
Married to the general's son

"Miss Claire ." The receptionist beckoned as she led someone behind towards her cubicle , " you have a visitor." The lady smiled. Claire cursed the smile in her heart as she shifted her gaze towards the said visitor. "Hi .." Linda waved her hands and without invitation sat down opposite her. "Hello." Claire manages a grim smile. God help her . She offered a prayer in her heart . " Are you surprised to see me ?, " Linda cocked a smile. Folding her hands across her chest, she crossed her legs and looked at Claire smugly ." I would go straight to the point ." Claire nodded her head wearily. " You still remembered my brother's debut that would be coming up in two days time? " Claire breathed out with a sigh . Oh , thank God, she whispered in her heart . That was too close . Nodding her head vigorously , Claire replied , " yes I do ." With a satisfied nod , Linda continued "okay good . Then don't go ." "Yes - what!?" Claire eyed her as her brows creased in confusion, " isn't it taking place anymore?" ..... you ........... Claire Scott has been a devoted staff member in one of the top 3 best companies in the state . She did her job quietly and diligently without bringing much attention to herself but one day , just one meeting changed the whole story . She's now being contracted as a wife by the company's only heir . How would she go about it ?, and more importantly, he already has a girlfriend, someone of his class . What would Claire do ??...

ken_marvel · Urban
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51 Chs

Chapter fifteen


Swallowing the hard lump in her throat, Clare pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Don't be tensed ," Mr Ben held her hand ," I only called you here for a chat ." He smiled .

Breathing out , Claire offered him a small smile . Seeing that she had loosened up a little , Mr Ben's smile grew wider .

" How did you find it here - be sincere ."

" A-hem ." Claire coughed as she shifted her gaze elsewhere.

"Ehm ....."

"I'm waiting ..." Mr Ben said as his eyes crinkled by the side .

Smiling sheepishly Claire replied,

" It has been good General Ben ."

"Just good ?" He raised his brows .

Claire nodded .

"Awwn ," he pouted ," I was thinking that you would say it has been boring and quiet ." He stared at her suspiciously .

"Ah - no ," Claire frantically shook her head and waved her hands .

"It has been awesome Mr Ben ..."

"And I've been taking swimming lessons ."

Surprised Mr Ben asked " really?"

"Yes ." She nod .

"In that case ," he clapped and laughed heartily, " I don't have anything to worry about ." He appeared relieved.

Claire's stomach grumbled immediately the maid brought in the food , that was when she remembered that she had not eaten anything after her class had ended.

How could she eat when uncertain feelings of fear settled on her bossom?...

Turning towards her father in-law, she smiled apologizingly and rubbed her nose .

They discussed other things and a different topic while eating.

"I'm very sorry for the loss . " Mr Ben apologized tenderly after finding out about her family. He even looked at her more resolvingly than before .

Claire smiled as she took in a breath and continued her food . After the lunch was over , she excused herself and went back to her room.

The next morning, Claire was welcomed with the worried face of her coach. Her brows furrowed, she wondered what was wrong with her . Looking at her once more , she hurriedly approached her.

"Thank goodness ," Mrs Dorris hastily stood up and went to Claire.

" Mrs Dorris -"

"Hope there's no problem Ma'am?" Mrs Dorris held her hands as she looked up expectantly.

Stunned, Claire double blinked as the action of the old woman left her speechless.

" Mrs - Mrs Dorris ," she withdrawn her hands back to her side and gave her a big smile.

"I'm really fine..."

"It was just to bound with my father in-law ."

Mrs Dorris smiled and nodded. She was relieved that the young woman was not in any sort of danger .


" Azra ..." Izly called as she bent to pick up a bucket and mop stick.

" Is there anything I can do for you ?" Azra asked when she came out as she wipe her wet hands on her dress.

Glaring at the rudeness of the young maid , Izly sneered

"Go and answer the door ." She marched away with the bucket and mop stick.

Tilting her head, Azra shrugged and went to the door.

"Yes -" Her eyes rounded.

What is the general's daughter doing here ?.

She rubbed her eyes to clarify if she was seeing or imagining things .

Ever since she started working here for Master Kelvin, the only family member that had visited him was his father and it was twice due to some pressing issues. One was to inspect the maids and the other was to fire a maid for her ill manner and service .

No one else visited except when there is a grave matter . Azra wondered which one was it this time .

"Where is Claire ?" The thundering voice of the lady brought her back to earth.

"Hum ... the Madam ?, She's at the pool ."

Furrowing her brows ,she asked confusedly," pool ?" Daisy wondered what she was doing by this time of the day at the pool.

"Ah- ," Azra slapped her forehead," forgive me ... she's taking lessons."

Daisy arched a brow " hmm .." she turn around and left.

"Phew ." The poor girl exhaled as she closed the door when Daisy was out of reach. Only God knows how long she held her breath all throughout the conversation.

She thought that someone had committed an offense in this side of the wing .

But wait .... Azra paused and turned back to look at the door again.

"Why was she looking for Claire .." she asked herself. Yesterday was the general's, today was his daughter's own. It look suspicious... she wondered what the Madam has done.

Azra shook her head . She just prayed for Claire's safety.


"One ..two ...yes .. just like that ." Mrs Dorris instructed .

"Am I doing it well Mrs Dorris ?" Claire said as she moved in the water .

Smiling tenderly at the young woman, Mrs Dorris said ,

" Oh yes dear .."

"You are doing it just fine ."

"Very soon you would be an expert ."

Claire laughed ."Mrs Dorris ."

" Yes honey , you are born to do great things ." The old woman said with all seriousness. Not everyone catches things fast the way Claire does .

"Stop flattering me ." Claire pout .

The sharp sound of steps that got closer made the two women to stop their chit chat and turned around to see who was that .

Claire swam to the stairs of the pool and sat on it ,she craned her neck to see who it was .

" Mrs Dorris ..."

Her eyes widen as she sucked in a breath . What is she doing here ?,Claire asked herself.

. Daisy looked around and when she caught sight of Claire , she smiled .

"Hi ." She said as she moved towards her .

Composing herself as she removed the float on her , Claire responded with a smile.

"Good morning."