

How do I find myself in this situation? Surrounded by five attractive and charismatic men but not what was expected, each one of them is looking at me intensely while waiting for an answer from me and, given the situation, I doubt they would let me leave quietly as if nothing had happened. The worst thing is that I can't even call Karen because she wouldn't believe what's happening to me.

You may wonder how an ordinary woman like me ends up this way, sitting on a couch watching as these five men try not to pounce on me and force an answer out of me. I think I'd better start at the beginning. Maybe that way I can help you understand what's going on. I curse the day I received those concert tickets, as the memories of the day come to mind.

You see it has always been my dream to be a lyricist, regardless of genre, I have always been drawn to the world that writers create and I love how a few words can move the hearts of millions, but now I work for a very small company as an editor and my boss is an old pervert who won't take no for an answer. One day I lost my old notebook where I wrote down all my ideas; I had been looking for it everywhere, preferably in the places where I spend the most time away from work, but with no luck.

I had found myself sitting dejectedly in the cafe that is in the same building as the publishing house where I work, plunging into my misery of not finding my darn notebook; you may ask what is so special about it and that notebook is for my personal use, in it, I had begun to write a little differently from what I usually do and that is that I had managed to write what I consider to be good lyrics. I usually don't write anything like that but I started to experiment a little bit.

"What's wrong Erin?" asks my favorite waiter, Vlad. "I've never seen you like this before."

"It's nothing" I sigh "It's just that I lost the notebook that I use to write down my ideas"

"I hope you find it soon" he says, giving me a sincere smile "Did it have something special?"

"Just some lyrics for some songs" I comment looking out the window "At least it wasn't some manuscript from work" I laugh bitterly.

"Are you a lyricist?" he asks, very surprised and I don't blame him. Nobody knows about this hobby I have, well only my furry roommate.

"It's more of a hobby than something formal," I say quietly. "After all, I'm not a professional.

"I'm sorry..." says Vlad, but his face shows some nervousness "I wish I could do something to cheer you up. I think this might work".

He puts on the table two tickets for the Schimäre concert, and they don't seem to be just any tickets.

"I got them from a friend, besides that today is my last day," he said after he saw my astonishment

"Are you leaving?" I ask in astonishment because I always saw him working in this cafe with a sincere smile.

"Yes, I put my resignation" there is a certain emptiness in his look "I'm going to miss seeing you in this cafe" and with that, he returns behind the counter.

That was not the only unusual thing that happened that day, receiving free tickets to one of the most expensive concerts in Munich and that would be on the same day. Obviously, I invited my best friend to accompany me to the concert as she is one of her fans. Not that I have anything against the group, just with the worries of work I haven't had time to even watch the news.

During the concert, Karen told me a lot about Schimäre and its members. Leon Müller, son of the owner of one of the most important banks in Europe. Gerard Frost, the Prince, son of the president of the largest modeling company in Germany, and creator of one of the most famous clothing lines in Europe. Frederick "Fred" Wagner, the actor, has been in major productions in Europe and his biggest dream is to act in a Hollywood movie. Raymond "Ray" Becker, the youngest one, choreographer of the group, a recognized designer, and a real Cassanova. Axel Jäger, the Leader, and composer of the group. Many know that they make collaborations with other composers for their songs, but almost 98% of their songs are composed by Axel, who also composes for other artists.

What caught my attention was the song with which they closed the concert, the lyrics sound so familiar to me that I was so distracted that Karen had to wake me up to call my attention.

"Is something wrong?" she asked me, and who wouldn't do it when you look like stupid with your mouth wide open for a song?

"It's nothing" I try not to feel bad lying to her "It's just that that song reminds me a lot of a manuscript I'm reviewing recently" not so much a manuscript...But a song I wrote! Believe me when I tell you that I was one step away from hyperventilating. Unfortunately, the night was ruined when I met my boss after the concert.

"Look who we have here. Erin, how rare to see her at these events"

"Mr. Zeke" that nasty smile he has and that shows when he has something perverse in mind "How are you?" I mumble trying NOT to hide my discontent and for him to go.

"Who is it?" Karen asks me.

"The guy who gives me my salary" I whisper down so he doesn't hear me "He's a little eccentric, but don't worry, just stay away from him"

Zeke comes up to me, patting me on the shoulder, inviting me and Karen to an after-party at a hotel near the concert location; for obvious reasons I wanted to decline but Karen was so excited that I couldn't say no.

