
Married to the mafia king

What happens when Jennifer Ace is sold to the mafia king by her parent's to pay off their debt by serving him and along there way she discovers that she is also part of the mafia bloodline....

Snow_Diamond · Urban
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15 Chs

Married to the mafia king


''Jennie go and pack all your books from today onwards you will be staying at my house."

''But Mr Vincent she can't stay with you because...," my father's words were cut short by Vincent's cold look.

''Mr Ace as far as i remember i told you that i will take Jennie away from here only with her permission."

''Mr Vincent please pardon me but what did this foolish girl tell you for you to stand up for her like this."

''Mr Ace sir i can see that you don't need your tongue anymore but i don't mind doing the honours of cutting your tongue for you."

''What do you mean Mr Vincent Sir."

''I told you that you don't have the right to call my wife foolish or stupid but I wonder who is foolish between me and you."

''I don't understand Mr Vincent ,What do you mean? ."

''Like i said before Jennie is my wife and if you humiliate her it's the same as humiliating me."

''So as i was saying we will ask Jennie right know if she wants to come with me."

''Jennie,"Vincent said with a smile at that very moment I looked at my father and he was shocked for some reason."

''Yes Vincent."My father was behind Vincent and he was busy telling me to call him Mr Vincent but i ignored him."

''So Jennie do you agree to my proposal or not."

''Yes,"She nodded her head with a smiling face i turned to look at her father and he was shocked."

''Mr Ace like i said I will only take Jennie from here with her permission and since she has agreed she is know my wife."

''Jennie let's go and pack your things ,"Vincent held out his hand.

''I put my little hand in his hand and lead him to my small room."

''So is this your room,"Vincent asked

''Yeah,"My mom and dad bought me here when i was 4years old and ever since then i have been staying here."