
Married to the devil.

she was just a maid in the palace, out for revenge on the royal family. she seduce the prince and makes him fell in love with her, but the story went the other way round when she started having feelings for him, but demon hate witches and she is a witch.

kudz · Fantasy
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5 Chs

chapter three: Awake.

"you spare her life and even let her lay on your bed, does her spare really affect us that much? the demon asked.

Lucifer rolled her eyes and in take a deep breath, she looked up at the creation sleeping sounding, she look so beautiful, he knew witches are full of trick, and he had never fell for any of it, but why are tricks?



" I can't believe the crown prince let that witches go. Leon said sounding so upset, he was Lucifer personal guard, he knew how much his master hate witches very much. But sparing her was something he could not understand. He had never for once let a witch go, even do it a baby.

" Am sure he cast a spell on our master. " Lora said.


Did you really think anyone can cast a spell on our master? Leon asked.

Am sure she cast a spell on the crown prince, for him to have spare her life.



Rowan grunt out in pain with her hand place on her forehead, she could not remember much of what happened, she lowly opened her eyes and all view the surrounding founding herself in a dark room with a tiny light that could makes one to see.

The room looks so fancy, and she tell it for a prince.


She called out trying to sit up, but very inches of her body hurts, and now her memories was coming together, now she remember what happened, she remember her coven been wipe out. She remember been chased by some allies, she remember felling into a pit, she remember been capture and being dragged in the market square, she remember everything now.

She grasp and race towards the mirror staring at her own image in the mirror, she touches her face, then sigh with a great relief.

"Am alive.

She said to her self breathing harshly, Her spell really works, the crown prince really let her go. She had managed to get into her mind. " She can't believe her spell work, in the coven, she was knew to be a useless witch, she had ever gets her spell right but always mess up with everything or even makes thing worse but for the first time. Her spell works perfectly.

" I did it.

She said to herself and a smiles spare on her lips, if she had manage to get into the prince head, she can actually defeat him and makes him paid for what he had done to his people,She was the only surviving witch. That was great and now she get her spell right and all she could think of now was revenge.

" You are awake!!

She grasp hearing a calm voice, looking around, she could see a figure of a man hidden behind the dark, She swallow hard and says a spell then light appears in her hand.

" Who are you?

She asked taking a step closer to him, she does not seem to be scared of him, she only look curious to knew the man standing in the dark. The crown prince who had taken away her own family and destroy their covens, she was curious to know the devil who had taken her mother soul.

She heard the rumours saying he looks like a beast with a horn, she had his hand was like claws, She had heard the rumours of him ripping peoples saying he could ripe out peoples heart with his bare hands.

She knew he was a blood sucker, so sucking a witch blood could be tasteless in his mouth because he hate witches.

" Your spell really work perfectly. He said with a smile at the corner of his lips.

" who are you?

I spare your life, you should be grateful. " He told her.


She rolled her eye, she can never be grateful to the one who killed her people especially her mother. He killed her right in front of her.

The light suddenly went off and all the sudden he was standing in front of her, He was too closed to her, looking into her eyes with a smile.

" I know what to do with you? He said smiling at her.

What??? " She rolled her eyes.

I never knew why I spare your life. He said and she swallow hard looking into his eyes. So now that you are awake am glad.

" What did you want from me? She asked acting so innocent.

I want you.

She glance at him and rolled her eyes.

You are now my personal maid little witch. He told her.

Rowan see it as an opportunity to have her revenge, how on earth will she refused this great offer, she can never says no to it.

" yes.

Why been too forward? She said to herself and shook her head pulling backward, she is a witch and walking in the mist of vampire could sure put her life at stake, but She will be working for him alone no one else, a chance to kill him.


Rowan nodded her head and quickly look away.

Follow me.

He said leaving and she quickly followed him behind.

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