"I just hope she doesn't try anything, again" I think with displeasure as I follow my boss to that darn party. It's not that I hate my boss, I just hate that he tries to get me into his bed, the idiot won't take no for an answer. However, I can't do anything about it if he doesn't block me with other companies, which would affect not only my work but also my dream.

We arrived at the salon and it was full of famous and wealthy people, I literally started to feel out of place as I watched everyone in their outfits, which at first glance you can tell are haute couture, and I was only wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. What else did you expect? I wasn't planning on going to the concert, nor to an after-party! Karen didn't stop looking at every one of the people there until her eyes fell on the members of Schimäre.

One by one they advanced from the entrance as people opened the way for them, literally looking like the Red Sea crossing as they went through the crowd. My boss was not at all impressed, he began to approach my ear, under the pretext of not being able to hear anything because of the music, which curiously was at a moderate volume.

"We should talk about the last manuscript you sent us," he says as he puts his hand on my shoulder, trying not to let my face reflect the disgust I was feeling at the time and not to let the smell of alcohol make me dizzy.

I try to look for Karen with my eyes, who is supposed to be by my side, but the very energetic one is close to the crowd watching the guys who recently finished their concert, damn...lucky me.

"You know, I'd like you to work with me," he says as his hand goes down my back, I try to suppress the occasional retching but mostly the desire to beat him up for daring.

You see, my boss is the editor-in-chief, of the publisher I work for; all the time he spends between winning new clients and having dinner with the writers while they discuss new manuscripts to be delivered on the deadline, so it's understood that he's a lonely old bachelor with no one waiting for him at home; only the next victim to warm his bed in search of a promotion.

"Yes, I see a lot of potential in you," he said to me while his hand tries to "subtly" pass from my back to my leg "Come to my room and we'll discuss it, we're both adults so you know what I mean"

Now, before you start with your "Don't be silly" "It's for a promotion, just do it" or "It's not like you're a virgin rookie to get scared" comments, know that I've been in this business for four years so I know how "promotions" work; I don't need to be getting involved with anyone just for a promotion when I know I'm more than capable of it compared to many of Zeke's victims. However, I know that if he wants to, he can fire me right now with some excuse that I know everyone will believe, even if it's just a lie.

"Mr. Zeke, I would appreciate it if you would stop approaching me with such intentions all the time," I mumble to him, trying not to increase my anger any further. "This is not the first time I remind you that this is not the kind of professional behavior of an editor-in-chief.

"Stop playing the self-righteous," he says to me, this time putting his dirty hand on my thigh, far above what I will ever feel comfortable with. "You know what happens when they don't do what I want, you want to lose your job for not following my instructions?".

I try to get him "nicely" away from me but every time I do he comes up to me abruptly, I know that I can't get him away from me as I would like to, at the point of blows if necessary but I value my job, so I try to do it as professionally as possible.

"Will you come on your own or will I have to take you by force?" this time he grabs me by the wrist trying to take me against my will.

You see, I'm not just a simple damsel waiting for a gentleman to stand in front of her and save her from any danger; both my father and my older brother taught me for years to protect myself in cases like this, and let me tell you that I can really defend myself very well, but if there's one thing I've learned, it's also that I should avoid it as much as possible, especially in situations where my income would be at great risk.

I only inhale deeply to avoid getting angry, my father usually tells my brother and me that when I get angry I usually have the same aggressive character as my mother, so I try to let go as subtly as I can at that moment.

"I tell him many times that I am not interested," I repeat and try to get him to let go of my wrist, but it seems that the alcohol he has been drinking has already affected him because he holds my wrist more tightly; making it hurt a little.

"I think he's already starting to get exasperated because he's trying to move me out of place, but the grip on my wrist is starting to loosen.

"I said let go!" At that moment, I managed to free myself from his grip, but the drunkenness of his grip did not stabilize, and he managed to crash into the person behind him. For my bad luck, with Raymond Jäger the choreographer and youngest member of Schimäre; my night could not get any worse.

"Excuse me" I say without really showing much remorse, I say I am not the one who has gone too far. "It seems that the gentleman has drunk too much" however there is something else that calls my attention, it is a wig.

With a certain disgust, I stare at the wig trying to know whose it is while I pass my gaze to the two men in front of me; I can say it can't be Raymond's because he's still young and doesn't seem to need it with such professionally cared hair, while I pass my gaze to my boss and manage to see that part of his head where he really needs a lot of hair.

