
Married to the general's son

"Miss Claire ." The receptionist beckoned as she led someone behind towards her cubicle , " you have a visitor." The lady smiled. Claire cursed the smile in her heart as she shifted her gaze towards the said visitor. "Hi .." Linda waved her hands and without invitation sat down opposite her. "Hello." Claire manages a grim smile. God help her . She offered a prayer in her heart . " Are you surprised to see me ?, " Linda cocked a smile. Folding her hands across her chest, she crossed her legs and looked at Claire smugly ." I would go straight to the point ." Claire nodded her head wearily. " You still remembered my brother's debut that would be coming up in two days time? " Claire breathed out with a sigh . Oh , thank God, she whispered in her heart . That was too close . Nodding her head vigorously , Claire replied , " yes I do ." With a satisfied nod , Linda continued "okay good . Then don't go ." "Yes - what!?" Claire eyed her as her brows creased in confusion, " isn't it taking place anymore?" ..... you ........... Claire Scott has been a devoted staff member in one of the top 3 best companies in the state . She did her job quietly and diligently without bringing much attention to herself but one day , just one meeting changed the whole story . She's now being contracted as a wife by the company's only heir . How would she go about it ?, and more importantly, he already has a girlfriend, someone of his class . What would Claire do ??...

ken_marvel · Urban
Not enough ratings
51 Chs

Chapter twenty

When Kelvin came back he was surprised to see that Claire was still awake . she turned around when he entered the sitting room.

"You're not in bed ?" he asked with a frown .


He stared at her for some minutes and left for his room .Claire also stood up and went to her room .






All the staff members of MBW gathered together in the company's hall for a brief meeting with their boss .they were wondering what the meeting was all about.as soon as Kelvin walked in, the hall quietened a if a Demi god had just descended.

"I called this meeting because",he started with his deep solo voice," I would like this company to have a new shape and look ."

"first I thank everyone for their efforts in this company and I wish you continue that way .starting from the interns here for training,I would like to have a record of each person from the day you started till the day your training would be over ."

"and also ....." he continued.he talked and admonished.he relayed to them his idea of a new face for the company.they were surprised but also pleased with his idea and began to work on it .

Every staff member of MBW would have an identity card which would be used to identity them .anyone who doesn't have it would resign. they accepted the new rule and introduction and disperse back to their offices.those in charge of printing the cards went in full force to complete it before the end of the week .

Claire went to her office and began to forward each staff's data to the designing management. as the head of the Secretary department,the information had to pass through her before reaching it's final bus stop .

The door opened and someone came in .Claire barely raised her head up from her system as she murmured a greeting.

"Is that how you welcome a visitor in this company?". the audacity of the voice made her to lift her head in speed as she stared at the lady in confusion and surprise.

" What's this woman doing here today ?" Claire asked herself. Linda felt humiliated with the attitude of the Secretary and annoyingly brushed pass her .

"Kelvin what sort of Secretary did you employed that couldn't even welcome a guest?". she thundered immediately she entered his office.

Kelvin looked up from his laptop briefly and returned back to it .

"Kelvin I'm talking to you." she huffed .

"please sit down Linda and stop distracting me ."he waved to the cushion closed to her .

Linda snort and sat down as she pulled out her bottled water and drank from it to calm her nerves.

"what got you so busy ?" she eyed him as she bite down on her lips.

"I'm working on a new project. so everyone in this company is pretty busy that's why the Secretary didn't organized a welcoming party for you ." he said sarcastically.

Linda narrowed her eyes at him and snort as she stood up and went to his side.

"You're really busy indeed.." she smiled mischievously. Kelvin pinched the skin between his brows as he took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Will you help me out?". He also asked mischievously.

"of course I would," she gave him a sly smile and put her hands on his shoulder blade," I would help out by giving you a satisfying spa ." she whispered into his ear as she gave him a light squeeze on his shoulders. Kelvin hummed in response with his eyes closed and she smiled.

"Should I ?". she bent closer and blew on his cheeks.

Kelvin was about to answer when the door burst open and the shocked Claire gasp in horror and quickly spun around.

"What is it ?!" Kelvin roared which made her to stop in her tracks .

"I ...I ..." she stammered.

Linda who was already annoyed with her previously was agitated. she storm towards her and pulled her by the arm roughly.

"Don't you have a common respect?" her eyes flared.

" Weren't you taught on how to knock before barging into someone's - not even anyone but your CEO'S office ?". she spat irritately. she was boiling inside as the girl had spoiled her show and deplated her efforts.

"Leave her be Linda ",Kevin said ," What is it ?" his voice rose a little.

" Sir you have a call from one of the supporting partners but they wouldn't want to pass the message to me saying that it was urgent and they have to speak with you ." she trembled as her lips quivered," and ...and ..I forgot to knock due to apprehension." she fiddled with her fingers .

Kelvin blew out a breath and ticked his jaw .

"Alright you may leave ."

"Huh?". Linda looked at him in shock.

"Kelvin ?". she was surprised that he dismissed her just like that without firing or suspending her .

"Kelvin you can't keep someone like her here .it's bad for the company's reputation."

"Don't tell me what to do with my staff ." he hissed and stood up taking his jacket he said ,

"let's go ."

Claire was shaking inside out as she sat on her seat .she tried to comprehend the scene which she had just witnessed. no wonder the lady always dress and act anyhow , she was his girlfriend. then why didn't he get married to her . Claire felt bittered and used .

Was she this cheap that someone could tease and toss anyhow ?. her heart squeezed at the thought of it .

"Kelvin ..." , she chuckled bitterly, "just for a little while..." she consoled her self .