irritated tone and Constance swallowed, taking in a deep breath she mastered to talk still with her head down not meeting that strange beauty of a man. "my prince, the king sent me to get your measurements...... am sorry for my imprudence, I didn't know-" her words cut short because Helel was done with it, " do what you are here to do and leave!" he said so cold that Constance shivered, she was no human so why was she so weak in front of the prince?

Beatrice_Khaylly · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

4 The Good News

Upon entering the palace building, Esther had this urge, urge to be with her husband even though she knew he might be against it, because of Helena. She would just do anything just for attention, not caring who she might hurt in the process, king Oasis loves his son and didn't want anything to happen to him.

She grabbed into his collar, not moving forward nor backwards making him arch a brow. She rested her head on his chest and continued sniffing him, giving him the alert of what was going on in her mind through their mating bond, " Esther, did something happen to you? are you okay?" He asked her, not knowing what to say. They had seized everything concerning love for like a decade now and now....

She encircled his neck with her arms, strong enough to make him lower his head and length. The guards were still present beside the king, not daring to look the couple others were kind of pleased with the sight in front of them. The king looked at the lady clinging unto him and chuckled, he remembered in the past when she finally fell in love with him and what she did when she wanted him...she was still feeling shy to say it, just like the Esther he knew. She would not look at his face at that time and she won't let him go! He would have to carry her by the waist and trace them to his room and so he did! He grabbed her waist firmly and she held onto him for more support. He traced them to his room, he tried pulling her away from him so he could look at her face but she didn't let him, she added pressure on her hold around his neck with her vampire strength and sent her nose to his neck, taking in that scent on him.....wild flowers mixed with the scent of rain. "Esther! What are you-" his eyes widened and in the next seconds, he growled, pain shooting in his neck and spreading down his spine. She had sunk her fangs deep into his neck and for some strange reasons her fangs were very sharp, much more than his and the pain made him stagger backwards hitting the wall. He couldn't pull her off and she savored on him like never before, he would have to drink a human dry after this. He didn't see this coming, he was totally out of it! What was wrong with her? And his eyes turned pitch black and he finally pinned her down on the floor and looked at her face. Blood dripping down her lips and she licked her lips the most sexy way he had ever seen, he growled at the sight in front of him and he started ripping off her clothes, one after the another glaring at her soul and she smiled widely at him, she had so many plans for the two of them. As he finished taking off her clothes leaving her naked and the cold floor didn't matter, she even grinned widely and swiftly turned the tables down on the king. She also tore up his clothes and he was still in shock, both were using their supernatural abilities. How did she get so better at this? This is making him go crazy and he wants to destroy her whole....

" What! What do you mean by that?" Helena asked fully angered by what her informants told her. She was going to kill somebody! Like now, the informant shivered as she nodded her head continuesly telling the queen that, her husband was with the white haired witch. Witch? Really... isn't Helena more of a witch than the lady? She turned her room upside down out of anger, smashing things in the room and all her maids were scared of her. No one dared to come close to her, she looked terrible with all her make over destroyed with the tears of her's. She just bashed out of her room walking in the direction of the king's quarters, after a lot on the king's room floor, they went into the bathroom and there! Esther was rapped with the king's hands covering her upper body, still holding her nibbles, playing with it slightly and she loved it. The king was expecting his wife to be in pain from their encounter but no! She was just fine, like he was sleeping with a different person altogether. The king as if sensing a presence from the far end of his quarters, he got out of the bathtub and rapped the white towel around his waist, Esther raised a brow at him but he didn't have time to explain his actions and carried her out of the bathtub. Still smiling at her lovely, he picked up a new towel and rapped her in it like a baby with her long hair fell down covering his arm around her and she smiled back. He traced her back in her room at the left wing of the palace and placed her on the bed bouncing on the big bed and for some strange reason both of them laughed, trying their best to control the loudness of it and both had the impact of it, holding the ribs in the process.

"Am not in the mood for quarrels, you know?" The king said as he watched the beautiful wife get dressed into her nightgown, her body still enticing him the more and his bulge increased in the towel. Esther was still focused on fixing her hair when he held her cute waist and pressed his front to her back and she jolted. Her eyes widened with shock, was he going to do that again? Her asked herself and as usual, her inner being shouted ' what do you think!' and she forced to ask him something trying to take their minds of what was going on in their bodies. " Don't do that" he grunted, squeezing her waist to shut her up and he started grinding her, lowering himself to get access to her butt and grind well. His nose and lips stacked on her neck and his hands traveled up to her chest and found her full breasts warmed and waiting for him to squeeze and play with its molds and as if she asked for it, he squeezed her to receive a moan from her.....oh, the way he loved that sound from her, like Melody to his ears which only told him to do more to her body and that's what he did.