By this time the commotion Zeke has brought upon himself has made almost everyone at the party turn to look at us and whisper about his bald head.

"How dare you make fun of me," he shouts in anger as his face turns red with fury and he raises his hand in a gesture to hit me. Is he really crazy to hit a woman in front of the celebrities and paparazzi present? But before his hand touches my face another hand stops him.

"I didn't think you'd hit a woman, Zeke," says a voice behind him. As he turns his gaze and begins to shout insults, his face pales in comparison.

"A-Axel, it's not what you think," well who would say, saved by the Leader of Schimäre.

"If raising your hand to hit a woman is not what it looks like, then I think you have gone too drunk again," she says without even seeing me.

"Well says the saying: Old dog does not learn new tricks" says another voice behind me, it was Gerald Wager. "I don't think it's a good idea to draw any more attention to your wig." It seems that all the members of Schimäre are present.

"Don't think you've been saved just because this group of singers came to your rescue," Zeke tells me, turning red with courage. You'll learn the hard way how this works in my world".

The truth is I didn't give it much importance, throughout my life I have come across people who talk more than they do and usually end up with their tails between their legs. However, even though it was none of their business they kept the situation from escalating and as my father would say, favors are appreciated.

"I am very sorry for what you have just witnessed" I sincerely say, I don't think that anyone in their right mind would have liked to see an old man with a bald head and a drunkard trying to get a hold of his subordinate. "Thank you for keeping me from getting hit".

"It was nothing" this time Leon spoke "We could not stand idly by when a man pretends to hit a woman"

"Although it was rare that the leader arrived before us" you can hear Ray's voice, despite being the youngest, his voice is unique.

"It was nothing" answers Axel after a moment of silence without even looking at me, well it's not that I'm dying for him to see me.

"Erin!" Karen's frantic voice makes me look away from the group of men in front of me. I'm sorry I left you alone..."

"Don't worry" I try not to make her feel bad about going to see her favorite "It didn't get any bigger" what I really want is to be in my bed with a cup of tea and a good book...

"Erin..." Frederick's voice of surprise, which matches what his face reflects, brings me back to the reality of where I am.

"Weren't you in the center row in front of the stage?" Raymond asks me, also surprised

"Yes?" don't criticize me, I didn't respond with sarcasm but tried to understand how they knew where we were at the concert

"How did they know where we were?" Karen asks excitedly; I swear, I still don't understand what's happening now.

"We just couldn't forget the faces of two pretty girls". I swear that in that moment I see rainbows and butterflies of how sweet Gerald talked to us at that moment, that was a moment that left me speechless.

"Ok?" I don't really know whether to believe what he's telling us or just go with the flow, I just know that Karen is about to pass out from the excitement.

"We have to go, there's a little performance we have to do" as he spoke, Raymond dispelled what seemed to be a tense atmosphere that was beginning to feel "See you later" and everyone went their own way.

"Karen, it's been a long day" I really start to feel the tiredness taking over my body "I think it's time for us to go"

When we left the hotel we did not meet Zeke so we could have a quiet retreat, when we arrived at the lobby to pick up our coats the receptionist arrived and she was very agitated.

"Excuse me, are you Erin Richter?" when I look at her again I see that she has a room card in her hands.

"Would you be so kind as to follow me? There is a message for you" she says again, insisting a little

"It looks like the key to a suite" murmurs Karen "Go! I can call a cab from here"


"Go now!" he interrupts me giving me a push. My best friend is really unique.

"Please" interrupts the receptionist "There's no time to waste, they're waiting for you"

Seeing that the receptionist is not going to give me any more information, I take the elevator to the floor where the blessed suite is located; I don't really know who or why they gave me this key "Mother, you know I don't like to get into trouble" I think sighing to heaven trying to imagine what she would say to me. When I open the door I can really see the magnitude and eccentricity of the suite and that very few could afford even one night in it...Ah, rich people...What really impressed me was to see four of the Schimäre boys standing in the center of the room, they had their arms crossed and the atmosphere of the place was not at all pleasant.

"You took too long" says a voice behind my back giving me a little push to enter the room

"I'm sorry" I say sincerely, because I can't understand the situation "I think I've been given the wrong key..."

"Erin Richter" says again seriously now recognizing the voice of Leon Müller "Come in at once" and pushes me back into the room.

I really don't understand what's going on, I don't know if I've been mistaken for someone else or if I've really got the wrong room; I just know that nothing like this has ever happened to me before in my life.

"Will you come in and stop making us wait!" Gerald's arrogant voice brings my mind back to reality; what I assumed he is only the Prince on stage.

"Gerald, that's not the way to treat a lady," says Raymond trying to get me away from him. "I can treat you like a princess," he says flirtatiously, letting his forefinger run gently over my face. Which makes me very angry.

"Get that finger out of my face before I send you to the hospital with a broken bone," if this was some kind of joke of his it was really in bad taste. But at least he got the message because he walks away from me with his hands in the air, giving up.

"It seems that if there is a woman you can't seduce," I hear the voice of my savior in the Zeke incident. "Gentlemen, let's get straight to business."

"Business with me?" At this point I really don't know how to react or what to think.

"You see," Leon spoke again. "We want you to tell us where Eckard is right now".

"Who?" I am already more lost than a compass without the needles.

"Eckard Rauch" says Axel seriously "Will you deny that you know him?"

"I really have no idea who you are talking about" I answer honestly, it doesn't sound at all familiar.

"Wait," interrupts Raymond. "Weren't you in row B, center, seat 47?

"How the hell...?"

"We know you were there tonight," interrupts Frederick, who has remained silent until now. "How else could you have gotten those tickets if you don't know Eckard?

"Look, I don't like to go around making any kind of joke" I explain to them as calmly as I can. "Those tickets were given to me by Vlad, who works in the café I frequent".

The boys looked at me as if I had grown a second head and this one was a male version, they looked at each other and again put their eyes on me; I'm starting to get nervous.

"This...Vlad" speaks Leon after a while "Does he have blond hair and light eyes and the character of an angel?

At this point, the questions seemed more and more absurd and I really didn't know what to think anymore, the only thing I was sure of was that if I wanted to get out of here I had to answer every question they had.

"His physical appearance is just as you describe it" I answered "But he seemed to have some kind of injury in his leg because of the way he walked, in terms of character I can confirm that I have never met a kinder man than him".

Leon did not respond, but Axel's look said it all: concern and remorse.

"His real name is Eckard" said Axel "And if he has an injury on his leg that we need him to heal..."

"Wait," I interrupted, "Vlad, I say, Eckard, are you a member of the group?" I was still amazed.

"She doesn't seem to know the truth," said Ray, who for the first time seemed very serious.

"She's a spy!" Gerald said coldly. "How can we be sure she doesn't have Eckard kidnapped?

I really can't stand him, for a Prince he leaves a lot to be desired. Would his fans be disappointed to learn the true nature of this guy?

"If I didn't even know who you were until today," I told him while glaring at him, "How can I kidnap someone who identifies with another name?

"Gerald, we don't have time for nonsense," interrupted Leon seriously. "Erin, we have a proposal that you can't refuse even if you want to".

"I don't know why I'm getting the shivers" I muttered, looking away and not that I was afraid...who I'm kidding. I was more than terrified!

"You should be afraid," Gerald whispered, intending for me to hear it.

"Get a grip!" Frederick lazily interrupted.

"If you would stop interrupting we could be finished soon!" We all turned to see Leon without hesitation.

Now I understand why Karen told me he was the leader in the shadows, that authoritarian, but at the same time charming, attitude rivals that of Axel. There was total silence in the room that you could hear when a needle was falling.

"As she said," she continued, clearing her throat and taking a folder in her hands, "We have a proposal that, even if you wanted to, you can't refuse.

"The person you knew as Vlad is Eckard Rauch" Axel took up what they were previously trying to explain "Not only is he a member of the group but he is also our lyricist who is currently suffering from an injury".

"That I understand" I interrupted his explanation, "But what does that have to do with me?"

"We saw your reaction in the last song of the concert" answered Leon

"How else would you expect me to react as those lyrics are mine!" I began to despair that they were not clear.

"That's why you're here," Gerald answers me, who for the first time speaks neutrally.

"Erin Richter" says Leon very seriously. "From this moment on you are our lyricist".

And that's how I find myself in this situation, believe me, I want to run like crazy from the suite and go to a place where they can't find me...wait I haven't done anything wrong against them, but I don't know why they insist so much!

"If you can hear me, mother," I think, trying to hide how fast my heart is beating "Tell me this isn't real"