Keeping it moving, his left hand slide down her 'V' area and her eyes flew opened and grabbed his hand, the king chuckled and forced his way out of her grib and moved his hand up and down on her clits making her want more and more. As her juices pooled in her under garment and the next second the king found his way into her V, a loud moan escaped her lips again and Esther bit her lower lip not knowing what to do and held on to the dressing table and enjoyed what her mate was doing to her. When he had had enough with the exploring and torture just to get continues orgasm from her, he made her rest on the dressing table and played with her wet cave with the tip of his rod. He realized that something on her had changed again, she was getting smaller than before and he had to pushed it inside her which made her scream her moan. He went in and out of her thrust further and broke her again and he raised one of leg to rest on the table leaving the other standing. Esther's legs shook on the floor, she was about hit her climax and the king followed.....

Prince Austin had organized horse riding contest which the king had agreed to be held on the palace grounds between the royal family and nobles close to the king. He was now a full adolescent and was very smart when it came to winning the hearts of the royal family and the nobles, everyone gathered at the Grand stables and took their seats readying to support for their children of course, they took the opportunity to race against the royal family and with this they could better their relationship with the king and gain his favor. Esther didn't want to attend the games but the king didn't give her a choice, Helena had proposed a punishment for any royal who refused to come with a big smile on her face, she could have dug off the smile on her face if she had it. She stood in front of her mirror and watched her maid making her whole hair into a single braid at her back and she dressed in cream and brown stable wear to match the occasion, when she was done she checked herself again and made her way to the place. The sun didn't show up because someone was messing with it in the palace, the magic was going to last for some time and after that a single touch of the sun on any vampire was going to be real bad. That might not heal, Esther was still walking when her head turned heavy, like she was carrying heavy loads on her head and a shock run down her body making her go side ways almost hitting the flower pot on the corridor if her maids had not held her arms. "Milady, are you okay?" The head maid asked with concern but Esther assured them there was nothing to worry about, when in truth she was feeling bad. When she raised her head her eyes landed on the king in front of them, he was accompanied by Helena and all of his guards and knights in black with their faces covered in Black except for the palace guards, they were in their usual uniform with their faces blanc. Their eyes locked and he realized his mate was not well, he couldn't change what he had said already so he turned to look at Helena and she smiled at him, her grin only widened with what the king was saying to her, Esther knew the king was a sweet talker and the blush on Helena's face sent arrows to Esther's heart and she clutched her dress not wanting to give in. They turned and took the other path to the stables, leaving the annoying couple behind but she was not to sit before the king, she waited until the announcer announced the king's presence before taking her seat. The game was so boring on the side of Esther and her head didn't stop pounding it only became worse with every second that pasted by. She started seeing things again, this time not scary as the attack that took place some weeks ago, she saw this extremely handsome man looking right at her, maybe because of her headache, she taught he was right in front of her smiling at her and his eyes flickered fire before turning red again and before she could ask him something he started walking, showing her his well built up body with black marks, like a drawing of something on his back and half arm. He stood right behind the king looking at the throne and back at her a frown forming on his beautiful features as his eyes went straight to the woman sitting close to the king. He looked like he was going to kill the lady no matter what, he raised his hand and went straight for the neck of Helena but Esther screamed, making everyone look in her direction. She tried to stand up but her feet gave her away and she collapsed to the ground, the king came to her and asked what happened from the maids but they shivered and didn't know what say. His mate was burning up that no one could touch except for the king, he finally got her to her room and the palace physicians entered. They had to bring down her temperature by putting her in iced water, after partially bringing down her temperature they fed her medication and one physician looked shocked, he found it strange, he touched Esther's abdomen again and felt it again. He quickly checked her breathing again, " what is it?" The king roared, he had had enough of it, they should just take their hands off his woman already!!!

" Your majesty, this_ this is strange, I hope my knowledge is telling me right, your majesty..... Queen Esther is pregnant, this is probably the work of the old gods!" He praised, the king was still in a great shock of his life. Was he hearing things? He was going to have a child with his beloved? He kept asking the physicians if he was dreaming, the smile on his face proved that he had received the most shocking news ever in his. A good news....he was to make it great and do alot he thought for her.